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True Test of PvP Skill


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I'm not sure where the OP was going with this or what the purpose would be. No one has the denied that a class can't be made viable by a skilled player. The problem is that some classes pretty much require a far above average player to be viable, even in an enviroment filled with only average skilled players.


And rolling an OP *smh*. Try a sage instead. Ops'es arent on top of the "things to kill" list and you have a get out of jail card with stealth.

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I've been having great success as full Scrapper Scoundrel now that I have perfect gear. The only upgrade left is getting all the datacrons, because I really don't feel like tromping around every goddamn planet, and finding someone who can craft Skill Armoring 26 for my augmented orange belt and bracers that I have had sitting in cargo since 1.2
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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


Operative is fine ! play a mercenary/commando dps then come back here and say everything is fine.

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