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Arena like in WoW


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Please god, no. Even WoW's devs have admitted Arena was a massive mistake to develop but they can't scrap it now without a huge ****storm.


They did due to not planning ahead, they did not say the system is bad, stop spreading falsified information.


Players let the world PvP die, Arena is fun but also causes balancing issues when the comps are small (3v3, 2v2, 5v5). Some practice Arena like area would be nice, 8v8 deathmatch <3


This has been suggested 1000x times and always causes hiatus on the forums, depending how they can implement Arena it can do harm or make the game more enjoyable.


First of all, buff wPVP so you get rewarded alot more then from Warzones.


O rly.



And there you have it.


We didn't engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance.[/QUOTE]


No problem, you are welcome.


Arena single-handedly ruined WoW...I think it'll ruin this game too, not as quickly though, because the community is more involved.


It ruined some aspects yet it boosted others. Game became famous and alot of people do it, because either they


A. For the Gear

B. For the ePeen

C. Because they enjoy it


Did not ruin WoW that is for sure.

Edited by Cyphen
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World PvP that means something...YES.

The underlying problem is that world pvp is inherently non-competitive. It contains too many variables and is susceptible to abuse. A separate controlled environment that gives a balanced playing field is what breeds competitive play and the majority enjoys being competitive.

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Arenas DID in fact help ruin "that other game" because their efforts to constantly balance it in order to make it some sort of e-sport took priority over everything else and failed miserably - tarnishing their PvE offerings in the process.


Rob Pardo, Executive Vice President of Game Design at Blizzard Entertainment and former lead designer on WoW is on record as stating that same thing in an interview.


"We didn’t engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance. Is WoW a PvE cooperative game, or a competitive PvP game? There’s constant pressure on the class balance team, there’s pressure on the game itself, and a lot of times players who don’t PvP don’t understand why their classes are changing. I don’t think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we’d have to do to balance it in that direction." Mr. Pardo even said that if he could go back in time, either he would go back to before the game came out and changed the rules to make the Arena easier to implement or he would just scrap the idea. "


Instead of trying to make it the best PvE game they possibly could, they tried to be all things to all people. This *never* works.


Objective based PvP is the pinnacle of player competition in an MMO. The Warzones provided with SWTOR currently are a great example of this, especially Huttball, and I sincerely hope Bioware sticks to this type of design.


If you want single elimination team combat, go play MW3. Don't try to force a rock/paper/scissors class composition mini-game into your MMO and balance everything else around it. It doesn't work.

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but if we will not see arena its not be competition game in PvP aspect.


Let us wait and see what Bioware can come up with rather then just a copy of the WoW arena which btw is designed poorly in the first place.


Last I checked it is not even the 20th yet, so the game has not officially launched and you want something in it that took several years of development for WoW to implement and even then it sucked.

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Arenas DID in fact help ruin "that other game" because their efforts to constantly balance it in order to make it some sort of e-sport took priority over everything else and failed miserably - tarnishing their PvE offerings in the process.


Rob Pardo, Executive Vice President of Game Design at Blizzard Entertainment and former lead designer on WoW is on record as stating that same thing in an interview.


"We didn’t engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance. Is WoW a PvE cooperative game, or a competitive PvP game? There’s constant pressure on the class balance team, there’s pressure on the game itself, and a lot of times players who don’t PvP don’t understand why their classes are changing. I don’t think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we’d have to do to balance it in that direction." Mr. Pardo even said that if he could go back in time, either he would go back to before the game came out and changed the rules to make the Arena easier to implement or he would just scrap the idea. "


Instead of trying to make it the best PvE game they possibly could, they tried to be all things to all people. This *never* works.


Objective based PvP is the pinnacle of player competition in an MMO. The Warzones provided with SWTOR currently are a great example of this, especially Huttball, and I sincerely hope Bioware sticks to this type of design.


If you want single elimination team combat, go play MW3. Don't try to force a rock/paper/scissors class composition mini-game into your MMO and balance everything else around it. It doesn't work.


What I want to know is - why don't they split the balance? IE. arena's have separate balancing from PVE? It's a lot more work but it allows them to avoid ALL of this...

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hm, i wouldnt mid if they would add arena's. But i preffer some kind of PvP missions with raiting. They will add Warzone's with raiting if im right, not 100% sure.


though, i like the Warzone's they got atm, especially Huttball! :D It's very fun to play, and when u play with friends, u can dominate with teamwork.



so i wouldnt mind if they would add arena, but i dont want it to be the main aspect of the whole PvP experience. Preffer the warzones! =)

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Arenas are utterly toxic to MMOs - UNLESS they do something that's too much work to care about.


Essentially having two entirely different games going on - your skill trees when applied to arena, and then the rest of the game. It's the only way to keep the toxicity of arena separate from the major game.


But honestly, they need to fix UI lag and unresponsiveness before they can even consider competitiveness in a serious manner.

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What I want to know is - why don't they split the balance? IE. arena's have separate balancing from PVE? It's a lot more work but it allows them to avoid ALL of this...


Logistically the implementation of this idea ranges somewhere between extremely challenging and impossible.

What you're really talking about is designing each class and spec twice. In a stroke that doubles the workload involved.

Beyond that, consider that it almost certainly break the feel of your character/class if it played radically different in one place or another. Then you start getting into all manner of complicaitons like: should they implement a mandatory dual spec setup with 1 for pve and 1 for pvp? If there were already a dual spec in pve should pvp be separately granted its own 2 specs? Then you have to worry about the hardware implications of doubling or quadrupling the amount of relevant data that has to be stored for each character. And you have to worry about setting up clearly defined rules for when and how you migrate from your pve design to your pvp design, and that probably will entail a mile long list of conditions and questions. I could keep doing this for hours.


I know it seems like an easy thing to say they should separately balance pve and pvp. The fact is, doing so would be so horrendously complicated and unweildy that the game would suffer greatly for it.

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the only way Arena will work in SWTOR without destroying the PvP community, is if it isn't instanced, is a spectator event, and does not always offer the best gear possible.


If it breaks any of those rules, if will push PvPers into instances and alienate them from the rest of the player base as well as causing widespread imbalance.


Now of course, Arenas that can be spectated and gambled upon with mostly random rewards, or cash pots, that would be a great idea!

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wow took years to develop there pvp and now its just dead weight in there game that no one uses anyway except hardcore players who are sponsored to pvp for tournaments. Used to be more fun killing out in the real world in south shore. Sucks for pve servers though as all you can do is look at each other and dream.
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An arena like the one in kotor I'd be fine with, 1v1 only. U are awarded credits based on ur ranking, no gear rewards, no tweaking classes for arena. The only thing win would be money, I'd actually prefer swoop bike racing though, that would be fun.
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An arena like the one in kotor I'd be fine with, 1v1 only. U are awarded credits based on ur ranking, no gear rewards, no tweaking classes for arena. The only thing win would be money, I'd actually prefer swoop bike racing though, that would be fun.


Rewards for 1v1 is just no, Arena greater then 5v5 (deathmatch style PvP) sure why not, most good Arena players don't care about the gear as much as ranks/end season rewards like titles and mounts as well as recognition ...

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the only way Arena will work in SWTOR without destroying the PvP community, is if it isn't instanced, is a spectator event, and does not always offer the best gear possible.


If it breaks any of those rules, if will push PvPers into instances and alienate them from the rest of the player base as well as causing widespread imbalance.


Now of course, Arenas that can be spectated and gambled upon with mostly random rewards, or cash pots, that would be a great idea!






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