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So according to Bioware...


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Who is doing that?


People are using the main avenue of interaction between the developer and the customer to interact as well as interacting with like minded people who might be having similar problems.


I dont see anyone saying "DONT BUY SWTOR"




people complain all the time. it is tantamount to telling people this product sucks.. the corrilation is not hard to reach.


it is no differnet than going to an internet site like amazon and rating a product one star...people will see your comment and it will negatively affect its sale.


complaining just to complain while not providing constructive critizism does just that..

Edited by thomasgallant
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Yeah, it is very easy to determine the number of Active Subscriptions if you have access to the server logs, active in the last thirty days, active in the last week, active in the last hour- all that information is readily available.


So, which do you use? All this guy is saying is the figure will change according to that, and similar decisions. Which it does.

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See. this is typical.


There are those that express issues about a benign inanimate product then there are those here that attack people.


You unfortunately fall into the later category.



There is NO population problem! There is NO population problem! Just check EVERY thread on these forums to prove it! Easy. right?

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people complain all the time. it is tantamount to telling people this product sucks.. the corrilation is not hard to reach.


it is no differnet than going to an internet site like amazon and rating a product one star...people will see your comment and it will negatively affect its sale.


complaining just to complain while not providing constructive critizism does just that..


Ok, maybe Im not being as clear as I wanted.


Im trying to reconcile how complaining about a product, in which we all have done many times in the past, is equal to people attacking those who have an issue with said product.


Sorry if I was unclear.

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Ok, maybe Im not being as clear as I wanted.


Im trying to reconcile how complaining about a product, in which we all have done many times in the past, is equal to people attacking those who have an issue with said product.


Sorry if I was unclear.


i dont think anyone should attack anyone.. infact i think the healthiest thing for someone to do who doesnt want to stay subbed to an mmo like this is to delete the forums from their browser history..


why return to a game you dont like.. check in sure.. but log into the forum on a daily basis, why? the best you are going to get is complained at by fanbois.. the worst you will get is hate from those who like the game.


maybe i just dont understand the logic of people now a days....

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They have said the avg server population is 344.

and they have what about 200 servers.


Prize to the guy/girl that can figure how many people on avg are playing this game out of the reported 1.3 million subs they have/had.


(344x200 = 68,880(on average) yes some will have more but others have 343 less)

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people complain all the time. it is tantamount to telling people this product sucks.. the corrilation is not hard to reach.


it is no differnet than going to an internet site like amazon and rating a product one star...people will see your comment and it will negatively affect its sale.


complaining just to complain while not providing constructive critizism does just that..


People do supply constructive criticism all of the time. People that are blinded by some unhealthy infatuation with bioware cant see that because they refuse to believe bioware could pssibly do anything wrong.


Heres some for this thread that has already been repeated over and over in between the attack posts, Bioware quit trying to bs your player base, nobody is fooled by it and it is making your situation worse.

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See. this is typical.


There are those that express issues about a benign inanimate product then there are those here that attack people.


You unfortunately fall into the later category.


And there are those who are rational human beings. that after stating their dislike for a product...move on. Not drone on end for hours/days/weeks. This game isn't your cup of tea. maybe you like coffee, But there are many many many people who do like the game. Are the flaws, Yes but we will never agree on what they are. I in my experiences..though many many many many MMO's have come to understand. They are never finished...they evolve...change over time. Patch\Fix's\Update's take time. I don't live life like it will end tomorrow...Why should I game like that?

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i dont think anyone should attack anyone.. infact i think the healthiest thing for someone to do who doesnt want to stay subbed to an mmo like this is to delete the forums from their browser history..


why return to a game you dont like.. check in sure.. but log into the forum on a daily basis, why? the best you are going to get is complained at by fanbois.. the worst you will get is hate from those who like the game.


maybe i just dont understand the logic of people now a days....


Why return to these forums and demand the game be fixed? because these people have the sw ip locked up in an mmo theyre driving intot he ground. Fix it or let it die. People dont want to have to wait another 8 years because some game company screwed up the best ip in the world again like we had to wait for that pile of crap swg to finaly be shut down.

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And there are those who are rational human beings. that after stating their dislike for a product...move on. Not drone on end for hours/days/weeks. This game isn't your cup of tea. maybe you like coffee, But there are many many many people who do like the game. Are the flaws, Yes but we will never agree on what they are. I in my experiences..though many many many many MMO's have come to understand. They are never finished...they evolve...change over time. Patch\Fix's\Update's take time. I don't live life like it will end tomorrow...Why should I game like that?


Why would you not want to live life as if its the last day - maybe you will have more fun?


Im not trying to "attack you" but in the end your just complaining about somebody complaining about this game. Its nice you've come to understand the nature of some MMO's. But some people dont want to buy a game and have to wait 6 months to 3 years for it to be good and so they complain.


Thats their choice and pretty much their right to do so.

So is your right to complain about said people.


So I'm not sure what you are actually trying to do?

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And there are those who are rational human beings. that after stating their dislike for a product...move on. Not drone on end for hours/days/weeks. This game isn't your cup of tea. maybe you like coffee, But there are many many many people who do like the game. Are the flaws, Yes but we will never agree on what they are. I in my experiences..though many many many many MMO's have come to understand. They are never finished...they evolve...change over time. Patch\Fix's\Update's take time. I don't live life like it will end tomorrow...Why should I game like that?


How can some who professes "logic" and points out others lack there of, so blindly miss the obvious reply and retort?

How can someone who plays the "logic" card so blindly throw up personal inults at every turn instead of replying to salient points brought up through discourse.


"If you are happy an enjoy the game, why are you not playing instead of arguing with people with issues on the forums?"


People cant post here without a subscription. Those that troll, just to troll, should be banned and done away with regasrdless of opinion of the game. Those that chose to partake in the community and air their displeasure are more than entitled to do so unless you want to personally refund their money.

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Why return to these forums and demand the game be fixed? because these people have the sw ip locked up in an mmo theyre driving intot he ground. Fix it or let it die. People dont want to have to wait another 8 years because some game company screwed up the best ip in the world again like we had to wait for that pile of crap swg to finaly be shut down.


there is a huge differnece i think in our definition of demand.... i think you and many others see the word demand not as a harsh word. full of ultimatims but rather i think some people think of demand as a pleasant way of getting your point accross


to me, if i hated this game i would leave, and check back maybe every month or so, not post really unless the threads are relivant to the transfers and things, and really why be so negative... i just dont understand what people expect to accompllish... bioware obviously by your own admission isnt listening to you guys...


the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result but expecting the result to be different.


it just seems so illogical to come on here and spout off the same stuff, expecting bioware to finally say holy ****...THATS what the players want??? lets do that then..

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this game is good but 90% the people out there now days dont give games time 2 grow into something great and i well play this game as long as i have the money 2 pay for it and if it went free i am sure i would still play as long as they dont kill it with some godly items in the cash shop like i have seen other games do and i quit them cuz of it :p
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How can some who professes "logic" and points out others lack there of, so blindly miss the obvious reply and retort?

How can someone who plays the "logic" card so blindly throw up personal inults at every turn instead of replying to salient points brought up through discourse.


"If you are happy an enjoy the game, why are you not playing instead of arguing with people with issues on the forums?"


People cant post here without a subscription. Those that troll, just to troll, should be banned and done away with regasrdless of opinion of the game. Those that chose to partake in the community and air their displeasure are more than entitled to do so unless you want to personally refund their money.


It's called multi-tasking. Funny thing, if you can find the insult there...you had to be looking for one. And I love the if.. I wanna rant endlessly I paid my sub arugement.....Ok...you most certainly can. But I like you... want to make myself heard....and want to make sure that in no way,shape or form can construe...your opinion's for my own.

Edited by Taorus
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So, which do you use? All this guy is saying is the figure will change according to that, and similar decisions. Which it does.


No, he is not saying that…please re read either the quote in my post or the whole article in the link (I would suggest the whole article if you are willing to dedicate the time to it). He is making a dodge by trying to introduce box sales into the discussion about active subscriptions, two very different things. And as I said active subscriptions are very easy for Bioware to count, just pick if you want to count only subscriptions that have been active in the last thirty days, last two weeks, last two months, whatever.


The information is right there, it’s just a matter of what they choose to reveal to the rest of us…and as I said it is understandable for them to try and muddy the waters when the numbers aren’t something they can crow about…this is standard practice, it doesn’t make it any more honest, but it is how it works. Sorry for the long reply but you seem genuinely confused and I wanted to be sure to answer your question completely (not everyone on these forums are here strictly to insult and belittle others!).

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It's called multi-tasking. Funny thing, if you can find the insult there...you had to be looking for one. And I love the if.. I wanna rant endlessly I paid my sub arugement.....Ok...you most certainly can. But I like you... want to make myself heard....and want to make sure that in no way,shape or form can construe...your opinion's for my own.


i multi task often as well. unfortunate side effect from working on a computer for a living... and i check out the forums while playing often..

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there is a huge differnece i think in our definition of demand.... i think you and many others see the word demand not as a harsh word. full of ultimatims but rather i think some people think of demand as a pleasant way of getting your point accross


to me, if i hated this game i would leave, and check back maybe every month or so, not post really unless the threads are relivant to the transfers and things, and really why be so negative... i just dont understand what people expect to accompllish... bioware obviously by your own admission isnt listening to you guys...


the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result but expecting the result to be different.


it just seems so illogical to come on here and spout off the same stuff, expecting bioware to finally say holy ****...THATS what the players want??? lets do that then..


And if iwas happy with this game i would not post at all, i would be playing the game. Not arguing with people that were unhappy with the game on the forums and keeping all these threads bumped up to the first page 24hrs a day.


"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result but expecting the result to be different"..


Then why are you people constantly attacking anyone that isnt singing the praises of bioware? do you think youre going to change peopels minds? well heres a news flash, the only thing that will change their minds is if bioware fixes their mess.


I post here because maybe it will effect biowares decisions, like all the fools who ranted and raved against a cross server lfg tool or even an lfg tool were listened to in the beta forums.


Someone needs to be the voice of logic who interupts the people who are patting bioware on the back and telling them how great they are to say NO, you lost half of your subs in 6 months, you are screwing up, now fix these problems.

Edited by Mallorik
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It's called multi-tasking. Funny thing, if you can find the insult there...you had to be looking for one. And I love the if.. I wanna rant endlessly I paid my sub arugement.....Ok...you most certainly can. But I like you... want to make myself heard....and want to make sure that in no way,shape or form can construe...your opinion's for my own.


All you have been doing is insulting people. You dont bother me with your lazy ad hominems. Just pointing out the weak ends of your stances and opinions that you feel the need to result to that, old as the ages, debating tactic.


You are still arguing about "people" instead of the real topic which is the way Bioware is trying to spin its subscriber numbers.


Its the ultimate strawman.

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It's called multi-tasking. Funny thing, if you can find the insult there...you had to be looking for one. And I love the if.. I wanna rant endlessly I paid my sub arugement.....Ok...you most certainly can. But I like you... want to make myself heard....and want to make sure that in no way,shape or form can construe...your opinion's for my own.


This is the reason i post on these forums, these people will ride this game all the way into the ground while patting bw on the back and telling them its all gonna be fine.

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i multi task often as well. unfortunate side effect from working on a computer for a living... and i check out the forums while playing often..


Multi-monitors are great. Have game up...baseball and forums.

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And if iwas happy with this game i would not poist at all, i would be playing the game. Not arguing with people that were unhappy with the game on the forums and keeping all these threads bumped up to the first page 24hrs a day.


"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result but expecting the result to be different"


Why are you people constantly attacking anyone that isnt singing the praises of bioware? do you think youre going to change peopels minds? well heres a news flash, the only thing that will change their minds is if bioware fixes their mess.


I post here because maybe it will effect biowares decisions, like all the fools who ranted and raved against a cross server lfg tool or even an lfg tool were listened to in the beta forums.


Someone needs to be the voice of logic who interupts the people who are patting bioware on the back and telling them how great they are to say NO, you lost half of your subs in 6 months, you are screwing up, now fix these problems.


oh i agree voice of logic.. and never once have i said you lack it.. you dont come on here screaming and ranting about how horrible the game is.. you seem atleast to have some sembelance of understanding of what makes an mmo an enjoyable experience to you..if you thought honestly that my observation of people who come to the forums and complain reflects on you.. well im sorry...


you atleast approach things with constructive critisism.. which is all most of us ask.. sure.. people hate the game, whatever, its their choice.. but people like you do not bother me.. people who voice valid concerns, issues they have, i can respect that.. but the other group of people who come on the forums for the soul purpose to troll, they bother me.. the ones that have quit, and say they are never coming back... why do they bother to hang around??

cut your losses and run.


I can respect someone like you, you atleast seem to want the game to succeed. which is what anyone people call a fanboi wants as well.. an awesome game.


do i think bioware is screwing **** up.. hells ya i do.. am i patient enough to wait around to see how they fix it...for now ya...when i am no longer patient i will quietly leave the game, and return maybe in a year or two to see if the changes i want to see have been implemented..


and from what ive read, you likely seem to be the same type of person.


I have no problem with complaining,,, but people who complain to simply complain really bothers me. it seems futile to complain without even putting forward some idiom of an idea of how to fix things.


I have seen some great suggestions on the forums as to how bioware can fix the server issues, and any I like i full on support, changes are needed, however, not everything people complain about is shared by the majority of players.

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This is the reason i post on these forums, these people will ride this game all the way into the ground while patting bw on the back and telling them its all gonna be fine.


So...How is talking about sub numbers help the game. You do understand the topic?:rolleyes:

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So...Fanboi...isn't an insult. search is not you friend brother.:eek:


Funny you leave out the insult you made that I made that in response to, of course you wouldnt do that.




You want to go down that path of argument and you get what you give when you do that everytime.


Its the only way you can "win" the discourse by making it not about the fact that Bioware is obviously trying to spin the numbers to lessen the blow to their product.

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So...How is talking about sub numbers help the game. You do understand the topic?:rolleyes:


Because Bioware is trying to lessen the impact of its games issues by altering perception of the extent of its failing through the best barometer for a games health in the MMO sphere "active subscription numbers"



We can always make it about how people who complain are lifeless trolls like you have attempted, that however does not change the fact that its very disconcerting to and a red flag that Bioware would attempt to spin in such an obvious and desperate way.

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