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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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Wow... you LOL at my point and then repeat it.... awesome.


My point was only that you will learn far more from playing them than you will googling them... both can be useful tho. Thanks for further proving my point that people will take one sentence at twist it to further THEIR argument. I've said research and roll... either are far more valuable than spamming forums. And I'm not saying anything on whether or not the are OP... all I'm saying is there are far more constructive ways to get better. I figured out on day one there is no argument that will convince anyone that they may not be as skilled as other players or that marauders aren't godly like creatures.


Way to not quote my main point, which was that mara's don't have a direct counter like you seem to believe. Way to think that though.

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Thank YOU!!! Especially marauders since their D abilities are very different than other classes. There are no stuns, no KB's, etc. They have a very unique set of defensive abilities which is a very large part of the reason people have trouble with them. So like I've said a hundred times... not trying to be rude but it really is a L2P.


No the balance isn't perfect... I def thing marauders are on the higher tier right now but def not on top when it comes to overall effectiveness. An MMO will NEVER be perfectly balanced... want proof? Play WoW and check the WoW forums 7 years after release. :rolleyes:













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Way to not quote my main point, which was that mara's don't have a direct counter like you seem to believe. Way to think that though.


Tanks aren't a good counter for marauders? What about Snipers?

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here's what you are saying:


respecs cost to much to do daily (valid) so I want my pve spec to be viable in pvp (sorry bro)


Sorry, life sucks sometimes. Your logic really fails though. I dont miss standing in salvation or never dying.


what you should be doing is asking for the eta on dual specs.


So what you are saying is the heal tree is an invalid spec for PVP? That makes no sense and again only serves to bolster the argument that fully heal spec'd Sages are broken in PVP. If a DPS class couldn't use it's DPS tree to deal dmg effectively and was told to respec to a hybrid spec nobody would put up with that for a second. Again, nice try but you are wrong.

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So what you are saying is the heal tree is an invalid spec for PVP? That makes no sense and again only serves to bolster the argument that fully heal spec'd Sages are broken in PVP. If a DPS class couldn't use it's DPS tree to deal dmg effectively and was told to respec to a hybrid spec nobody would put up with that for a second. Again, nice try but you are wrong.


No what they're saying is you should probably be playing the best and most useful spec for what role you want to play with your class. Not pick up pve talents only and expect to do super well because you're mainly a pve'er and didn't pick up the pvp talents to help fill the gaps.


You don't go a pvp spec to pve you pve spec to be the most effective you can be in pve, same goes for pvp yo.

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Tanks aren't a good counter for marauders? What about Snipers?


If you are a mara fighting a tank you aren't doing your job. My point is that marauders can kill any class in this game. You can sit here and say a sniper is a counter to a mara because they can **** them while the marauder is fighting a healer from 35 meters away.


But here's something for you, 1v1 a mara will destroy a sniper, with saber ward off CD it isn't even a fight because they will most likely deflect the root, hurting your kitability. I have both classes at 50, and I know how the game works.


The closest counter to a marauder is a well played madness sorc, but even then they have to be very good and the mara can't play perfectly for them to win.

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A Sniper vs Marauder fight is pretty even, speaking as someone who has both classes at valor60+. The Tankasin has the advantage over both, given equal gear, skill, cds, etc. With the 1.3 changes to the MM tree, I'd give the advantage to Sniper > Mara.


1.3 will also make the MM Sniper a bit more even with a Tankasin, given the reduced armor and self-heals. Snipers will really be the sleeper class of 1.3.


Btw, teams with 4-5+ full War Hero geared Tankasins are pretty crazy, especially with 3 Operative healers. If you can't cap early, it will be very difficult to wrest objective points back since you won't be able to kill them fast enough in between respawns.

Edited by Kllashaa
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In terms of 1on1 balance Maras aren't hard to fix. Chop off 10% DPS and it's probably about right. Some classes already sort of counter them right now 1on1.


But in terms of WZ balance Marauders have no counter compared to other DPS that's not a Tankasin or themselves. There's a chasm of difference in survivality between these two classes and the rest of the DPS that you will never be able to attack either of those two classes without coming behind. If we don't touch defense, a Marauder would need to do about double the DPS of what they currently do for them to be a viable target in WZ and a Tankasin would need to do triple. Of course that'd be utterly crazy so at least with Tankasins Bioware went with the far more sensible approach of nerfing defense instead, and Marauder should lose some defense too.

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Way to not quote my main point, which was that mara's don't have a direct counter like you seem to believe. Way to think that though.


I ignored the rest of your post because from the beginning I was NEVER arguing whether or not their D CD's or the class themselves was OP... The only thing I was and have been arguing is that there are more effective ways of learning the classes weaknesses and strengths. Spamming the forums with nerf threads is not the answer. My point, again and always ignored because it's not what people want to hear.


Who's not thinking things through now? :D

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HAHAHAHAHAHA! I think you just named my next character... :D


Shhhhhhh, gunslingers counter maras.



And don't you know the punishment for giving away valuable Sith secrets? The authorities will be notified :mad:

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If you are a mara fighting a tank you aren't doing your job. My point is that marauders can kill any class in this game. You can sit here and say a sniper is a counter to a mara because they can **** them while the marauder is fighting a healer from 35 meters away.


But here's something for you, 1v1 a mara will destroy a sniper, with saber ward off CD it isn't even a fight because they will most likely deflect the root, hurting your kitability. I have both classes at 50, and I know how the game works.


The closest counter to a marauder is a well played madness sorc, but even then they have to be very good and the mara can't play perfectly for them to win.


let me guess you're playing the marksman spec equiv?

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If you are a mara fighting a tank you aren't doing your job. My point is that marauders can kill any class in this game. You can sit here and say a sniper is a counter to a mara because they can **** them while the marauder is fighting a healer from 35 meters away.


But here's something for you, 1v1 a mara will destroy a sniper, with saber ward off CD it isn't even a fight because they will most likely deflect the root, hurting your kitability. I have both classes at 50, and I know how the game works.


The closest counter to a marauder is a well played madness sorc, but even then they have to be very good and the mara can't play perfectly for them to win.


I guess tanksins can counter maras, eith grio slow and taunt, but thats kinda a given.

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Casting veiled aspersions on people based on their class choice does nothing to advance the conversation.


Like people said earlier, due to the AC-specific defensive cds on the DPS Tankasin and Marauder, you almost always come out behind if you decide to target those classes first instead of a DPS class without a 'get out of jail free' card.


You can waste your burst dropping a WH Mara from 100% to 20%, but then he pops Undying Rage, then Force Camos afterwards, and you've just wasted over 5 seconds and your on-demand burst. Meanwhile, that DPS Powertech or Sniper is happily pew pewing away, who could have been dropped reliably, and would only have been saved by a healer.

Edited by Kllashaa
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So...you have a Marauder and a Sent?


Naw....not OP at all....this thread can be closed. Working as intended.


My guild originally was going to play on both servers for rateds and all this was planned back in feb and i've been playing marauder since august and like the class so i made a sent.

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let me guess you're playing the marksman spec equiv?


I play sab spec. Regardless, your burst is white damage. Your dots in lethality won't kill him before he kills you unless you can get cull / wounding shots off, which is white damage.


If the sniper and mara have full health and D CD up, it's not a close fight.

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I play sab spec. Regardless, your burst is white damage. Your dots in lethality won't kill him before he kills you unless you can get cull / wounding shots off, which is white damage.


If the sniper and mara have full health and D CD up, it's not a close fight.


With lethality you need to learn to kite better then. That spec has so much to keep melee off it it's ridic.

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I don't have a marauder or sentinel so I am in no way bias towards those classes. I have a level 50 Assassin (Deception), level 45 Vanguard (Assault Spec), and a Jedi Sage level 50 (Telekinetics). I have an awesome phrase that should be put into effect ....


L2P For those of you that doesn't know what that means L2P= Learn to Play.


The fact is all you have to do is learn to play your character, I always take down marauders/sentinels easily in PvP. Asking and QQ'ing for nerfs is not the answer because you do not know how to play your character. Again I DO NOT HAVE A MARAUDER/SENTINEL.


Learn a proper rotation for your class and don't sit there and face tank like a derp because you will lose which is what I see a lot of people doing.


P.S. L2P :rak_03:

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Casting veiled aspersions on people based on their class choice does nothing to advance the conversation.


Like people said earlier, due to the AC-specific defensive cds on the DPS Tankasin and Marauder, you almost always come out behind if you decide to target those classes first instead of a DPS class without a 'get out of jail free' card.


You can waste your burst dropping a WH Mara from 100% to 20%, but then he pops Undying Rage, then Force Camos afterwards, and you've just wasted over 5 seconds and your on-demand burst. Meanwhile, that DPS Powertech or Sniper is happily pew pewing away, who could have been dropped reliably, and would only have been saved by a healer.


Totally, and there's no even real justification for them to have those abilities given their amazing burst dps, they should be killable quickly.

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With lethality you need to learn to kite better then. That spec has so much to keep melee off it it's ridic.


I know how to kite bud, I have both classes at 50. If the mara loses they are just not a very strong player. You can't kite a mara on slinger. 1 knock back root, 1 root, 1 melee range stun. A mara will put his dots on you asap and slow you. GG, you can't kite at 50 percent movement speed and if you are kiting you aren't in position to do your burst...which they can blind you through.


And that's assuming your root sticks through saber ward. It will often get deflected.

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The fact is all you have to do is learn to play your character, I always take down marauders/sentinels easily in PvP. Asking and QQ'ing for nerfs is not the answer because you do not know how to play your character. Again I DO NOT HAVE A MARAUDER/SENTINEL.


Learn a proper rotation for your class and don't sit there and face tank like a derp because you will lose which is what I see a lot of people doing.


L2P huh?


Read previous post, I can burn them down, I can't kill them before they kill me because they can pop 2 stupidly good defensive cooldowns on top of sabre ward and cloak of pain.

Spammable snare, low cool down force leap, hard hitting dots that most classes can't cleanse. Stop with the nonsense. Only class currently that stands a chance against a skilled mara is a skilled sin, and that's only because sins are OP too.

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