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I wanted to throw all my money at TOR...


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So, I followed this game, hardcore, for three years before it came out.


I formed a guild. Recruited some really lovely people. Made a real community out of it.


Contributed time and effort to make our little corner of the SW universe a cool place to be.


Oh sure, we knew it wouldn't be as cool as SWG; we knew it was a theme park of some variety from the start.


But what we didn't expect was to become bored in the first month or two... held on for the 1.2 update... were very disappointed with it. Both the bits in it, and the bits you withheld at the last second.


And now we're leaving in droves. I wouldn't play this game if it was F2P I am that maddened by it.


And the crazy thing is, Bioware... the absolute crazy thing... I wanted to throw all my money at you. I would have played this game for a decade if it was any good. The problem is... it just wasn't.


I am so disappointed. Not a unique tale by any means. But an honest one.

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So, I followed this game, hardcore, for three years before it came out.


I formed a guild. Recruited some really lovely people. Made a real community out of it.


Contributed time and effort to make our little corner of the SW universe a cool place to be.


Oh sure, we knew it wouldn't be as cool as SWG; we knew it was a theme park of some variety from the start.


But what we didn't expect was to become bored in the first month or two... held on for the 1.2 update... were very disappointed with it.


And now we're leaving in droves. I wouldn't play this game if it was F2P I am that maddened by it.


And the crazy thing is, Bioware... the absolute crazy thing... I wanted to throw all my money at you. I would have played this game for a decade if it was any good. The problem is... it just wasn't.


I am so disappointed.


Welcome to the club. We're having jackets made and will be gathering every Friday night for bisquits and commiseration (and later in the evening, whisky and quiet sadness.)

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Welcome to the club. We're having jackets made and will be gathering every Friday night for bisquits and commiseration (and later in the evening, whisky and quiet sadness.)


And can quietly lament that SWG -- the game everyone scorned -- will have a longer life than TOR in the long run.


After all, I don't see EA letting this continue much longer in its current form.

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And can quietly lament that SWG -- the game everyone scorned -- will have a longer life than TOR in the long run.


After all, I don't see EA letting this continue much longer in its current form.


I was so happy when this game was announced, but I think I became cynical a little earlier than most when I saw the decisions they were making. The "space combat" was the early thing that totally shook my confidence in BW's vision for this game, but I could have overlooked it. But as time went on and things became clearer, it became pretty apparent that this game was being made as a money-grab, and not out of any love for the MMO genre.

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And can quietly lament that SWG -- the game everyone scorned -- will have a longer life than TOR in the long run.


After all, I don't see EA letting this continue much longer in its current form.


well considering they are making transfers occur soon..i dont think it will remain in its current form for long....

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well considering they are making transfers occur soon..i dont think it will remain in its current form for long....


While I think Bioware's #1 priority at this point should be server merges, I don't believe that, in the long run, it's going to mask the fundamental problems that have put Bioware in this position in the first place. It might buy TOR another 2 or 3 months of relevancy, but subs are going to continue gradually slipping away. Other games are going to steal away subs in chunks, and TOR will become just another failed WoW killer.

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I was so happy when this game was announced, but I think I became cynical a little earlier than most when I saw the decisions they were making. The "space combat" was the early thing that totally shook my confidence in BW's vision for this game, but I could have overlooked it. But as time went on and things became clearer, it became pretty apparent that this game was being made as a money-grab, and not out of any love for the MMO genre.


I must confess I was blinded by the fact it would be a new Star Wars game, first and foremost. And Bioware's reputation certainly didn't hurt... although, that said, I was far from a fanboi; having a fair amount of bile for a few games in the company's back catalogue. But to start playing... and realising it was "WoW in Space" just like people had said on the forum for years... to go into every warehouse... on every planet... and IT WAS THE SAME WAREHOUSE... gah... to have Ilum completely stuffed (and even the devs admitted they needed to start again)... to have only a few tiny PvP maps... to have no ladders... no cross server queuing... people spread across too many servers... class quests that were relatively tiny in scope, meaning most people did the same quests over and over and over again when they re-rolled characters (after many of us went into the game thinking each story was totally unique from 1-50)... and then the broken bits... and then the bits that were broken when they tried to fix the broken bits... so many things...

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While I think Bioware's #1 priority at this point should be server merges, I don't believe that, in the long run, it's going to mask the fundamental problems that have put Bioware in this position in the first place. It might buy TOR another 2 or 3 months of relevancy, but subs are going to continue gradually slipping away. Other games are going to steal away subs in chunks, and TOR will become just another failed WoW killer.


thats the problem there.. people think this should or will kill wow.. when that should never have been their intent. they are differnet enough games where they both can get their niche and both be profitable and enjoyable.

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well considering they are making transfers occur soon..i dont think it will remain in its current form for long....


Transfers are only part of the issue. It would be better to find out why over 400k people left in the first place

and go from there. Transfers will make everyone happy for a little while, but the population will still continue to drop unless some improvements are made soon.

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thats the problem there.. people think this should or will kill wow.. when that should never have been their intent. they are differnet enough games where they both can get their niche and both be profitable and enjoyable.


Disagree. The problem wasn't that we thought the game should be a WoW-killer. It's that EA/BW thought the game should be a WoW-killer.


Trying to take down WoW is an exercise in futility. So far, every developer who has tried it has thought to pull it off by making a WoW clone with one or two key differences. Hell, the final demise of SWG was NGE which essentially took a really unique game and made it more like WoW. Why do you think so many people objected to TOR shaping up like a WoW-clone-- because we knew that it would be the death of this game.


If Bioware had decided to make a game that was truly different from WoW, then I wouldn't complain (as much.)


The fact that so many fans here are living under the notion that WoW is an MMO standard just makes me laugh. Blizzard is a gaming standard, and Warcraft is their flagship. If you don't have Blizzard's cult-like fanbase and the Warcraft IP, you're not going to be successful copying WoW. If anything, the corpses of failed WoW-clones that litter the MMO battlefield give mute testimony to the fact that WoW's core MMO system is not particularly strong or appealing, because those who imitate it seem to suffer.


In the end I think TOR is going to be less popular than Eve Online, and that's sad.

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Force, I'm sick of post like this... Would you get over it already? If you think the game is boring, then take a break and come back when it have had a few updates.


The reason you are probably sick of posts like this is because there are a lot of disappointed players out there that just want Bioware to know how disappointed they are in hopes of them responding by making some serious changes faster so they can be happy in playing a successful Star Wars MMO like we all want.

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I must confess I was blinded by the fact it would be a new Star Wars game, first and foremost. And Bioware's reputation certainly didn't hurt... although, that said, I was far from a fanboi; having a fair amount of bile for a few games in the company's back catalogue. But to start playing... and realising it was "WoW in Space" just like people had said on the forum for years... to go into every warehouse... on every planet... and IT WAS THE SAME WAREHOUSE... gah... to have Ilum completely stuffed (and even the devs admitted they needed to start again)... to have only a few tiny PvP maps... to have no ladders... no cross server queuing... people spread across too many servers... class quests that were relatively tiny in scope, meaning most people did the same quests over and over and over again when they re-rolled characters (after many of us went into the game thinking each story was totally unique from 1-50)... and then the broken bits... and then the bits that were broken when they tried to fix the broken bits... so many things...


Although I like Star Wars and have watched the movies multiple times and read some of the books, I'm coming to the realization that I'm just not a sci-fi kind of gal. I did play SWG and I'm a bit sad that I didn't give it more of a whirl but again, the sci-fi element was my stumbling block. I do love the sandbox elements though and wished that I had stuck around a bit longer. I do feel the pain of the folks looking for a new Star Wars experience and can understand the huge disappointment.


With that said, I share many of your frustrations. I love the class stories and would love to see all of them. I adore the companion system and frankly this is an incentive to play these days. I love seeing their stories and interacting with them. Hubby and I started our first republic characters to try to recapture some of that magic. Unfortunatly, I just feel really blah about the environments. As you say, the warehouses all seem to look the same. This game, for the first time, is one where I haven't explored every nook and cranny. For some reason, and I can't put my finger on it, I'm just not inspired. Seeing a huge crashed ship in the distance of Ord M? I would love to go there and explore. Exhaustion zones keeping me from going to that interesting looking place in the distance---blah. I feel like a rat in a maze. Although the artists have done an admirable job in capturing the environment (my opinion--I like being positive), I think it is a bit of me and my preferences and a bit of blah factor is seeing so many things just looking the same.

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Force, I'm sick of post like this... Would you get over it already? If you think the game is boring, then take a break and come back when it have had a few updates.


No one's making you read, mate. Why not go and play TOR?


(Although I must admit I feel so cruel saying that... telling someone to go and play TOR is akin to torture...)

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Hello everyone,


We appreciate you taking the time to express your concerns with the game, but will be closing this thread. Please feel free to join in on an similar conversation that the community is already engaged in:


Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum.


Thank you!

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