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I can beat most classes 1 on 1 i aim for sorcs and sages for bit crits don't we all? But i can't beat lethality operatives with there cleanse on my slow and vanish what do you do against them? They are a underplayed ac + spec but does anyone have experience against them?
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I can beat most classes 1 on 1 i aim for sorcs and sages for bit crits don't we all? But i can't beat lethality operatives with there cleanse on my slow and vanish what do you do against them? They are a underplayed ac + spec but does anyone have experience against them?


They are indeed a thorn in our side. That AC and spec isn't as widely used since most people like the burst of concealment spec but I think they undervalue Leathality. The key to this class is to try and make them burn their evasion and cloaking screen. Also, make sure you keep rupture off of cooldown as much as humanly possible, this means using Viscious Slash quite often. Blind them every chance you get and force choke them as soon as you apply bleeds so they can't cleanse them right away. If they pop out of it, good for you, they now have one less way to get away from you. The more you understand their class, the easier it is to find their weakness. They excel against Marauders because they are one of the few classed that can kite us quite well.


The Lethal tree has so many speed boost from using certain abilities that it seems like they are moving at a high rate of speed all the time. The key is not to panic, they will stun you 2 times. Do NOT use unleash on the 4 second stun, because if they use flash bang you are screwed, they will heal up to full and be ready to smash you by the time it wears off. So take the beating during the 4 second stun, they don't have the burst like Concealment does. With Concealment, its the other way around. 4 seconds is more then enough time to kill you if they are geared right and have CD's available, so you want to use unleash the moment they use Debilitate, then blind them right away, apply bleeds then use Berserk asap. If not enough Fury, pop Frenzy. Using Berserk immediately following your 2 bleeds will cause you to heal for a very good amount.


Hope this helps, this is no easy task but the longer the fight lasts the better shape you will be in.

Edited by Ballfro
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