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New VS bug.


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Ok We just got done playing a VS game sub 50 bracket. Right at the beginning of the game we got a WZ shut down notice, Imps must have not had a full team, we started with 8. Just seconds after that message, it said WZ shutdown sequence aborted, ok. We defended first nobody caps, ok. Our turn for assault. Just as we plant a bomb, we get the message WZ shutdown initiated 30s till game abortion or w/e. Not even 30seconds, the full duration, the game ends and we Lose, some how they gained 1 point., and we still had around a minute and a half. I just want to know how this happens?!? And I am being honest about them not capping, they never made it past the first door. ( just for you Nay Sayers)


Has anyone had this happen. What causes it? I swear every time something gets fixed with this warzone only, it breaks 5 other things.



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Right. and no doors were blown, as I said just as we planted the bomb, we got a WZ shutdown sequence. and the 30 second timer never expired. The game ended prematurely and we lost. Even if it was an early end due to players leaving of the opposing side. we still had enough time for the bomb to blow since its on a 20 second timer, and the Shutdown sequence is on a 30 second timer. its simple math, the game should not have ended that prematurely and games that end due to players leaving should definitely result in them winning. Random or not, that needs to be fixed. Edited by Fortunefive
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In the event of a draw the winner is random.


in the event of a draw the winner is the team with the highest objective points.

if you have many players fighting away from the doors, you will miss out on (defence) objective points.

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in the event of a draw the winner is the team with the highest objective points.

if you have many players fighting away from the doors, you will miss out on (defence) objective points.


That was my understanding also. In which case we still should have won. But the fact still remains that some how the Warzone shut down in less than 30 seconds, resulting in some how losing when it was at the time a 0-0 game, then turning into a coin toss so to speak. You can see the opposing teams objective points, clearly they did not plant, clearly a coin toss, and clearly something is still very wrong with VOIDFAIL.


Just another reason I hate that map.

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