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Tactics with Ion cell > Iron fist

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Except you have to factor in that they are using rapid shots when no one else would. I have no desire to argue this anymore. The simple fact is no one in their right mind ever worries about an Ion cell PT right now. You don't do good damage, your death is just about as easy as a dps class, and your only redeeming grace is you get to guard someone. Thanks for that.


I will say it once more. It is a running joke in every good pvp guild I have ran with or been in. If you see Ion cell on a PT you laugh and say free kill over here. It's even better when you just kill their healer while they do enough damage to be healed through easily.


I am done with this discussion as you have no desire to hear facts. You are simply going to do what you do and scream at everyone else. 60 percent armor increase is not worth the damage lost.


You know maybe some people have had better experience and results playing with what they find to be the best fit for them. I'm wondering if you even ever tried these other specs and not just spent one day playing them or reading what other people post. The only one that seems to be screaming and raging is you. I have played and tried specs in all of the trees. In PVE 99% of the time I DPS for my raid. That is what I'm best at. Yet, I don't find using ion cell as being so terrible as to making me completely useless in a warzones like I find all these people screaming about in the forums. I don't have problems killing people. As for the facts, I already posted parses on the dps.


I won 17 out of 20 warzones yesterday just solo queing. I also tend to be the one scoring in huttball.

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I think people are missing the point running ion cell with tactics/IF is not for a dps or survivability its for the use of guarding key targets of your team enabling them to further there focused role.


If you cannot see the significance of running Ion cell with full tactics/IF and dumping respectable damage then your a garbage dps monkey or unfortunately you have played with or are a garbage neutralizer.


In all reality your not tanking in pvp you neutralize the opposing players with your toolset.

Edited by evilxpoptart
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I used ion cell + tactics alot before.


I wanted a playstyle that guarded my healers and gave me mobility + could aoe all melee trains that were on them. Worked very well and was alot of fun. To bad Pulse generator wasnt working though.

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I am done with this discussion as you have no desire to hear facts. You are simply going to do what you do and scream at everyone else. 60 percent armor increase is not worth the damage lost.


60 percent armor increase plus 5 percent overall damage mitigation. With the ability to put guard on a healer I'd take this over the additional %5 damage increase from high energy cell.

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Except you have to factor in that they are using rapid shots when no one else would. I have no desire to argue this anymore. The simple fact is no one in their right mind ever worries about an Ion cell PT right now. You don't do good damage, your death is just about as easy as a dps class, and your only redeeming grace is you get to guard someone. Thanks for that.


I will say it once more. It is a running joke in every good pvp guild I have ran with or been in. If you see Ion cell on a PT you laugh and say free kill over here. It's even better when you just kill their healer while they do enough damage to be healed through easily.


I am done with this discussion as you have no desire to hear facts. You are simply going to do what you do and scream at everyone else. 60 percent armor increase is not worth the damage lost.


ur bad

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OK. I decided to run the ion cell equivalent of tactics dps build. The tactics HEC build does do more damage. With the damage increase from the cell and the passive cell increase every 6 secs it is better damage output wise.


The ion cell equivalent provided me with noticeable survivability. My spec used the slow from Ion Overload, taking a point from Steely Resolve. This allowed me to kite Assasins and Marauders easily as I am not fully dependent on getting to melee range to apply the slow. It also allowed me to catch players that are running away from me while harpoon and HtL was on CD.


Although this is the lesser damage of the two I like this spec better than SS. I think the utility of this tank spec with HtL is better than SS. While SS or IF I was hopeless against marauders and sins while slowed. I was completely at their mercy. With HtL, gut slow and Ion cell slow they have to work for the kill or be killed.

Edited by ATango
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