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[Suggestion] How to run a test server: 101


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1.) Create a copy tool so the customer can create a copy on their own. If this tool does not grant an immediate copy, the customer will be emailed when the copy occurs. The current process is downright terrible.


2.) In game, give the customer a tool/gui so their toon can be editted.

- Allows for levels to be increased or decreased.

- Allows for credits to be granted.

- Allows respecs.


This ain't that hard guys. This is how other games do it. I have no clue why on earth you are making it THIS painful for your customers to test. You're lucky we do it for you, we shouldn't have to go thru all this mess just to help fix your game.


Your're welcome.

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They should also hold your hand when you cross the road and wipe your *** after a a dump.


In other words: QQ


What? You like the current system of go to a third party site, fill out a form, log in 200 times, character isn't there, patch goes live and you didn't test? LOL!


Look, this is how other games do it too. It's not qq, Mr Fanboi.

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1.) Create a copy tool so the customer can create a copy on their own. If this tool does not grant an immediate copy, the customer will be emailed when the copy occurs. The current process is downright terrible.


2.) In game, give the customer a tool/gui so their toon can be editted.

- Allows for levels to be increased or decreased.

- Allows for credits to be granted.

- Allows respecs.


This ain't that hard guys. This is how other games do it. I have no clue why on earth you are making it THIS painful for your customers to test. You're lucky we do it for you, we shouldn't have to go thru all this mess just to help fix your game.


Your're welcome.


2.) It's a really bad idea, you are creating special situations and thus devs don't know if bugs are general or created by the edition process.


Example ? the current character copy tool and augments. It seems some people lose their augments, is it a bug from the code handling augments or from the code of the copy tool ?

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They should also let you download the test client to another HDD. some of us have very limited space on our SSD's and it would be real helpful to be able to do this.



Update Got a work around to this problem.


I was able to copy my entire swtor folder to another HDD, then launch the game from that drive and i was able to install a test copy on that drive. then i get to test. but it would been a lot easier if bioware would have created a copy tool

Edited by Snakeyees
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2.) In game, give the customer a tool/gui so their toon can be editted.

- Allows for levels to be increased or decreased.

- Allows for credits to be granted.

- Allows respecs.



Your're welcome.


they can just add that.

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I don't know of any MMO'S that allow testers to do this.


Just as he described it? I don't either, but Ultima On-line essentially allowed this capability on their test servers over 15 years ago. DAoC, also similar capability. Both let you create a character, get auto-leveled (/set Magery 100, anyone?), and geared. In UO you could change specs on the fly (I don't remember if you could do that in DAoC but I suspect you could).


Apparently it's not that hard.

Edited by Pedra
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Just as he described it? I don't either, but Ultima On-line essentially allowed this capability on their test servers over 15 years ago. DAoC, also similar capability. Both let you create a character, get auto-leveled (/set Magery 100, anyone?), and geared. In UO you could change specs on the fly (I don't remember if you could do that in DAoC but I suspect you could).


Apparently it's not that hard.


Age of Conan had a character editor, City of Heroes had a copy tool.


Testing was a breeze...

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1.) Create a copy tool so the customer can create a copy on their own. If this tool does not grant an immediate copy, the customer will be emailed when the copy occurs. The current process is downright terrible.


2.) In game, give the customer a tool/gui so their toon can be editted.

- Allows for levels to be increased or decreased.

- Allows for credits to be granted.

- Allows respecs.


This ain't that hard guys. This is how other games do it. I have no clue why on earth you are making it THIS painful for your customers to test. You're lucky we do it for you, we shouldn't have to go thru all this mess just to help fix your game.


Your're welcome.


Ok, this is an update/beta testing server, NOT an alpha test server. Testing like you're referring to generally occurs on the development side by paid testers, not by individuals who volunteer to test simply because they like the game and hope it improves or want to see updates first.

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