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New Player


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I am actually going to give the game props. They always say its the unhappy noisy people who write online and that seems to be the case. I come as a long time WOW player and SW is better in every category (minus loading times). I am not a picky player but I have found my time playing to be entertaining and not much of a grind at all.


I of course joined a heavy populated server but as of now I do not see what all the fuss is about. I am sure over time I may find a thing or two.

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I am actually going to give the game props. They always say its the unhappy noisy people who write online and that seems to be the case. I come as a long time WOW player and SW is better in every category (minus loading times). I am not a picky player but I have found my time playing to be entertaining and not much of a grind at all.


I of course joined a heavy populated server but as of now I do not see what all the fuss is about. I am sure over time I may find a thing or two.


Welcome aboard OP.

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The game is a lot of fun the first time you play through, you will enjoy it, frustrations will not become apparent until you hit *cough endgame *cough*.


Anyway, shouldn't this be moved to the new player section?:)

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I will reserve judgement on the end game content till I arrive at it. Is the issue with end game content its difficulty or just lack of over all end game material?


As a WOW player Ive seen it all from mindless end game bosses (DS) to mildly mindless endgame content (wrath firelands). How would you best describe?

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I too, enjoy the game, and am on my 2nd round of 3 month play/pay cycle. I haven't experienced a lot of the issues as I play at odd hours and so expect to play alone a lot of the time anyway. Clearly a loud majority have some issues with the game, and still, my rose tinted specs continue to be rose tinted.


As long as I enjoy the game, I will continue to play, and I really don't see me not enjoying it for some time yet to come. Hopefully, you will do the same.



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Welcome aboard OP. It's good that you reserve judgement on the end game until you get there. I have fun with it, PvP, Operations, Hard Modes, etc, and I found a guild that matched my playstyle of wanting to progress but in no real hurry to finish everything. We laugh at bugs and have good time.


At endgame, find what it is you like to do, do it, and have fun with it come what may.

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The game is a lot of fun the first time you play through, you will enjoy it, frustrations will not become apparent until you hit *cough endgame *cough*.


Anyway, shouldn't this be moved to the new player section?:)


The OP isn't asking for help so "new player help" forum might not be the right place for it or maybe it is. What do I know?


Anyway, OP, welcome, I am glad you are enjoying the game. I, too enjoy playing SWTOR. Update this thread often and let everyone, including BW know what you think.

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Hey there and welcome to SWTOR! We're glad to have you and I know I'm particularly pleased to see a happy thread. The complainers seem to reign supreme lately, though some complaints are valid....others seem to whine just for the sake of it. :( I, too, am still having a blast and I've been here since early access. I played WoW for a few months a couple of years back, so I can't comment too much on that. But I played SWG for 5 years. I also agree that in most cases SWTOR is better. Though there are some things I miss, it beats SWG in nearly every category for me!


Keep playing and have fun!

Edited by blindxsecrets
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