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Becoming a Rakghoul


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Greetings everyone.


So I have a bit of a nerdy question. I am on Taris with my lv33 Sith Assassin and picked up a mission dealing with Rakghoul Berserkers. I have searched the Internet a good deal and can only find information about the World Event on Tatooine last April....my nerdy question is therefore more part of my own intuition than familiarity with the game mechanics. This is honestly the first video game of any sort that I've played and I love it; however, I was worried about becoming a Rakghoul myself if I am bitten. I heard stories of friends playing Skyrim getting stuck as werewolves or vampires and didn't know if that was something I should be concerned about.


If anyone could just reply whether or not these NPC Rakghouls are carrying the plague or can turn me into a Rakghoul as well, it would greatly be appreciated.


Thank you!

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Greetings everyone.


So I have a bit of a nerdy question. I am on Taris with my lv33 Sith Assassin and picked up a mission dealing with Rakghoul Berserkers. I have searched the Internet a good deal and can only find information about the World Event on Tatooine last April....my nerdy question is therefore more part of my own intuition than familiarity with the game mechanics. This is honestly the first video game of any sort that I've played and I love it; however, I was worried about becoming a Rakghoul myself if I am bitten. I heard stories of friends playing Skyrim getting stuck as werewolves or vampires and didn't know if that was something I should be concerned about.


If anyone could just reply whether or not these NPC Rakghouls are carrying the plague or can turn me into a Rakghoul as well, it would greatly be appreciated.


Thank you!


Rakghouls hit you with the plague but it's just a temporary debuff that wears off pretty quickly.


You will not be turned into a Rakghoul. Nothing to worry about. Have fun storming the maze that is Tarris. :D

Edited by Urael
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Certain rakghouls (on Tatooine, in the Wreck of the Stardream area and in some Sand People camps in Jundland) could infect you with a disease that would, after 20 minutes or so, cause you to explode, infecting people around you and giving you 5 Rakghoul DNA Samples. The rakghouls on Taris* won't do that; they'll just put a "recently infected" debuff on you that reduces your maximum health.

But no, you can't get permanently turned into a rakghoul or anything.


*I've only played Republic characters, Imperial scum, but the rakghouls should be similar, if higher-leveled.

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You have little to fear in that regard. The worst thing that can happen to you his that some of the bigger raks can give you an "infected" debuff that lowers your max health by something like 5% for a few minutes. You are perfectly safe... Well... As safe as you can be surrounded by Rakghouls...
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Certain rakghouls (on Tatooine, in the Wreck of the Stardream area and in some Sand People camps in Jundland) could infect you with a disease that would, after 20 minutes or so, cause you to explode, infecting people around you and giving you 5 Rakghoul DNA Samples. The rakghouls on Taris* won't do that; they'll just put a "recently infected" debuff on you that reduces your maximum health.

But no, you can't get permanently turned into a rakghoul or anything.


*I've only played Republic characters, Imperial scum, but the rakghouls should be similar, if higher-leveled.


Was ONLY during the "event" and is nolonger in game.

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Was ONLY during the "event" and is nolonger in game.


Key word, COULD. Past tense.

It is useful to note that the disease is still in game, though the only way to contract it is to catch it from someone exploding. If you see someone with a "Lightheaded" debuff, they've been recently infected. If they have the Feverish debuff, they're liable to explode at any moment.

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Was ONLY during the "event" and is nolonger in game.


Not entirely the case. Just last week I saw someone at the GTN with glowing eyes and a green smoking body. I'm sure there are players who have accidently or not-so-accidently saved an infected character. ;)

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Yes, you can get the plague from them but it will only act as a debuff for as long as you're infected. You won't actually turn into a rakghoul; even during the event you only took on rakghoul-ish form right before you exploded.


I guess if you desperately don't want the debuff infection gives (I don't pay it any heed, it's pretty weak) you could always pop a vaccine since the vaccines are still being vended.

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Key word, COULD. Past tense.

It is useful to note that the disease is still in game, though the only way to contract it is to catch it from someone exploding. If you see someone with a "Lightheaded" debuff, they've been recently infected. If they have the Feverish debuff, they're liable to explode at any moment.




Not entirely the case. Just last week I saw someone at the GTN with glowing eyes and a green smoking body. I'm sure there are players who have accidently or not-so-accidently saved an infected character. ;)


I only highlighted that there was minimal danger. The OP was concerned and I didn't want him to miss interpret and have fear that likely hood was great. You are correct depending on the sever you are on etc you may encounter some left over effects. The probability seems to be so low that it is nothing to worry about.

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Not entirely the case. Just last week I saw someone at the GTN with glowing eyes and a green smoking body. I'm sure there are players who have accidently or not-so-accidently saved an infected character. ;)


There are still people keeping the event infection active? Do they continue to get the dna for going splat?


(I'm running so slow today LOL there were no replies when I began typing my last post...)

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