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Help to reach lv. 50?


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Hey guys with awesome lv. 50 characters! I was thinking, have it ever happened to you that you get tired with your characters? I mean, sometimes i create charachters but then i get tired of playing with them, and i create new ones. WHY? I really want to have a lv.50!!! plz tell me that is normal!
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Everyone is different. I've played MMO's for 13 years, and this is the first game I've ever had a max level character.


I just tend to do whats fun. It's why I pay money to play. min/max'ing and racing the max level isn't fun for me.


Think of it this way. Don't worry about being level 50 unless there is something about being level 50 that will make the game for fun for you. Otherwise, enjoy the process of GETTING to level 50, and don't rush through stuff...

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In this game you seem to need at least one lvl 50 for dailies and legacy rewards for new alts. I'm kinda the same way with making new characters and switching around from time to time but I decided to stick with my main one until 50 while just running a FP or WZ here and there with an alt.
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Greetings Bonfisto!


We wish you good luck in your leveling! To lend you a hand, we have some great leveling guides in New Players Help Fleet Pass: A Directory Of Resources that may assist you on your journey:


Thank you to everyone who took the time to offer their opinions and advice on the thread author's question!


We hope this helps! :jawa_smile:

Edited by Ellvaan
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I agree with you OP, I've only been level 50 with my JK for about two weeks. I will run with a character for about a week or so, playing it non stop. Then I'll switch to another character for another week and a half and keep going from there lol. Sometimes I'll take breaks from the game and stuff, my JK is my only level 50.
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My suggestion, if you're having issues playing all the way through to 50, is to find something that drives you there. This could be the desire for end game content (flashpoints, operations, competitive PVP) or maybe just an unlock. Completing chapter 3 of your story unlocks the species you are playing with for all other classes. If there is a class you really like, chiss for example, then level an agent to 50 as a chiss and you can then unlock chiss playable for any class. Gives you some incentive to finish the class off and gives you a benefit when you roll your next character.


That being said, I agree with everyone else. Do what makes the game fun. I can tell you that a majority of the class storylines really don't get good until the end though, and some of them have some rewarding endings (the jedi classes for sure). If you're a more solo player, then level 50 won't have as much to offer you, but if you enjoy grouping up then the hardmode flashpoints and operations will help test your skill and offer greater rewards.

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I've always had trouble reaching max level, or high level for that matter, in all games I play. I haven't had a max character yet in all my years of playing MMOs (since 2008). I know, very sad, but I have always had the problem of finding something to motivate me to reach those levels. No matter how easy the game seems to some people, I find it a challenge the whole time I play. :rolleyes:


I also have trouble with switching characters due to many factors such as how needed the class is, what percentage of people play the class, how easy is it to solo the class, stuff like that.


I have always had trouble with the social aspect of MMOs because for some reason I cannot make friends on them, so I play solo. (which explains why finding a soloable class is important to me)


Long story short: I have similar problems, so I can understand and relate to the OP.

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I hit the warzones with my chars and often discover that i've leveled without noticing.... at some point I just know I'll be bringing a level 50 to the capitol world for the first time. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is that I craft and need more slave...uhm.. crew members :p
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