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Camps and shelters


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Alright, this would definitely go under the "fluff" category, but I'd really like to see the ability to put up small personal camps and shelters in TOR. I'm thinking Luke's camp on the Dagobah crash site or Han's snow digging in The Empire Strikes Back, when Luke passed out in the Tauntaun intestines. Personally I'd mostly want them for the "feel" and roleplay values I think it could bring, but perhaps they could have some more practical use aswell. Rested XP, crafting bonuses etc. It really wouldn't have to be anything fancy. A WoW campfire kinda thingy could go a long way, but if it was up to me I'd throw in a few crates, some lights and maybe a small hover droid, with some atmospheric "bee-woops" thrown in occasionally.
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Hi, let me start off by saying: This isn't WoW


Ok, now with that over I think you want what SWG did with their multiple campsite setups. In all honestly SWG was a sandbox game so it was almost needed at times, for TOR, unless they open a huge new area or make add a new planet, "camps" are pointless here.

Edited by Eillack
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Hi, let me start off by saying: This isn't WoW


Ok, now with that over I think you want what SWG did with their multiple campsite setups. In all honestly SWG was a sandbox game so it was almost needed at times, for TOR, unless they open a huge new area or make add a new planet, "camps" are pointless here.


Hi, let me continue with: I know, why?


No, I don't neccessarily want what SWG did since some of those campsites were ridiculous (I mastered Ranger so I've witnessed them all). You might have missed my "fluff" comment at the start, and to me some "fluff" is always good. Not everything have to fill a huge role or have a solid point in a game, mechanics-wise.

Edited by Trenter
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