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More Gunnery nerfs on Test...


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I'm not going to say that this is going to make the Commando a front line class but it's a step in the right direction. I really started enjoying PvP more as I accepted the fact that I'm a background player. I like that BW is thinking of us but I think they just need to tweak a few things instead of outright changing abilities/talents. Some thoughts I've had, and I would appreciate any info/suggestions anyone has on these. I'm not going to claim I have all the answers but if you're just going to post something like "Class is fu*****. Sub cancelled." keep it to yourself please, I don't profit from your sub so I don't care. That being said:


  • Obviously first off, make Cell Charger work with Full Auto. Probably not going to happen with 1.3, but honestly it should have never been broken. Or at least fixed in 1.1.
  • Change Expolsive Round to Expolsive Shot and make another more useful ability a "Round." Maybe Charged Rounds? It feels like a waste to have 2 talents work with rounds, Havoc Rounds and Cell Charger, to have this mostly useless ability be included. I realize that Havoc Rounds works with CB as is but if it was a round it could read "damage dealt by all rounds and HiB, FA or whatever; use your imagination."
  • Make something uninterruptable. Mortar Volley sounds good seeing as it's on a long CD anyway so it's not like you can spam it. I know medics get Combat Shield but that's pretty far up the tree for a DPS class to try and mess with. Having this be a proc seems appropriate.
  • Make Concussion Charge similar to the Smuggler's Leg Shot. A 5 second root that breaks after 2 if damage occurs. Would do wonders to keep the glow stick guys off our backs. I don't see how this could be seen as unbalanced either. If you stay rooted for 5 that means I took off. You're still alive to go glow stick someone else to death. If I decide to stay on the offensive you get to move after 2 seconds w/o a slow; from Concussion charge anyway, I will glady hook you up with one with FA:).


I don't think these tweaks would make anything unbalanced. I've always felt the Commando was one or two good tweaks away from being on par with everyone else. Nothing major but they would have to be well thought out. So let me know if you feel the same way or have any CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms. If you are going to tear me down at least support your argument and be creative; "OMG **** n00b" is not as creative as one would think, reach deep down and write some new hurtful things to say about me. Thanks.

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Just popping in to express my discontent with the change to Cell Charger. My main is a Gunnery Commando, and with stim and buffs, I hit 43% tech crit chance (and 58% crit chance on Grav Round thanks to set bonus), which means that I'm critting at least once every 3 seconds. This is going to mess up my ammo management big time.

It's too close to 1.3 launch for it to be changed back, I think, but maybe we can get our old Cell Charger back in a later patch.


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I'm not going to say that this is going to make the Commando a front line class but it's a step in the right direction. I really started enjoying PvP more as I accepted the fact that I'm a background player. I like that BW is thinking of us but I think they just need to tweak a few things instead of outright changing abilities/talents. Some thoughts I've had, and I would appreciate any info/suggestions anyone has on these. I'm not going to claim I have all the answers but if you're just going to post something like "Class is fu*****. Sub cancelled." keep it to yourself please, I don't profit from your sub so I don't care. That being said:


  • Obviously first off, make Cell Charger work with Full Auto. Probably not going to happen with 1.3, but honestly it should have never been broken. Or at least fixed in 1.1.
  • Change Expolsive Round to Expolsive Shot and make another more useful ability a "Round." Maybe Charged Rounds? It feels like a waste to have 2 talents work with rounds, Havoc Rounds and Cell Charger, to have this mostly useless ability be included. I realize that Havoc Rounds works with CB as is but if it was a round it could read "damage dealt by all rounds and HiB, FA or whatever; use your imagination."
  • Make something uninterruptable. Mortar Volley sounds good seeing as it's on a long CD anyway so it's not like you can spam it. I know medics get Combat Shield but that's pretty far up the tree for a DPS class to try and mess with. Having this be a proc seems appropriate.
  • Make Concussion Charge similar to the Smuggler's Leg Shot. A 5 second root that breaks after 2 if damage occurs. Would do wonders to keep the glow stick guys off our backs. I don't see how this could be seen as unbalanced either. If you stay rooted for 5 that means I took off. You're still alive to go glow stick someone else to death. If I decide to stay on the offensive you get to move after 2 seconds w/o a slow; from Concussion charge anyway, I will glady hook you up with one with FA:).


I don't think these tweaks would make anything unbalanced. I've always felt the Commando was one or two good tweaks away from being on par with everyone else. Nothing major but they would have to be well thought out. So let me know if you feel the same way or have any CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms. If you are going to tear me down at least support your argument and be creative; "OMG **** n00b" is not as creative as one would think, reach deep down and write some new hurtful things to say about me. Thanks.


If you are going to tear me down at least support your argument and be creative; "OMG **** n00b" is not as creative as one would think, reach deep down and write some new hurtful things to say about me. Thanks.


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries! ;)


Seriously though, not bad ideas. My thoughts.


- Yes, this should work.

- How about we cut the ammo down to 1? A no induction skill helps your mobility, it adds another choice to your rotation, and it helps add a little more AoE. This would benefit Assault as well as Gunnery, so bonus.

- Previous would help here as well since it's another skill that can't be interrupted.

- I wouldn't mind seeing Concussion Charge root instead of snare, like Pulse Detonator.

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And this is the final nail in the coffin.. Canceled sub.


It's not an increase, it's a decrease for any decently geared commando (that can crit once every three seconds) during combat. If you're out of combat, you reload anyway. It's practically half the value now.


You are WRONG sir. If you actually looked at logs you would know this. I'm sitting at 45% crit chance 60% for Grav round. Cell Charger has never worked for Full Auto so you never get ammo back that way. The only chance to get ammo back was thru Grav Round and Demo Round and that was bugged as well. On average i was getting ammo back at 1 per 9 seconds. And what's worse is at times this exceeded 30 seconds between restoring 1 ammo. Wasn't a random fluke. I even show Grav and Demo crits during those 30 seconds and it still didn't restore ammo. I've had this happen many times. And this wasn't during a pause in dps.


Putting 2 points into Cell Charger gives a 100% chance to get 1 ammo back every 6 seconds is a buff. Instead of fixing a broken talent they change the talent. And the change is better than the previous broken talent. Now if the old talent actually worked correctly then you can call nerf. But that is not the case here.


I only wish they'd fix Deadly Cannon as that talent was still broken on the pts for Full Auto and has been broken for Full Auto since Beta. How hard is it to increase your crit muliplier by .30 for one ability. Works fine for Demo Round. But this has yet to be fixed for Full Auto for Commandos.

Edited by deadandburied
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