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What is the most/least popular speices?

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I am always interested in the choices other players make for their character's appearance. I know what I think looks cool but I like getting up close to others to see what they did. I'm not talking about NPC's here as they seem to be a mix of everything.


I have been playing since the first part of February and have seen quite a few variations.


By far, the most common species I have encountered has been the human. Some cyborgs can appear human if their cybernetics are hidden by hair or such.


So after humans, I am going to guess that the next popular species is either Twi'lek or Zabrak. The Zabrak because it is only one of 2 species that can, by default, play all 8 classes. The Twi'lek because I seem to see quite a few running around. Although that is probably biased because 1) I like Twi'leks and tend to notice them more and 2) they are the only playable race with a distinctive physical characteristic (brain tails) that can be spotted from several meters away.


In all my time of playing, I have yet to see anyone play a Miraluka. So they would get my vote for least popular species.


I have also seen some interesting class/species combinations provided by legacy unlocks. I did a heroic with a Jedi Knight who was Chiss and was in another group with a Sith Pure blood Trooper.


What has your experience been?

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I've played mostly empire so far; I've seen many humans and cyborgs, some sith purebloods, a few zabrak, twilek, and chiss (agents) and very few rattataki. I could be way off, many people wear full face helmets so I can't really see what they are.


I've seen very few miraluka on Republic. I made one myself very early in the game, but it was hard to connect with him. I appreciate the story behind Miraluka, but without eyes it's harder to convey emotion. Also, there aren't terribly many masks for them and I didn't like how many of them looked. I personally focus a lot on eyes, so the lack of them made the character less interesting.

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Based on my personal observations, in popularity order:


1. Humans

2. Cyborgs

3. Twi'lek / Zabrak

4. Rattataki / Sith Pureblood

5. Mirialan / Chiss

6. Miraluka (if I see one, it's often with the Neo sunglasses)


I remember that once, I was crafting on the Republic station and I saw a female Chiss jedi guardian running toward me. It was only a few days after 1.2 and I wasn't still used to that. I totally freaked out. I thought it was some kind of special event with faction invasions. I closed asap my crafting panel and inventory, started to buff+shield myself and prepared for a duel. Anyway, I felt so dumb 10s later. :p

Edited by Sammm
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I have a Miraluka Shadow, but would agree that they're fairly rare. The Republic-style Zabraks seem to be more rare than their Imperial counterparts (although that might just be because of the overall Republic/Imperial ratio in general) also.


There are definitely Twi'Leks all over the place. I personally have 3 of them. Twi'Leks everywhere! :D

Edited by NoxIrradiata
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For personal preference, I prefer Chiss, Humans and Slightly cybored humans. I can't get into the other races. Just doesn't appeal to me personally.


As for what I've seen.





Sith Purebloods



Very few of the other races. Like VERY few. I have seen a few Ratakai, but like 3 out of 100s of race/class combos.

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I have a Miraluka Shadow, but would agree that they're fairly rare. The Republic-style Zabraks seem to be more rare than their Imperial counterparts (although that might just be because of the overall Republic/Imperial ratio in general) also.


There are definitely Twi'Leks all over the place. I personally have 3 of them. :D Twi'Leks everywhere!


I love Twi'leks! I am playing 4. I am going to level them up to 50 then unlock the species for all classes and have 8 of them. I am thinking the legacy name should be "Twi'Lek Supremacy" or "Ryloth Rising".

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