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Ok, when are the server transfers???


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Like many others I moved to The Fatman and rerolled. Well last night Fatman had a que and I didnt feel like waiting, so I logged into my old server Anchorhead on my L15 gunslinger. 23 people on the fleet. I qued for a WZ and wating few minutes, surprisingly it popped a minute or so later.


So here we are in Alderaan with 4 friggin people on our side vs. 8 empire. I thought maybe more would join, but no, we got 1 more person the whole match. we managed to take one node and tried to bait them to come off, but they never did. Is this what ever server beside the 3 or so full ones endure now? No wonder people are leaving....


We need something to remedy this soon. For me, I have rerolled, but I cannot imagine what it's like for people that have not. Personally, I would rather see server mergers rather than transfers as I think its just going to spread a low population around to other servers, but we need something soon.

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Mildly put Bio Ware Devs have little idea as what to do.

Converstations about fixing the PVP que or fixing the Faction balance are like talking to a wall.


I have to play the same people every single day in PVP and Bio Ware calls this a MMO.


LOL Playing the same people all the time is just like a LAN party and Bio Ware just fails at MMO.

Edited by Metalmac
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Mildly put Bio Ware Devs have little idea as what to do.

Converstations about fixing the PVP que or fixing the Faction balance are like talking to a wall.


I have to play the same people every single day in PVP and Bio Ware calls this a MMO.


LOL Playing the same people all the time is just like a LAN party and Bio Ware just fails at MMO.


What the *** are you talking about? They already stated server transfers will be implemented. And you sa they have little what to do? Errr obviously they do. Because they are working on implementing the fix.

Edited by Artthen
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So here we are in Alderaan with 4 friggin people on our side vs. 8 empire. I thought maybe more would join, but no, we got 1 more person the whole match. we managed to take one node and tried to bait them to come off, but they never did. Is this what ever server beside the 3 or so full ones endure now? No wonder people are leaving....


If your servers anything like mine, be happy you got a que in the first place, Me and a RL friend qued up for futilitys sake while we were doing datacron stuff, I think we played doing datacrons for about 3 hours until the que popped. And when it finally did it was 4 vs 5. Then we had a few more pop in quick succession being 6 vs 8 and that was it for the night.


Chances are if your refusing to reroll and your still playing, you've accepted it and your just sitting and waiting for transfers. Doing oddball stuff you normally wouldn't like datacrons, HM FP's etc. Though with outlaws den being the main source for comms without WZ's, I have had some fun fights.

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