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Come to the Drunkside (when you can transfer)


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With everyone talking up some of the larger servers, I figured I'd throw a little love at my server: Dreshdae Cantina.


Sure, you could reroll on the Fatman or the other large servers, but not everyone wants to start from scratch. Once 1.3 hits and transfers are up and running, I'd highly recommend the Drunkside. The current pop is definitely not as high as Fatman, but we've got a good core pvp community on both sides. We're light enough to transfer to (I'm guessing), but we're not dead by any means. In fact, the population has been steadily rising over the past week or so, now that everyone isn't completely addicted to D3. Whenever Rateds finally hit, I wouldn't be surprised to see even more folks resub.


Don't expect that many queues before 1-2; however, once people start getting done with work / class / whatever, we have 3 level 50 matches and 2 pre-50 matches going. Once you get rolling with the WZ schedule, the queue pops go smoothly throughout the night.


Props to my fellow Dynamic guild mates and the Physics crew on the Imp side of things, as well as the delicious smattering of awesome PvP players in PVE guilds (here's looking at you, Thesinner, Buzzsaw, and Chantico, just to name a few). On the Pub side of the equation, I always enjoy our matches against Omnipresent and another guild whose name escapes me. Obviously Dynamic is the best, though. (I'm totally not biased... no way :D)


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-

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+1 to whoever knows what Sega genesis game that's from.


I promise to only necro this thread once, and only because it got a surprising amount of views when it was on page 3. Hell, I wouldn't mind if it switches focus to 90's vidja games.


If your server is dead and you're concerned about the possible influx of, shall we say, "lackluster" rerollers on fatman and the like, come to Dreshdae Cantina. (or "redhead cantons," as my auto-correct wanted to say)


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-

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actually.... i thought that game was a arcade game... "Rise from the grave to avenge your father" i believe he said..... i do not remeber the name... its a side scroll game... and you eat powwer up orbs.. and get larger and turn into a were wolf.


if i am thinking about the same game, hehe

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Congo rats, you're thinking about the right game. I still need a title, though. Let's see if you can remember it before someone beats you too it.


Dunno if it was originally an arcade game / if they made it into one, but I played it on my genesis.

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Hehe, there you are. I wish there was a way to keep track of guild v guild matches, like, oh I don't know, some sort of ranking system. (hint hint, nudge nudge)


I always enjoy the games when we're up against mostly you fellas, although I'm certainly not complaining about the occasional steamroll. Gotta say, though, it feels like me and the rest of Dynamic have been winning the majority of the matches whenever we have at least one full group on. No way to prove it, but there's no way to disprove it either; that means I'm right and we are the champs. (at least until someone else makes a baseless claim, thereby hijacking the argument)


Still no guess on the mystery game's name? The werewolf thing should be a big hint. Another big hint: you turn into a werewolf in the first and fifth/sixth (one of em) levels.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-

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+1 to whoever knows what Sega genesis game that's from.


I promise to only necro this thread once, and only because it got a surprising amount of views when it was on page 3. Hell, I wouldn't mind if it switches focus to 90's vidja games.


If your server is dead and you're concerned about the possible influx of, shall we say, "lackluster" rerollers on fatman and the like, come to Dreshdae Cantina. (or "redhead cantons," as my auto-correct wanted to say)


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-


Altered Beast.

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You are correct, sir! You will be awarded several blue pig things which, when punched or kicked, will give you power-up orbs. They'll make you super jacked, but taking too many will turn you into a furry. (albeit a super-powered furry, but a furry none the less) Use them wisely.


Also, blue bacon is surprisingly tasty.


edit: sorry, only kretan gets the pigs. all runners-up get a recording of the boss' laugh.

Edited by Sock_Bramson
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For you republic peeps there's Omniscient and Republic Special Ops that premade all day!


Cottonheaded invited me to join Dynamic because my operative heals are invincibility. lol. Tell him Sal says Hai.


-Salishia, 50 operative <Vae Victus>

Edited by Zunayson
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Heh, gotta catch me first, hando.. I involuntarily make the zoidberg running away sound whenever I use force speed, so I'm guaranteed to escape. :D


Hey there Sal, think I saw you on your alt the other day. Come on over and gimme some delicious Op cross-heals. Seems like there's only a few PvP healers on the imp side. Good thing the ones who do it regularly do it well. We won't steal you from your guild if you got friends and raiding duties, but we're never opposed to having special guest appearances. (secretly, though, we already hacked your account and forced you to join us; resistance is futile)


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-

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Heh, raiding duties lol. I haven't completed a raid in a month. Last time we had under geared DPS Who cant kill mind traps. Next, that hurricane hit me and my power went out so I couldn't heal. Now I'm on vacation. D:


I've been leveling a 32 PT. I think I remember you.

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Oh wait, this isn't on the first page now? Lemme fix that...


I only made this thread to post stuff to myself, and now people are actually trying to start some dialogue? That totally pisses me off; it would really annoy me if more people started posting things here. (take the bait take the bait take the bait)


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-

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For you republic peeps there's Omniscient and Republic Special Ops that premade all day!


Cottonheaded invited me to join Dynamic because my operative heals are invincibility. lol. Tell him Sal says Hai.


-Salishia, 50 operative <Vae Victus>


I think you meant Omnipresent.

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Lol, thanks for the necro and the props.


You mixed it up, though. Pubs weak, Imps strong. Imps smash! Imps now Hulk, apparently. (I, for one, am looking forward to the sweet purple pants)


I would love to see the Cantina become a destination server when transfers roll out. A.) I'm biased; I love our pvp community and want to keep it together. B.) I think we're actually a good choice for transfers. (lowish population, but consistent enough that we don't have problems getting games during the weekend and after 2-4 during the week.) Please make it happen, BW.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-

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Any word on when we find out more details about transfers? Is that supposed to be tomorrow?


I'm not going to lie, I like the community of our server and find that with the best players, it can be quite competitive. On the other hand, that are some real bell ends that make PvP quite miserable (talking about the "never-newbs*" here).


However, the queues are killing me. I was waiting for almost an hour for a queue yesterday right after noon. As you were well aware, when we did pop, it was 3v8.


*A never-newb being a newb who doesn't realize he's a newb, despite coming into a WZ with 153 expertise and trying to solo the first enemy he/she sees.

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If I got it right you will not be able to chose a server, you will be assigned a destination server :S


This is my understanding as well. We just hope we are a destination rather than an origin server.

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Any word on when we find out more details about transfers? Is that supposed to be tomorrow?


I'm not going to lie, I like the community of our server and find that with the best players, it can be quite competitive. On the other hand, that are some real bell ends that make PvP quite miserable (talking about the "never-newbs*" here).


However, the queues are killing me. I was waiting for almost an hour for a queue yesterday right after noon. As you were well aware, when we did pop, it was 3v8.


*A never-newb being a newb who doesn't realize he's a newb, despite coming into a WZ with 153 expertise and trying to solo the first enemy he/she sees.


Yes tomorrow is my understanding.

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