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Only enough players for...

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Lets do some math!


Okay. So a recent estimate puts the average server at 350 concurrent players at any given moment over 221 servers. (Just under 80k concurrent). There are 126 NA servers. If the same average applies to the American servers we can use that 350 concurrent figure. We know that server caps are at about 3k.


(beyond this point is speculation.)


So if we take 126 servers multiplied by 350 concurrent we get 44100 concurrent in NA.


Most players love fat man and would like all the servers to be similar in size to it.


So lets divide 44100 by the cap of 3000 which equals 14.7!


Now since we are averaging concurrent over 24 hours we have to assume the peaks are higher than 350 on average so add a few servers just in case.


Just based off available numbers and server caps swtor probably only needs 20 servers in NA.


Please merge servers soon. We have about 100 excess servers.

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I am really curious how they are going to spin 'targetted server transfers' when they need to have a 5:1, source:destination ratio, and what they are going to do when people refuse to leave the dead servers, because 'this is not a merger'.
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Everybody knows this and it's pretty strange Bioware's been so slow to react.

Only thing I can think of - is that they for some reason didn't think server mergers/transfers would be an issue - so they waited too long trying to implement it.

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I am really curious how they are going to spin 'targetted server transfers' when they need to have a 5:1, source:destination ratio, and what they are going to do when people refuse to leave the dead servers, because 'this is not a merger'.


My hope is that after optional transfers, which would allow people to group up with friends on a server of their choice, they will do mergers.


They should not be considered a least resort when you have six times the number of ideal servers.


I think in the long run its probably cheaper to have 20 servers than 126 servers especially when people who come to try your game are surrounded by a living community. Less upkeep costs and lower sub loss. Merging would be a win win.

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Lets do some math!


Okay. So a recent estimate puts the average server at 350 concurrent players at any given moment .


Your math is sound but rely on that particual number. In fact the whole calculation and the conclusion depends entirely on that number.


Is that number solid? is it stable? do you have reference for it. It does seems a bit low, 300 player is what i see on the imperial fleet alone at peak time (and 200 on the republic side). If you count the planet, the flashpoint, the warzone, the operation, the personal ship etc... the peak concurent is surely much higher, maybe in the 1000s. But i am on a healthy populated server i think (not the fatman)


Admitedely, since the release of D3, the number are more like 200 empire and 150 fleet , this is probably just temporary.



But i agree, do merge server, i really wish other star wars player could see the game the way i see it, i have no problem finding group for FP or H4. as to the amount you suggest, man i don't know, that seems rough, you have to leave room for servers to grow.

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Transfers were held up by Legacy. They couldn't make a proper transfer system without accounting for Legacy. I don't know if anything was held back by the 1.3 content but the transfer system for sure needed 1.2 complete before it could finish it's work.
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i too think that the transfers are only step 1. giving transfers before merging servers allows the player to consiolidate any characters they may have rolled looking for a more perminate server to one server. then after everyone has been moved to where they want to be (hopefully) then they will look at the population left on all the servers and determine where they will go based on faction and population.


i also think that guilds that are unwilling to lose their guild banks will have to wait and be merged without option to where they will land

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