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New level cap? What does that mean?


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I think the reason they are upping the level cap is--


They are adding a new planet with new character story progress. They actually want people to do those quests. Without a motivation of increasing your level cap, people will just ignore the planet altogether since the rewards will be lukewarm compared to what they can get or already have from Ops gear.


However, it does add to their end game dilemma. By increasing the level cap, they are also effectively voiding their current end game content. And with a game with such limited end game content in the first place, this will be a major let down for a lot of people.


So, the design question is--


How do you interest people to play the new class storyline in Makeb without voiding the current end game content?

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I think the reason they are upping the level cap is--


They are adding a new planet with new character story progress. They actually want people to do those quests. Without a motivation of increasing your level cap, people will just ignore the planet altogether since the rewards will be lukewarm compared to what they can get or already have from Ops gear.


However, it does add to their end game dilemma. By increasing the level cap, they are also effectively voiding their current end game content. And with a game with such limited end game content in the first place, this will be a major let down for a lot of people.


So, the design question is--


How do you interest people to play the new class storyline in Makeb without voiding the current end game content?

I would play it for the story... something to do for a short time...


But as someone who is slow to level.... I am not happy with endgame content being voided so quickly. Levveling up, while made fun by the story... does not compre with the fun that comes with finding a long term team and taking on raids, hard modes, (if they were really made hard enough) etc


I am wondering if htis is going to be the habbit... a level cap hike every year keeping me from seeing much if any endgame. Would like to know what the long term play here is... If the game isn't for me I would like to know. (If you like it keep playing, different playstyle preferences should not automatically make either of us a troll)


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it looks pretty far along in development from the video trailer and info released to E3. maybe don't worry about the first expansion and fix server population ? i mean i'm not a game developer but if there's no one on any of the servers who exactly is going to play your new expansion planet?
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I understand the level cap increase. But...


In what universe does it make sense to replace 3 relevant raids with 1 in a game where people struggle to find things to do?


add a dificulty level to those raids that requires the new level skills to complete....

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Ha wow I love the WOW generation.


WoW did not invent level cap rises.


Everquest 1 was doing it before WOW was a glint in Blizzards eye.


Everquest 2 which was released at the same time as wow, did it more than WOW has ever done.

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Within less than 1 year?


Hell, THAT IS new - such a disaster like SW:TOR has never been seen in the world of MMORPG's.



The end-content now is tiny. With raising the cap it will be more tiny than now - lol. :D



@ Sabdredance


Yes, there will be new skills.




The video you're linking to says nothing about new skills.

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What does a new level cap mean ?


I *HOPE* it means ....


- Skills extended beyond 400 ranks (new schematics, a new tier of mats on that new planet , etc)


- All those hard Mode Raids get a pass on them making an Extra-hard mode version for the new level cap


- companion stories get extended , or get a new brief story covering the new levels


- class stories get a new chapter , probably a brief one , centered around the new planet.


- Couple of new equipment sets for the new max level


- And I definately hope HK-51 has an alternate role to ranged dps , because we got enough of those ...


.... Though I have no proof of this.

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The video you're linking to says nothing about new skills.


The video shows very little, but during the press event @ E3 it was said that there will be new skills to go with the level cap increase...

The number of levels and what skills we will be seeing has yet to be disclosed.

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Why can't the new gear and missions be implemented without raising the level cap? I am sure that they can. This way, the current end-game won't become obsolete.

All the content we got until now was without a new level cap. And honestly I wouldn't miss a level 50 to 55 grind, which is there only to artificially create a new end-game for no other reason other than "hey, it's new level".

Edited by cyberfreaq
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i think new lvl cap is a good thing they can start adding a new chaper to the story the end game we got at 50 could be like the first movie and the next end game they make could be like the 2nd move and so on an so on it just meens more reason to play we can keep what we earn at 50 in legacy and get new better upgraded versions of it at the higher lvls more lvls more planets more skills new races and who knows maybe even a new class so just cause they add new lvl dosn't meen it will be a bad thing im looking forward to it but thats just me i just wish they would fix the camra the way it keeps moving when you change zones and get off the taxi well thats my 2 cents if the game producers read this could you think about doing most of this






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I'm just excited to get new gear! There will be new gear attained just from the new planet, not to mention they probably need to make a few more tiers for end game PvP and PvE since they'll be increasing the level cap. But the question is: what will happen to Recruit, BM, and WH gear?


Obsolete, most likely.

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