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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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Character Transfer Service


First phase: Highly restricted and free

Second phase: Less restrictions and still free

Third phase: Even less restrictions and yes, still free

Final phase: Absolutely no restrictions and now a PAID service


Got it?....lol


If you have factual references directly from BioWare employees backing up this "factual" time-table, then yes... I get it.


Otherwise, no. The only facts you provide are First phase: Highly restricted and free. You pull the second and third phases out of your imagination and then assume the final phase will be absolutely unrestricted (also yet to be supported by facts).


Guy, no matter how you spin it the facts are the facts. You're just making things up.


I do get that, yes.

Edited by InnerPieces
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BW is shooting themselves in the foot with continued silence. Because ilke always they want to play us against each other, they want to see us fight and degrade ourselves and then sweep in to make themselves the hero. Well I like your game BW but your not gosh darnn heros you're *******es.


"We're going to have a FAQ published on Tuesday, but here's two answers from that FAQ"


How is this "continued silence"? Sounds more like you don't want to wait until Tuesday to me.

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If you honestly don't think they will remove some of the restrictions before it becomes a paid service then I don't know what to tell you. :(



That's the rub. You don't have to tell anyone anything. You simply choose to. The least you can do, in that case, is make sure the information you are giving out is factually accurate and not intentionally misleading to make people "feel good."

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All I want to know is why if you followed biowares advice why you keep getting screwed over by the population management system?


They capped out the top 3 and advised moving someplace else. You do and it dies off.


Fine. You move to a better server with more population.


Now they introduce a character transfer system to the customers who did what they asked us to do and we will not be able to take advantage of it. Meanwhile if you did nothing but whine and moan you get a new server with more people to move to without taking a hit to a ton of your game time.


What sort of system is this? Why wouldn't you think a little bit about this?

Edited by Notannos
rude quote
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You're intentionally glossing over a very important part of the blog post.




It makes it pretty clear right there that when full option character transfers arrive, they *might* require a fee. I'm sure thats not set in stone, but you're really trying hard to convey the appearance that ALL phases will for sure be free, which simply isn't true.


The part you quoted was after the heading "The Next Step". The part he quoted was all under the first phase, indicated by the words "this process".

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"We're going to have a FAQ published on Tuesday, but here's two answers from that FAQ"


How is this "continued silence"? Sounds more like you don't want to wait until Tuesday to me.


Damn right I dont watn to wait to Tuesday i've already waited 3 god damn months. Its complete bullcrap to give us half the story and then expect us to be damn patient. Its one thing to tease features its another to tease the full story on what their plans are simmply to avoid people quitting only to cause people to get angry, fight each other, and quit anyway.

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I remember a dev post about where server transfer information will ultimately be located (Although right now it gives a 503/access denied error.) I can't find it now. Can someone link me again, 'cuz I'd like to bookmark it.
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Damn right I dont watn to wait to Tuesday i've already waited 3 gosh darn months. Its complete bullcrap to give us half the story and then expect us to be damn patient. Its one thing to tease features its another to tease the full story on what their plans are simmply to avoid people quitting only to cause people to get angry, fight each other, and quit anyway.


You've waited 3 months and now you can't wait 4 more days? :eek:

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All I want to know is why if you followed biowares advice why you keep getting screwed over by the population management system?


They capped out the top 3 and advised moving someplace else. You do and it dies off.


Fine. You move to a better server with more population.


Now they introduce a character transfer system to the customers who did what they asked us to do and we will not be able to take advantage of it. Meanwhile if you did nothing but whine and moan you get a new server with more people to move to without taking a hit to a ton of your game time.


What sort of system is this? Why wouldn't you think a little bit about this?


Oh i agree with you on that. But until someone from Mount Olympus puts out something to answer that (which may not happen I feel until a later time) you just need to keep doing what you are doing.


Asking questions, attempt to gain clarification from those who are authorized to answer.


There are some people here that completely believe that, regardless of what was said or not said by a BW or TOR rep, That what they are saying, even if it has never been said by them, is fact.


Totally sick of someone one using that term when it doesn't apply.


Those who put out percentages with no basis, those who tell you the direction of the game without confirmation, those who tell you how the character transfers are going to go when nothing has ever been said from the BW/TOR team.


you know, folks like that.

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Bioware/EA I will be happy to PAY you for server transfers of our choice on June 12.


There are numerous posts asking when this service will be available. I know you want my money and I'm sure there are others happy to fork theirs over. So when's this going to happen? Days? Weeks? Months? after June 12?


Please take my MONEY!

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If you have factual references directly from BioWare employees backing up this "factual" time-table, then yes... I get it.


Otherwise, no. The only facts you provide are First phase: Highly restricted and free. You pull the second and third phases out of your imagination and then assume the final phase will be absolutely unrestricted (also yet to be supported by facts).


Guy, no matter how you spin it the facts are the facts. You're just making things up.


I do get that, yes.


I do want to mention that this blog is separated into two parts, the first being the free phase, and everything after "The Next Step" is afterwards because it's the next step.


Pretty sure they did that on purpose. So everything you read before "The Next Step" is free, and that includes adding more origin servers if necessary, and in some cases, that would require including servers that aren't the same type.


It's also fairly explicitly stated that paid transfers won't be implemented until all destination servers are adequately populated, as that's the entire goal of the free transfers.

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I remember a dev post about where server transfer information will ultimately be located (Although right now it gives a 503/access denied error.) I can't find it now. Can someone link me again, 'cuz I'd like to bookmark it.


You'll still get an access denied, because the page doesn't come live until Tuesday.

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Kudos for the link. :)


Glad to help :D I did find it kinda weird that it's doing the 404 instead of having an actual page up listing, oh, ANYTHING. :p Guess the website devs have more important things to do than MAKE AN ANCHOR FOR AN IMPORTANT UPCOMING FEATURE :rolleyes:

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You'll still get an access denied, because the page doesn't come live until Tuesday.


Yes, I'm aware of that. I would like the link so I can bookmark it.


And thank you for posting it. <3

Edited by ChaosKirin
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I do want to mention that this blog is separated into two parts, the first being the free phase, and everything after "The Next Step" is afterwards because it's the next step.


Pretty sure they did that on purpose. So everything you read before "The Next Step" is free, and that includes adding more origin servers if necessary, and in some cases, that would require including servers that aren't the same type.


It's also fairly explicitly stated that paid transfers won't be implemented until all destination servers are adequately populated, as that's the entire goal of the free transfers.


I keep seeing their original words which don't promise anything...


"Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee."


All of those "may" words in there. They're afraid to commit to anything in case they can't live up to their promises. That's fine, but let's not read too much into what may or may not come to be. It's all in Bioware's hands of whether it will or won't happen. After all, when Bioware originally talked about server transfers coming later, I don't think many expected these transfers-on-rails. So let's not try to set any more expectations when we don't know for sure what they'll do yet.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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They tried balancing the population at release by artificially placing low level thresholds on the servers that created 2 hour + wait times to select good servers. That experiment failed and created this problem.


I don't doubt that a balancing effort was part of the decision and a secondary benefit toward what they wanted as an end product but, they were also managing a very imbalanced level distribution and alot of sharding while still slowly bringing the servers up to their full potential in a largely crash-free manner. They had peak audiences where 90% of the population was trying to stuff themselves into 10% of the areas as the staff and system were still settling in. The server levels that were declared as "full" may have been a setting they controlled but, it had as much or more to do with managing stability and slowly increasing what they dared allow while optimizing the whole set-up than some sort of "artificial" agenda they were pushing.


Ideally, they could have increased those levels faster and been able to stick to their guns as the population spread out, average playtimes subsided a bit and the server performance increased but, that is not how it played out and someone along the process panicked and added a bunch of servers that would not be needed.

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While i still think the transfer service is great I dont see how disbanding your guild would need to be done.... Cant i just pass the leadership to one of my lower toons just so I can log into that server to let people know the place we moved to?


This is a really thoughtful question. I would love an official answer.


I'd like to leave a lower level toon and MOTD behind in the old server/old guild for anyone who's confused and so I can login and administrate as needed.


Though it's entirely possible the old guild has to be disbanded before CS can give you your bank tabs back.



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I keep seeing their original words which don't promise anything...


"Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee."


All of those "may" words in there. They're afraid to commit to anything in case they can't live up to their promises. That's fine, but let's not read too much into what may or may not come to be. It's all in Bioware's hands of whether it will or won't happen. After all, when Bioware originally talked about server transfers coming later, I don't think many expected these transfers-on-rails. So let's not try to set any more expectations when we don't know for sure what they'll do yet.


I agree. That's why I said "if necessary". If they open 4 origin servers to one destination server, and it adequately fills up the destination server, that's that. If you're not on one of the origin servers, but you want on the destination server, wait until paid transfers.


And there's nothing wrong with paid transfers. Even EQ2 still has paid transfers, and many people avail themselves of it. And it has done wonders with stemming willy-nilly transfers. I think it's a great idea.

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I keep seeing their original words which don't promise anything...


"Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee."


All of those "may" words in there. They're afraid to commit to anything in case they can't live up to their promises. That's fine, but let's not read too much into what may or may not come to be. It's all in Bioware's hands of whether it will or won't happen. After all, when Bioware originally talked about server transfers coming later, I don't think many expected these transfers-on-rails. So let's not try to set any more expectations when we don't know for sure what they'll do yet.


Exactly. We know for sure that:

1) The first phase of transfers is free

2) The last phase of transfers will be paid (likely with some exceptions as the occasional need arises)


We do not know:

1) How many transfer phases there will be between the first and the last

2) If any of the in-between phases (if any) will be free

Edited by psi_overtake
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I do want to mention that this blog is separated into two parts, the first being the free phase, and everything after "The Next Step" is afterwards because it's the next step.


Pretty sure they did that on purpose. So everything you read before "The Next Step" is free, and that includes adding more origin servers if necessary, and in some cases, that would require including servers that aren't the same type.


It's also fairly explicitly stated that paid transfers won't be implemented until all destination servers are adequately populated, as that's the entire goal of the free transfers.


I'd take this as they are going to fix their population problem for free the way they think best. No one has to change server types or stop playing with established friends and then, when the new situation is known and crystalizes a bit, they will offer paid transfers largely however you want to move into a server landscape that is solid and won't be shifting too much more.

Edited by Matte_Black
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I'd take this as they are going to fix their population problem for free the way they think best, then, when the new situation is known and crystalizes a bit, they will offer paid transfers largely however you want to move into a server landscape that is solid and won't be shifting too much more.


Exactly. People are making a mountain out of a molehill here. The entire point is to level out populations. Once that is done, I for one, am thankful that they're even allowing paid transfers. Now, if we could get a paid name-change service, and per-character non-unique surnames, I'll be a happy camper. :D

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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