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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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I know what you're trying to say, but it already does that. If I do ability that strictly drops aggro like some random stuff Merc/Sorc has, it doesn't actually do anything. If I extricate a friendly unit, there's no way the guys chasing him are now somehow less mad at that guy then before.


A better solution would be to simply give Marauder another generic 'hit this button if you have too much aggro' that quite a few classes already have, and then increase the CD of Force Camo. For PvE they can simply hit that button instead of Force Camo when they need to lose aggro, and this button would naturally have no effect in PvP to begin with.


Force camo doesn't need to be nerfed and marauders def don't need another button.

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Force camo doesn't need to be nerfed and marauders def don't need another button.


Says the Sent/Mara. WoW skills are irrelevant but nice try to spin.


It's an agro drop. It is absurdly overpowered (in PvP) compared to those of other dps classes.


Just make it match the others or disable them all once you flag for PvP.

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Says the Sent/Mara. WoW skills are irrelevant but nice try to spin.


It's an agro drop. It is absurdly overpowered (in PvP) compared to those of other dps classes.


Just make it match the others or disable them all once you flag for PvP.


Uh no because it does other things like both mara/sent and gs/sniper can talent them to remove all movement impairing effects...

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Uh no because it does other things like both mara/sent and gs/sniper can talent them to remove all movement impairing effects...


Does any other non stealth dps class get a free stealth every 45 seconds that also drops you as the target of your opponent? Simply absurd from an agro dump.

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I don't necessarily think anything about camo needs to be changed. But lets be honest, there is no valid way of justifying giving Sentinel a stealth. They have a gap closer, and don't pretend its about removing movement impairments because if they removed camo for a snare/root break and a regular anti taunt you would be mad.
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Does any other non stealth dps class get a free stealth every 45 seconds that also drops you as the target of your opponent? Simply absurd from an agro dump.


In this game no. But lets complain that classes have differences... Should we all get upgraded versions of the legacy unarmed moves for our attacks and just all MMO with those? 5 buttons max and that's it?

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I don't necessarily think anything about camo needs to be changed. But lets be honest, there is no valid way of justifying giving Sentinel a stealth. They have a gap closer, and don't pretend its about removing movement impairments because if they removed camo for a snare/root break and a regular anti taunt you would be mad.


I dont think sents deserve a root break: thats our achilles heel and only combat gets that particular bone, but combat is very fragile compared to watchman.


whether or not stealth is justified is one thing, but not having it break from damage seems a bit much.


Then again, everyone in this thread is a poopstain. Dont touch my camo.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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In this game no. But lets complain that classes have differences... Should we all get upgraded versions of the legacy unarmed moves for our attacks and just all MMO with those? 5 buttons max and that's it?


Again a great effort at changing the subject. The topic is dps agro drops and the fact that the stealth component of Force Camo is absurd and should be removed.

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Honestly I think Sents/Maras are fine. Of course after my nerf I will have more trouble probably...


There is really one Marauder on my server I can think of that can beat me a lot and he is in full augmented WH and I am still in mostly BM with only a couple WH pieces.

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Again a great effort at changing the subject. The topic is dps agro drops and the fact that the stealth component of Force Camo is absurd and should be removed.


Oh no it was on the same subject it's just QQ'ers like you seem to want everyone to be the same.


Force Camo is fine with two classes having an AOE stealth detection and other classes being able to talent for passive + stealth detection.


You can still AOE around where the mara/sent last was and as it is most AOE's have snares tied to them anyways so it's not like they'd get far.


There's nothing op'ed about camo when there are two other stealth classes in the game that can be perma stealthed.

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This just in: Arenanet bought GW2 from EA and is secretly killing the game to boost GW2 launch stats.


Seriously though, I was debating which class I wanted to take to 50 on my Fatman reroll (mara, pt or operative), if this is true about Marauders then the debate is over...

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This just in: Arenanet bought GW2 from EA and is secretly killing the game to boost GW2 launch stats.


Seriously though, I was debating which class I wanted to take to 50 on my Fatman reroll (mara, pt or operative), if this is true about Marauders then the debate is over...


I'm rolling a jugg on fatman!

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Reduce outgoing damage by a % while Undying/GBTF is up for those 5seconds could be a very good tweak to Mara/Sent, yea I know you sacrifice 1/2 of the health you have a but a decent player uses it right at rockbottom. Dependent on how much reduction affects you then prob another tweak , maybe a longer cooldown on something could be good. Very easy to go OTT with balance.


Like any class that is taken on by FOTM players, it is not till you get multiples of the same class dominating in warzones that these oversights in class design are truly exploited.


Trouble is in SWTOR is there are so many bad players that even if you get say 4/8+ mara/sents in a group (or any other class for that mater in the FOTM school) many will be bad, but just enough, say 2/3 decent ones combined with healers is enough to tip the balance and make holding a point, scoring a ball or just wining beyond faceroll from stacking far more utility when faced off with equal skill on issue (and please I am not just talking of Mara/Sents here).

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Oh no it was on the same subject it's just QQ'ers like you seem to want everyone to be the same.


Force Camo is fine with two classes having an AOE stealth detection and other classes being able to talent for passive + stealth detection.


You can still AOE around where the mara/sent last was and as it is most AOE's have snares tied to them anyways so it's not like they'd get far.


There's nothing op'ed about camo when there are two other stealth classes in the game that can be perma stealthed.


Name calling means you lose the argument. Who wants all the classes to be the same?

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Oh no it was on the same subject it's just QQ'ers like you seem to want everyone to be the same.


Force Camo is fine with two classes having an AOE stealth detection and other classes being able to talent for passive + stealth detection.


You can still AOE around where the mara/sent last was and as it is most AOE's have snares tied to them anyways so it's not like they'd get far.


There's nothing op'ed about camo when there are two other stealth classes in the game that can be perma stealthed.


Stealth is really a Soundrel's way to survive. Same with DPS shadows, their defensive CD's are nowhere near yours. It's pretty different having a stealth for you. Plus who stays stealthed longer than 15 seconds effectively? Maybe guarding a node but once they bust out they don't have the defensive CD's you do to survive/

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Again a great effort at changing the subject. The topic is dps agro drops and the fact that the stealth component of Force Camo is absurd and should be removed.


So, remove the stealth, leaving 4/6 seconds of 50% dmg and 30% movement on a 45 second cooldown.


Deal! /handshake

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Reduce outgoing damage by a % while Undying/GBTF is up for those 5seconds could be a very good tweak to Mara/Sent, yea I know you sacrifice 1/2 of the health you have a but a decent player uses it right at rockbottom. Dependent on how much reduction affects you then prob another tweak , maybe a longer cooldown on something could be good. Very easy to go OTT with balance.


Like any class that is taken on by FOTM players, it is not till you get multiples of the same class dominating in warzones that these oversights in class design are truly exploited.


Trouble is in SWTOR is there are so many bad players that even if you get say 4/8+ mara/sents in a group (or any other class for that mater in the FOTM school) many will be bad, but just enough, say 2/3 decent ones combined with healers is enough to tip the balance and make holding a point, scoring a ball or just wining beyond faceroll from stacking far more utility when faced off with equal skill on issue (and please I am not just talking of Mara/Sents here).


Ok then let mara/sent pop UD/GBTF anytime they want. Let me start a fight with 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds even with 50% reduce damage... You'll be crying worse then you are now when a mara rips you up after he finishes building rage because it basically turned into you not paying attention and blowing up in his face and doing no damage to him then he just unloads on you like you're the female pornstar in a bukkake shoot.


It doesn't matter if they're FOTM or not you get 4 of 1 class against you in any warzone and it's down right annoying.

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Fact #1: A Mara or Sent (Or any class actually) played by a better player is going to beat you.


Not always true. Many times a class is at such a disadvantage vs another class that the better player loses. So.. wrong.


Fact #2: Quality pvpers don't QQ about other classes beating them. They dual their friends, learn their weaknesses and then use it when fighting against that class in warzones.


Quality pvp'ers are the best source of information when it comes to balancing, hands down. The problem is, any time anyone open their mouth about it, regardless of how they say it, they are considered to be "qq'ing" instead of just simply sharing their knowledge and experience.


So you are wrong again.


Fact #3: Since this thread was started by a QQ'er then obviously they are not good at PVP and other classes beating them should hold no merit.


I can't speak for the OP of this thread and neither can you, but I have seen amazing players get trolled up and down the forums for class balance issues that they brought up. Sometimes QQ is legitmate btw.


So you are wrong again.



Fact #4: There are more bad Sents/Maras playing then there are good ones. I play a Sent and I have no problem beating another Sent/Mara while still maintaining 75% of my health in a 1v1. So how does that work? Our characters have equal abilities?!


Same goes for all other classes, yet other classes aren't dominating like maras and sents. Congrats on owning a really bad player with the same class they play. The issues arise when you take the top players of each class and put them against each other; not when you take a great player with a weak class and play them against a bunch of horrible players playing the FOTM.


Right or wrong, who cares. Don't even know why you listed this as a fact in the first place.



FINAL NOTE: Take the time you would have creating a QQ thread and learn to pvp against classes that beat you.


Spoken like a true fan boy, ignorant of class balance and pvp mechanics. Why don't we give Snipers a 0.1 second cast time shot that does 30k damage on heavy armor? According to you its fair, and balanced and people will just need to L2P in order to win, and shouldn't QQ.


There is such a thing as class imbalance, and its very prevalent in this game.


Before you say.. Oh he plays a Sent.. I also have a 50 BH, 50 Sage, 50 Mara, 50 Scoundrel. Maybe I am good because I have played most classes to 50, know their strengths and weaknesses and have played both sides of the Mara/Sent to 50 (Lots of hours invested learning how to play).. Maybe that sent that beat you was me. :)


Doubt this. If you were actually were so good, you could actually dig deep and notice class imbalances that actually exist in this game. Or do you think you really beat that Merc Dps on your Sent because of skill alone? Thought so.

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Name calling means you lose the argument. Who wants all the classes to be the same?


no one was name calling i was just pointing out stuff as were you.


Stealth is really a Soundrel's way to survive. Same with DPS shadows, their defensive CD's are nowhere near yours. It's pretty different having a stealth for you. Plus who stays stealthed longer than 15 seconds effectively? Maybe guarding a node but once they bust out they don't have the defensive CD's you do to survive/


And a marauders way to survive are the cool downs it has.


We don't get a true stealth, we have to sit out in the middle of everything and take damage

We don't get the advantage of being able to attack who we want when we want how we want

We don't get the amazing front load burst that an op or assassin in their main stealth specs get


Do you not know how great a true stealth really is? It's hands down the best pvp ability in any MMO.

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no one was name calling i was just pointing out stuff as were you.




And a marauders way to survive are the cool downs it has.


We don't get a true stealth, we have to sit out in the middle of everything and take damage

We don't get the advantage of being able to attack who we want when we want how we want

We don't get the amazing front load burst that an op or assassin in their main stealth specs get


Do you not know how great a true stealth really is? It's hands down the best pvp ability in any MMO.


And that list of survival tools is absurdly strong and needs to be nerfed. There is no reason to have that many defensive cool downs on top of good utility on top of great damage. The only thing a marauder is missing is a taunt.

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I want you all to roll snipers or gunslingers. And then tell me if you think sents/maras are OP.


Did you all know that the Gunslinger has a 3 sec 100% immunity to range and melee attacks, and a type of "bubble" and they do almost as much damage as mara/sents and from range.


I play a Gunslinger and I find marauders to be weak easy kills unless I get jumped. Sometimes I win even after being jumped. Im a nub this is my first mmo and Im a keyboard turning clicker.


1 v 1 I cant seem to lose to them.


This is my basis for saying they are not OP.


1. I have a lvl 50 mirilian sentinel.

2. I have a lvl 41 gunslinger

3. Bioware ignored all the calls for nerfs

4. Im not all that good at pvp based on the youtube vids Ive seen and I still beat maras all the time.

Crappy new player beats maras all the time = not OP.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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no one was name calling i was just pointing out stuff as were you.




And a marauders way to survive are the cool downs it has.


We don't get a true stealth, we have to sit out in the middle of everything and take damage

We don't get the advantage of being able to attack who we want when we want how we want

We don't get the amazing front load burst that an op or assassin in their main stealth specs get


Do you not know how great a true stealth really is? It's hands down the best pvp ability in any MMO.


1. Oh ok, I didn't know after breaking from stealth shadows and scoundrels didn't have to sit in the middle and take damage.

2. Stealth and attack, if you can't pick a target in 15 seconds well...I can't help you.

3. LOL you're only going to look more stupid if you even try to compare your DPS to an op or assassins. Neither of them have notable burst that just can't be negated. Even more so now with the upcoming changes.

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