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Commando 1.3 Buffs: What do you think?

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Changes have little affect in my opinion. Gunny is still a PVE ranged DPS toon and a PVP walking casket. For those that still enjoy commando PVP...I say you destruction at the hands of my Vanguard tastes bitter sweet.
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At the moment any class with interrupts holds a trump card against gunnery troopers. Does that mean they're all OP? No but it does point out the spec weakness and need of a reworking. I can't think of any other class spec that can be shut down as easily.


sorcerer are all the same. They use force lightning, force lightning, force lightning, force lightning,... which is interruptable the same way grav round is.

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FL start their damage then ticks during the duration, even if you interupt they will do some damage.

If you interupt GR, it does no damage at all.


Also due to ammo beeing more scarse then sorc power supply, an interupt to GR hurts more

Edited by SeloDaoC
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FL start their damage then ticks during the duration, even if you interupt they will do some damage.

If you interupt GR, it does no damage at all.


Also due to ammo beeing more scarse then sorc power supply, an interupt to GR hurts more


Two way street, they burn their force when it starts the cast, you don't pay for Grav Round until it completes. So an interrupt to Grav Round costs you a GCD, but no ammo.

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After looking over the patch notes, I'm glad to see them buffing commandos slightly but I still think they need to make us a little more "beefy". For example buff us so -Commandos now take 5% less damage from AoE attacks, or something like that. But I'd like to hear your opinion. :rolleyes:


Here are the Commando patch notes:




Cell Charger has been redesigned. While Armor-Piercing Cell is active, there is a 50% chance per point to generate 1 Energy Cell every 6 seconds.

Charged Barrel and Gravity Surge have swapped positions in the Skill Tree. Charged Barrel now requires Grav Round and Gravity Surge now requires Charged Barrel.

Gravity Surge now additionally grants an extra stack of Charged Barrel and Charged Barrier, if applicable, with each Grav Round fired.

Heavy Trooper now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3%).



Assault Specialist (Commando)


Target Lock has been redesigned and now gives Full Auto and High Impact Bolt 10% of armor penetration per point.


Here's the link to the whole thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=463539#ClassesTP


try playing a NON-TANK assasin/shadow & only then will you know what being squishy is like lol. you can take dmg quite well, no need in reduced dmg buffs for your class.

Edited by arkzehhh
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I've now done some testing on pts with gunnery commando and heres my toughts:


I never had any problems with ammo management while playing gunnery so that buff dosnt mean anything for me, 2 stacks of charged barrier/barrel + 3 points in assault tree give a small ingrease in dps but is nowhere near the heavy dps classes (sentinel/vanguard) and even a smaller buff for defense.


Assault gets a small buff for dps


Medics get nerfed again.


So we will still get stomped by any another dps class and we cant kill any tanking class nor a healer but we will be a bit more usefull for pve.


Where are medics nerfed? I didn't see that anywhere in patch notes

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Cell Charger has been redesigned. While Armor-Piercing Cell is active, there is a 50% chance per point to generate 1 Energy Cell every 6 seconds.


Charged Barrel and Gravity Surge have swapped positions in the Skill Tree. Charged Barrel now requires Grav Round and Gravity Surge now requires Charged Barrel.

Don't even see the point.

Gravity Surge now additionally grants an extra stack of Charged Barrel and Charged Barrier, if applicable, with each Grav Round fired.

Loving this.

Heavy Trooper now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3%).

Once again, I don't see the point, and I don't like it.


Assault Specialist (Commando)


Target Lock has been redesigned and now gives Full Auto and High Impact Bolt 10% of armor penetration per point.

Good. The increased range, survivability, and sustained damage of AS Commandos (compared to AS Vanguards) makes up for the rest.


ah no AS Vanguards are still miles ahead of commandos... commandos should also get something to trigger 100% plasma cell really

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Because to make it 50/50 and entirely based upon skill, everyone would have to be playing the exact same class with the exact same abilities available to them.


Someone has to hold your trump card, and in the case of Gunnery Commandos it is melee DPS. Having a couple of specs be virtually unwinable is perfectly OK, and in no way makes someone "worthless 1v1".


To use your example, "Shouldn't a DPS class be able to deal enough damage to kill ONE focused target in a 1v1 fight?" Sure, in some instances yes, which is already the case. In every circumstance? No that would make them OP, which is exactly the problem with Marauders and Tank Assassins right now. They are too good in comparison to other classes, that however does not make Commandos broken, it makes those classes over powered.


Lol im fine with a melee dps having the upper hand, however its lame that when a marauder jumps on you, you can throw your keyboard down the window, the result is exactly the same, and that is bad design right there.

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Why is that? Aren't we supposed to be a DPS class? Shouldn't a DPS class be able to deal enough damage to kill ONE focused target in a 1v1 fight? I'm just trying to understand your...uh...'desire'?! to be worthless 1v1.


Yes we are a DPS class, but only support DPS. Commando is itended for support DPS, not one and one. Of course you can win 1v1 fights with commando but that is not the intention. Stay as far away as possible and help your mates win the batlle.

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