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We have the right to look however we want to in the endgame.


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I know there's a lot of people complaining about the endgame sets looking awful (tionese/columi/rakata and so on), specially on the republic side. I kinda agree with this, but I'm not intending to rush the designers for new sets, since I know it ain't something easy to do. Anyway, I hope that ends up arriving to the game.


But I think that, at least, we should get the chance to pick the colour of our chestpiece, and therefore the rest of our set. Taking me as an example: I'm a lv 50 sage and I'm about to start buying Columi pieces... The design isn't that bad, I don't like it, but I can bear it... But having to wear white and golden robes... It just may look good for some, but for me it looks quite awful in my character. I think those colours fit well with a healing and pure kind of Jedi... Specially with a female Jedi... But I'm a male miraluka, full DPS... And I just don't see those colours fitting.


So, while we wait for new set options... Why not introducing some colour pickings? Doesn't have to be a lot of them, of course... But at least I'd like to be able to rock grey or brown rakata gear... Would look a lot better. I would love to be able to have the colours the Columi Stalker gear set has... But picking that gear is not the best choice for me, so I can't do that. I have to use Force Master gear set stuff, and so I have to wear white.


Anyway, even if that isn't possible, I wish we could still get the mods out of the endgame sets and put them into orange pieces without having to lose the set bonuses... It's all about customization, and I think we have the right to look whichever way we want to. I love how my character looks right now, with a modded orange chestpiece... And I'm annoyed because I'm gonna have to start looking in a way I don't like, very soon... If I really want to be stronger, that is. We should be able to take ANY orange piece in the game and take it to the level of endgame sets, without worrying about losing the bonuses... Do we have to pay to extract the mods? Fine! But we should have the ability to rock any gear we want without losing stats.


This is how my sage looks right now, I kinda like it: http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd501/Nexus14/First.jpg


And this is how I'll have to look when I get my columi gear... Meh: http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd501/Nexus14/2-1.jpg



Any chance we can make this better? It's not cool to be unable to control your appearance without sacrificing power... And it's also boring to see so many characters wearing the same sets with the same colours. Specially when the sets don't look too god. I didn't want to get into that, but I have to say it... These designs don't seem to work. They don't fit with Star Wars... We should get a lot more from those concept arts that we saw when the game was developing.


This has to be improved... And it can't be that hard.

I'm paying to play this game, and I love it... I deserve being able to wear what I want to.



PD: Excuse me if there's any problem with my English.

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they didn't change old sets, but the T 2 equipment (war hero, campaign) both have set bonuses transfer with the armoring mod, allowing you to use orange gear of your preference. This is usually the best call anyway to try and get your hands on augment slots, but that'll be addressed in 1.3 with addable augments not requiring recrafting the piece.'


I do feel sorry for pretty much every other class though. Compared to bounty hunters, the other end game sets just look god awful.

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The "right"?


Um... no. Just, no.


I don't know about you... But I'm paying each month to play this... So hell yeah, I think I got the right to make my character look the way I want to.


It's cool if we can put campaing sets mods into orange pieces... But it's a long way until one gets hand on those sets, and we shouldn't have to spend a long time looking awful.

Edited by Birtram
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The wording is a bit odd, but I'm behind the sentiment of the OP 100%. The whole point of unlocking the armorings from endgame gear was to make it possible for people to look how they wanted without losing their stats. Unfortunately, for classes/builds (like the Gunnery Commando) that have really good set bonuses, you can't afford to wear more than one piece of orange gear out of the five slots with set bonuses.

Seriously, BioWare. Even if you can't make this retroactive to already-owned gear, please make set bonuses bind to the armoring, not the shell, of Tier 1 gear. I'm wearing pretty much full Rakata on my main, and I will happily reacquire all those Rakata pieces if it means that the new ones have the set bonuses on the armoring. Pretty please with Ice Scrabbler Jerky on top?

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Fine, I kinda saw these comments coming...

Ok, maybe all the "right" thing was a bit corny... But still, I think my point is not crazy at all.


PD: Got me with that Beastie Boys stuff... Hats off. ;)

Edited by Birtram
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I think it is so lazy and crappy that they did not make it so the old set bonuses where changed to beeing a part of the armouring mod. Now they still lock most people into looking the same for a long, long time no matter what augment this and that they change.


All set bonuses on the armouring mod and change colour function for gear and this whole issue would be closed. But instead they deliberatly piss people off by not fixing this. I mean given the many bugs and crappy things they have one should think they would want to keep people happy in other areas atleast, but nope. They simply do not have a clue on the demands that modern mmo players have so they are failing. I truly hope they are going to really make this into something that you don't just shake you head at. I want to like this but in all honestly I do not even think they consider things like this broken or lacking.


So like most people I will probably just get feed up by all these bad things and find myself after one more bugged chest logging off and then without activly choosing to not play it again start something else and be gone.

Edited by Dhariq
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Dear bioware, can you please remove the gear appearence change when traded cross faction? Perhaps add an empire/republic badge to show what faction originally made the gear. I would love to be able to craft a set of purps on a sith, trade them to my sentinel, and gear up lord scourge so he still looks ******. Then i want to gear up my Trooper in a few pieces of bounty hunter gear so he looks better. I mean my bounty hunter was already able to buy trooper boots from the light side vendor that suited the armor perfectly.
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