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Making alts and high cost of EXP boosts from Legacy in 1.3


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Ok, but that just adds another paradox; to make your time with the level 10 more enjoyable you need to stop playing the level 10 you enjoy and do the daily grind on your level 50. And if you only have time to do one but not both the whole system becomes self-defeating.


this isn't a paradox, this is just the game being not that good. you should have some want to play a character at max level at least for a while every now and then, but the game doesn't make it that easy, even leveling alts through the content they focused on wears you down pretty fast after the first couple times.

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Patch 1.3 is adding experience gain perks for level 1-49 alts to legacy. There are boosts for warzone, flashpoint, space mission, class mission and exploration experience gains. The boosts add up to 30% more EXP each and require legacy level 25 and in total over 1 million credits to unlock, PER CHARACTER.


This system, which seems to be intended to encourage people to play more alts, is deeply flawed due to the high costs:


Say you have 1 level 50 character and 1 million extra credits to spend. You could spend it on any one of 7 new alts, but you have to choose really wisely. Invest 500000 credits to an alt and then realize you hate the voice actor? It's all wasted.


At the other end of the spectrum, say you have 7 level 50 characters and 7 million extra credits. You only have 1 alt that could benefit from the experience boosts and you can easily afford all of them, but if you've leveled 7 characters to level 50 without any extra experience gains already, is it going to make any difference in the end?


The legacy level 25 adds another complication to things. Maybe somewhere in the middle there is someone with 5 million credits to spend on making 3 more alts who this system is just perfect, but to me it doesn't sound like it's working right.


There's a few weeks time while this system can still be changed, after that it's going to be set in stone for some time. Please spread the word and make sure the devs hear your voice on this.


Not sure why people complain about the cost of things. What you want to do with all those credits anyway? There needs to be a way to flush out money as it's introduce into the game. If there is nothing to spend all those credits people hoard, it causes massive inflation making prices of items on the broker out of reach for your average or new player.

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I personally liked WoW's heirloom system in terms of exp gain. I don't mind working hard and earning the credits for it, but I don't like the legacy lvl 25 requirement? How long does it take to reach level 25? seems like you would have already lvled 3 toons to 50 by then? I am lvl 40 on my highest with a couple of alts, and I am only legacy lvl 4 or so, maybe 5.


I'm legacy 28. My characters are levels: 50, 47, 32, 27, 24, 21, 20, 13, 13. (Got one to 20 and restarted).

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Ok, I have two level 50's, a 40, a 37, two 34's (finished Act 2 so need to go back and do planet quests no matter what), a 14, and a 10. Legacy level 32 (definitely agree with the above suggestion that the higher Legacy level the lower the cost).


So that would be 425K (class and exploration) by 6 characters (maybe 5 if I can get some time to play the 40), so 2.55(2.125) million credits just so I can finish off their stories. I'd better start farming the dailies instead of putting it off.


For me having them on individual characters is a negative, but I can see how others who don't care about the class quests and just want to level PvP'ing could benefit.

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Those are terrible restrictions! Lvl 25 legacy implies you have already leveled tonnes of alts to get the legacy points. .


On my re-roll server i am legacy lvl 25. I have one level 50. A lvl 28 alt, a 25, two lvl 16s and one lvl 12.


So, thats legacy 25 without even taking a second character to the end of chapter 1.

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It's really not intended that you buy all of the different leveling bonuses. Choose one, maybe two trees that you do the most. For future alts when money is easier to come by because of multiple 50's you can throw the money to do it even faster. You can max out one leveling method with about one day of dailies...it's not that bad at all.


^^This. It's meant for you to have to be choosy.

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Not sure why people complain about the cost of things. What you want to do with all those credits anyway?


This sounds like a rhetorical question, but I'm going to answer it anyway. I think my highest legacy is with a level 50 character on another server that I haven't played on in months. So I've been using my credits to buy my skills, speeder piloting, orange gear, new mods and for leveling crew skills. The usual stuff. I'm looking forward to my main getting legacy level 2 today on the Public Test Server. Yeah, I know. :D


So far the legacy system hasn't done anything for me personally. I'm resigned to that fact and while I'd like that to change I don't actually realistically anticipate any change.


There needs to be a way to flush out money as it's introduce into the game. If there is nothing to spend all those credits people hoard, it causes massive inflation making prices of items on the broker out of reach for your average or new player.


This is a valid point, but adding credit sinks to leveling alts where you're most likely to be cash-strapped already is not the most effective way to do it. Instead, things like expensive legacy-bound speeders, pets or fun social items that you can use to pimp up your main character are much better credit sinks.


Things that make the game better by granting tangible in-game benefits should be as easily available to everyone, whether they've been playing for months or bought the game just yesterday. Especially if they only bought the game yesterday. Gotta make good first impressions and all.

Edited by tkinnunzero
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I remember when they said that when Legacy came out and you wanted the perks that it would be by Legacy level OR credits. (I think this was said at the Guild Summit).

Sure wish they would have stuck with that.


I also wish they would listen to the community thoughts on Legacy, because it sure in hell seems like they really don't give a sh*t about what we think when it comes to Legacy perks and costs!

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Ok, but that just adds another paradox; to make your time with the level 10 more enjoyable you need to stop playing the level 10 you enjoy and do the daily grind on your level 50. And if you only have time to do one but not both the whole system becomes self-defeating.


^ What she said. As I only have a few hours a day most of the time, I have to choose to grind credit to get the perk/legeacy level or actually play the alt I want too. Doesn't this kind of defeat the whole point of the system? I guess the credit price aren;'t all that terrible (still I think it's a little high), but the legeacy level is way too high.

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On my re-roll server i am legacy lvl 25. I have one level 50. A lvl 28 alt, a 25, two lvl 16s and one lvl 12.


So, thats legacy 25 without even taking a second character to the end of chapter 1.


Same here Legacy 26 only one character at 50 everything is way too easy here experience, legacy levels, credits and yet still moan moan moan... you don't have too or need too buy the perks, get the pet or whatever else it is but ppl moan till they get everythig handed to them on a plate with no effort and no challenge. :eek:

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I think the prices for legacy perks (and jacking out mods, for that matter) are ridiculous. I agree with the suggestion earlier that you should be able to choose between waiting till your legacy level is high enough when you will unlock a perk for free, or paying for a perk if you want it sooner.
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I personally liked WoW's heirloom system in terms of exp gain. I don't mind working hard and earning the credits for it, but I don't like the legacy lvl 25 requirement? How long does it take to reach level 25? seems like you would have already lvled 3 toons to 50 by then? I am lvl 40 on my highest with a couple of alts, and I am only legacy lvl 4 or so, maybe 5.


im at legacy lvl 28, i had 2 50's on the server, a new 50 and one i ran ops with, ofcourse i was getting rested legacy xp with the one that raided until they put a stop to it.

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Ok, but that just adds another paradox; to make your time with the level 10 more enjoyable you need to stop playing the level 10 you enjoy and do the daily grind on your level 50. And if you only have time to do one but not both the whole system becomes self-defeating.


Only if you are poor.


1 million credits isn't a lot.

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I think there needs to be a legacy level modifier for all the credit sinks.

Like.. Legacy Level 25 = 100% cost. 35 = 80%. etc etc


Yes, this is how the legacy system should have worked all along. Legacy level is supposed to be a thing you get rewarded for having, not given a bill to pay.


Although the awkward issue with that is that since the exp needed for legacy levels 20-25, I worked out needs doing about 10 dailies every day for about 30 days, you will get plenty of money for that anyway.

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