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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

GTN going Neutral?!

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Plenty of players, especially low level ones, don't have the credits to blow on a new cargo hold, etc. Plus there are level restrictions on when new storage is available. Not everyone is lvl 50 and rolling in dough. If you are, the deposit is meaningless anyway.


I've never really understood the concept of limited storage anyway. Why does it matter if I want to keep all the grey junk drops I find? I'm only hurting myself. I get that there needs to be a cap to limit data base space, and because there may be some OCD people out there that keep everything, but as a credit sink it doesn't fly for me. That said, I'm a packrat and keep every orange and high level mod I find, on the off chance that a guildie or alt may need it someday, as well as (literally) an entire cargo bay of crafting mats for the same reason, and I've never needed more than 2 bays and all but one inventory upgrade. That's not that big a credit investment. Of course, I tend to earn credits as I need them, only keeping a cushion of 300-500k on hand, because I hate doing repetitive content just for credits.

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And the illegal credit sellers already in TOR are any different?? Selling credits/isk has nothing to do with the basic template of the market.


The main difference is in the EULA for each game. In EVE, selling isk is LEGAL. That was why they started the Plex program. In TOR, it's ILLEGAL. No need for them to regulate it that way.


As long as people continue to report spam emails where throwaway toons tell you to visit a third party website in order to get PL'd or buy creds, that's all the regulation TOR needs.



The main difference between the two games is that you cannot progress properly without a significant amount of ISK in EvE its why corps will set up new players with ISK and ships and thats why the ISK sellers are very aggressive in EvE and CCP were forced to do something about it and that something was the plex system. The economy is a fundamental aspect of EvE thats why they have an economist working for them. In SW:TOR you can get by on just a few credits to buy meds, stims and mods but really don't need much else to play the fundamental game and thats why there is no real ingame credit sellers, I've had one /w in the six months I've been playing and you don't see cred sellers on Fleet at least not on the two servers I play on, its only now with the Legacy unlocks that creds are starting to be needed but its not a player run market so you gain most of your creds from high end content and that just takes a bit of time without having to play the market like you do in EvE. So for me thinking that adopting an EvE style market is not a good solution as the two games are fundamentally different when it comes to their economies.

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The main difference between the two games is that you cannot progress properly without a significant amount of ISK in EvE its why corps will set up new players with ISK and ships and thats why the ISK sellers are very aggressive in EvE and CCP were forced to do something about it and that something was the plex system. The economy is a fundamental aspect of EvE thats why they have an economist working for them. In SW:TOR you can get by on just a few credits to buy meds, stims and mods but really don't need much else to play the fundamental game and thats why there is no real ingame credit sellers, I've had one /w in the six months I've been playing and you don't see cred sellers on Fleet at least not on the two servers I play on, its only now with the Legacy unlocks that creds are starting to be needed but its not a player run market so you gain most of your creds from high end content and that just takes a bit of time without having to play the market like you do in EvE. So for me thinking that adopting an EvE style market is not a good solution as the two games are fundamentally different when it comes to their economies.


Well, the credit sellers aren't nearly as aggressive on your server then, so count yourself lucky. On mine, they're sending at least one of my toons a spam email every other day, and I just hit the REPORT SPAM button when they do.


The way I made isk in EVE was Caldari Navy missions, tbh. Then when my skills were high enough, I moved into my Corp's wormhole and ran sleeper sites. Great moneymaker there. Now, back in the day on my first account, I ran into low and null and wasted any lone explorers I could find. That was way back before T2 anything, though. lol


I miss Zeph and m0o corp....


But I digest. Still doesn't change the fact that the basic template for the EVE Market would work well in TOR.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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