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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sub-par graphics


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Also AA and high rez textures haven't been put into the game yet.


Lmao, seriously, where do you get the idea there are other higher res textures coming. This is it; we hear this same lame nonsense with every game release, the rumours that higher rez is not available during beta, or they did not include them to save on download size and will offer them later.


As for aa it is already supported in the game code, you can manually edit the ini to re enable it, or force it on in drivers, Bioware disabled it as an in game option due to it causing graphics anomalies with certain card/driver combos.

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you know.....they can actually add a graphical option for ULTRA and also add MAXIMUM settings ....this will not affect the people with low end computers they can simply stay on low settings. DO IT BIOWARE. Edited by Messier
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I'll have to agree with the OP, if you look at it overall, the graphics IS sub-par. And No, I am not talking about artwork.

What I -AM- talking about, is textures. Whether it's moss on rocks, or simple clothing, the textures in this game is below anything i've seen since.. well, let's skip to saying "a long time".


I do wish they'd add an option to use different textures with a higher resolution.

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I kn ow the game just release, and i love it a ton, but i'm kinda disappointed in the graphics department and was wondering if its just because its early play and we'll get the updated set up later. Or is this the way the game is going to look?


are you serious? the graphics are great and the art style is amazing.

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This is an MMOrpg. The most popular MMO for the past 7 years has been WoW and it look like a cartoon.

One main reason most MMOs dont have extreme graphics is the game needs to be playable by a market that the majority can't afford to pay for a top-notch computer.


You want superb graphics, play skyrim.

Bioware is well aware of the graphics quality in this game.

Edited by Chronican
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MMO's are made for a mass audience, if the textures were too high mid range PCs wouldn't be able to run it, resulting in a smaller base



I see this a lot but I don't unsterstand why.


The only somewhat valid reason for not adding in an extra Quality setting (incl. higher res textures, SSAO etc.) would be that it may take manpower away from other development.



Anyway, I like the artstyle. It's visually interesting and has the bonus of being economical. An addition of some nice postprocessing effects and HR textures would be great but the main thing that bugs me is the low DrawDistance of objects and Characters. I can't stand constant pop-ins. :(

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