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Mara 1v1!

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It's pretty good, very few mistakes from what I saw. My only critisism would be to stay on target the whole time, switching targets even to use Obfuscate give your current target too much time to shift the balance of the combat into their direction. It worked out for you in the video but most of the fights were with Sorcs...and they are target practice for a Marauder lol, even 2v1 especially when they have BM gear and you have WH gear(Judging by your HP without the Rakata Medpack id put you in 75% WH gear unless your using PvE relics/implants). If you browse the forums you will see what most Marauders are looking for and that's help against certain classes like Powertechs and Operatives so i'd imagine if you posted some videos against those two classes you'd get more hits.


Otherwise a good video, your technique is there and you seem to use your abilities properly so from a skill standpoint it was well done.

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Tx! Appreciate the feedback! I will try get some different classes for my next vid, if i do one(not sure i wil continue playing the game much longer). Too bad there arent many dps operatives/smugglers on my server left, so chances of getting 1v2 vs those are slim, and i dont find 1v1s that interesting.

P.S Dont quite understand your remark, about the switch targeting, since i am not even loosing a GCD on my main target when i switch, obfuscate/interupt, switch back as u can see from the vid. Both obfuscate and disrupt are off the GCD. If u are reffering to the last clip, there is absolutely no point trying to kill healing merc/commando while he has his shield up, you either cc him during the duration or you switch target.

Edited by SpiritOfMage
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