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BW, you can make a better Character Sheet


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Dear Bioware:

Surge, Alacrity, Power... these are base stats. They do important things. Few people know what they do. People try to find out what they do by looking at their Character Sheet, where they find only vague indirect references in buried locations. They should be listed next to strength, willpower, and the other base stats, with clear explanations upon mouseover.


You have made an excellent game. But some of the stats are currently unnecessarily confusing. Please bring your usual excellence to this area too, and everyone will sing songs about the glory of your family!

Edited by DrSlate
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WoW did the same thing with really strange stats it wasn't until the casualization of the game that they started to add stuff like spellpower.


So the players should simply be ignorant of stats that are in the game and directly added rather than derivative? You get these around level 15+ and unless you ask around from someone who has managed to work it out, you won't ever know if the stat is any good (see power vs crit discussions, if people knew exactly what power did, it would be self-evident which you should stack).

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