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Finally a PvP Hybrid Spec, 20-21-0


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Coming 1.3, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRMoMZGGrk0bMz.1


Looks like the spec to run (20-21-0), Staying in Juyo form.

-Extra 3 sec root,

-Gore off GCD, need we say more,

-Keeps self healing of Juyo,

-Minus 3 sec off BA,


-Other minor gains/looses, looks to equal out,


-Loose Annihilate, but overall a plus imo.



All in all, I am very happy for a viable dual spec, with the possibility of switching forms when needed.

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1.loses a lot of ravage effectiveness,

2. where do you get a 3 second root from with 21 points?

3. already tried this build, instant gore will be nice but it's sadly just too **** compared to full carnage and having the better ravage, double roots, higher force scream, massacre bursts, insane move speed for you and your team and root-free from camouflage. It looks okay on paper but you end up doing surprisingly little with your Gore without having a high hitting scream or massacre and going juyo form.

Annihilation has a lot better bleeds and rupture CD reduction for one, this kind of makes up for gore's dmg, though not it's burst, however, annihilate does do consistent burst, and is actually quite good, it's simply not good enough to beat either full carnage and not even annihilation is beat by this hybrid build.

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Coming 1.3, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRMoMZGGrk0bMz.1


Looks like the spec to run (20-21-0), Staying in Juyo form.

-Extra 3 sec root, ----> Never a bad thing

-Gore off GCD, need we say more, ---->Also good, but what heavy hitter are you using to take advantage of this? No Annihilate, Ravage doesn't root with this spec so they can run from it and its always interruptable. While this is good, having nothing to follow it up with reders it useless imo.

-Keeps self healing of Juyo, You don't need Juyo Form to heal yourself, you do need your heals to crit in order to heal yourself and having Juyo form helps this happen, but its not required.

-Minus 3 sec off BA, ---> Another positive but what are you spending the Rage on?


-Other minor gains/looses, looks to equal out ---> Really? Let's take a look at what your losing.


-Loose Annihilate, but overall a plus imo. ---> Losing this makes Gore useless and your biggest 1 hit skill is now Scream, which without taking Blood Frenzy and Towering Rage along without taking Sever makes Scream about as useful as it is in Annihilation tree. It's a good filler because it does decent yellow damage and is ranged but a filler is all it is. This would become your main single hit ability?(you can't include Ravage because without having taken overwhelm, the chance that all 3 hits actually go off are very very small).



All in all, I am very happy for a viable dual spec, with the possibility of switching forms when needed.


I see no benefit to this spec at all. I have commented in the quoted part for each thing you believe is worth having this spec. I can in no way see this spec even coming close to the damage and healing I do right now as Annihilation. Not even close.


This spec is like going to a Buffet only to find out that it's filled with side dishes only. They will still fill you up, but you will be left wanting something much better.

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What about a Carnage/Rage hybrid that has both Gore and the Shockwave/Obliterate combination? Something like Force Choke, Gore, Obliterate(or Force Charge since you'll probably be knocked back) into a Smash/Force Scream maybe? I haven't picked up Gore on my new marauder yet(I used to have it on an older marauder, but I can't remember since I deleted that marauder a long time ago), so I don't know if it's a debuff on your target, or a buff on yourself. But if it's a buff on yourself, a Smash that ignores armor on everything you blast wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?


Something like this maybe.



You still miss out on a big root, Massacre, and a few other things though. Once I get my Marauder to higher levels I'll be testing this out for sure.

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The only viable hybrid (and one I used exclusively before 1.2 now it's meh but still works) is 13/0/27, juyo. Because dark resonance makes your bleeds happier and you can still have nice smashes every once in a while.


As I said it kind of works now but isn't as effective as before. I've spent a lot of money trying out hybrids (carnage w/DS, carnage/rage) but this seems to be the only one worth even mentioning anymore.

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