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Is my sentinel capable of this combat?


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I leveled my sage initially then worked on my sentinel up to level 50. While doing dailies on my sage I was able to beat the mobs in the heroic 2+ called A lesson is Learned. I could stasis the gold npc and take out the two silvers then attack the gold as a solo.

I would like to know if my sentinel is capable of beating the same mobs? If so, please explain how to keep the gold npc off me long enough to beat the other two silvers or post another strat , I don't know if I am missing something or if the sentinel is not able to beat this kind of mob grouping.

my spec is combat damage at 3/35/3 with average armor rating of 116-128. Normally I use Doc as my companion.

Im open to suggestions including changing to watchman if needed.

Edited by cfcstl
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Use awe and then rebuke when you land, this gives you 6 seconds with just one of the silvers attacking you. Then when he is down pacifiy the strong, kill the other silver and if you are still in trouble you have several cooldowns like force stasis, saber ward, guarded by the force if necessary. Also use doc for this, i put him on medwatch and turn off carbonized stream to get more heals.


Being too lazy myself to kill all the mobs, I pop force camo and free the first 2 sets of hostages from stealth, destroying the cannister as well and run out of the area if i draw aggro and come back in. If you do this you can stealth past the first champ, clear the other mobs, except for the second champ, who you stealth up to, free the hostage/destroy cannister run to the first champ and destroy the cannister and then get out of there. Bit of a time saver.

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