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Beam me up Scotty


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There should be a skill or pass to load directly into your ship from anywhere that fast travel is available. This would help dramatically for those of use who experience long loading times. For the Black Hole dailies for example, Corellia takes ages to load, it would be much faster If I could beam straight to my ship, without having to go through the spaceport once they are completed.
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I will go out on a limb here and say this isn't Star Trek or Stargate where matter/energy transporters exist. :p


That said, a "Shuttle to ship" ability does sound like a good idea. Quite a lot happens on your ship (It's how you get around, after all) so it'd be nice to forfiet the fleet pass for a "Ship pass".

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To me, it would make sense to port out of a place, directly to your ship, but not from your ship to a place. So orbital stations make sense, if you could in fact go to any area on that planet, and maybe thats what they are working towards.


Using the Correllia example, it would make more sense to me if you had the choice from the orbital station to go to your ship, the planet, or the black hole, and maybe have several points you could travel to on the planet it. However, it would not make sense to me to be able to leave your ship and go straight to the black hole. But once you're on a planet, I think you should be able to go directly back to your ship, similar to how once you finish a flashpoint you can simply click "exit area." Maybe I'm just backward on my thinking.


Also, what are they going to do with the escape pods on the ships?

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^^^ That doesn't solve the OP's issue, trying to eliminate travel steps. You still have to go to the fleet and go through the load screen, then travel to your hangar. Maybe it's a bit faster to load the fleet instead of Corellia, but there's no real savings.


I don't think there should be a "ship pass", but from the Black Hole transport, there should be a "Your Ship" link.

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I agreed that you should use your ship to get places, obviously, but to have a ship pass means you can get there by default, without having to go through areas with long loading times twice.

I do not use the security vendor.

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