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SWTOR Possibly being salvaged?


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What major problems as I haven't encountered any 'major problems' with my swtor experience or game play or the thought that they aren't listening to the players, look at a couple basic changes they implemented in 1.2.


To those that have or had the impression that the dev team was listening well you are wrong as people were whining about not being able to spring until level 15 and that they couldn't ride their speeders in the spaceports, so the devs gave in on those two points. At launch people were complaining about cue times so they clone more servers to make people happy, now that people have gone onto different things the cry goes up about server transfers and about how slow the devs have been to react to the demands. Server transfers should never just be done quickly as, and I have gone through this before, that the devs have to figure out how to deal with duplicate names, who gets to keep there's and who has to change. . The MMO's an ever evolving project we are now in the seventh month since launch and we have been promised two large patches within the next couple on months people have to be more patient in their demands and realize that just as long as things fall within the reality of SWTOR it can happen.

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Rated Warzones! Coming in 1.2 ..... oh wait.


alright time to settle this crap right now


do you know HOW MANY TIMES blizzard said they are going to add stuff to the game but didn't do so for at LEAST a year after the game came out?


Do you know HOW MANY TIMES blizzard has treated it's fans like utter TRASH not even saying a "we are working on it" or "coming soon"?


Do people forget that when world of warcraft launched and even 1 year in was riddled with bugs and people were quitting before blizzard made a "restructuring?!"


No...they don't huh? People it looks like tend to want to forget ALLLLLLLLLLLL the bad things that happened to something once it becomes the biggest mmo ever with most players. Because it's not "cool" to harp on wow because it's some how god.


do you want to go into a battle on how CRAPPY world of warcraft was at this point in it's life? 6 months in? There were SCREAMS of people saying they were being ripped off! This is not what we were promised! Threatened to quit the game over stupid crap! THATS the reality of what it was. That is EXACTLY on how it is for this game! When this game gets huge and things start taking off when the galaxy grows and space pvp opens up with planets opening up with guild ship battles and bugs get pressed out, people aren't going to remember all the bad things, they are just going to say "dude...swtor is an epic game!!" They don't give a CRAP about what happened in the past if something becomes big and good.


You want to talk about the future? L.M.A.O! I would LOVE to see what haters have to hate in this game after it gets:


planets opened up more (the map and terrain is already there, they just need to open it up)

guild capital ship battles

space warzones

open space pvp battles

more species

and TONS of new fully questable planets


Laugh now haters. Because when that pivotal turning point for this game happens and people see it has all the things they want, group finder etc...they will come back and the new community team is already making the game and community look better!


Don't screw with my SWTOR!!!

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Honestly I think the shift to mega servers, coupled with the LFG tool and rated PvP, will really do a lot for this game. Balancing still needs work, I was really disappointed by the DPS sage nerf in 1.2 for instance, but I think SWTOR's best days are still ahead of it for anyone who sticks around.
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alright time to settle this crap right now


do you know HOW MANY TIMES blizzard said they are going to add stuff to the game but didn't do so for at LEAST a year after the game came out?


Do you know HOW MANY TIMES blizzard has treated it's fans like utter TRASH not even saying a "we are working on it" or "coming soon"?


Do people forget that when world of warcraft launched and even 1 year in was riddled with bugs and people were quitting before blizzard made a "restructuring?!"


No...they don't huh? People it looks like tend to want to forget ALLLLLLLLLLLL the bad things that happened to something once it becomes the biggest mmo ever with most players. Because it's not "cool" to harp on wow because it's some how god.


do you want to go into a battle on how CRAPPY world of warcraft was at this point in it's life? 6 months in? There were SCREAMS of people saying they were being ripped off! This is not what we were promised! Threatened to quit the game over stupid crap! THATS the reality of what it was. That is EXACTLY on how it is for this game! When this game gets huge and things start taking off when the galaxy grows and space pvp opens up with planets opening up with guild ship battles and bugs get pressed out, people aren't going to remember all the bad things, they are just going to say "dude...swtor is an epic game!!" They don't give a CRAP about what happened in the past if something becomes big and good.


You want to talk about the future? L.M.A.O! I would LOVE to see what haters have to hate in this game after it gets:


planets opened up more (the map and terrain is already there, they just need to open it up)

guild capital ship battles

space warzones

open space pvp battles

more species

and TONS of new fully questable planets


Laugh now haters. Because when that pivotal turning point for this game happens and people see it has all the things they want, group finder etc...they will come back and the new community team is already making the game and community look better!


Don't screw with my SWTOR!!!

This game isn't World of Warcraft, and it's not made by Blizzard. Did you have any other points of interest you'd like to share with the group ?

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What major problems as I haven't encountered any 'major problems' with my swtor experience or game play or the thought that they aren't listening to the players, look at a couple basic changes they implemented in 1.2.


To those that have or had the impression that the dev team was listening well you are wrong as people were whining about not being able to spring until level 15 and that they couldn't ride their speeders in the spaceports, so the devs gave in on those two points. At launch people were complaining about cue times so they clone more servers to make people happy, now that people have gone onto different things the cry goes up about server transfers and about how slow the devs have been to react to the demands. Server transfers should never just be done quickly as, and I have gone through this before, that the devs have to figure out how to deal with duplicate names, who gets to keep there's and who has to change. . The MMO's an ever evolving project we are now in the seventh month since launch and we have been promised two large patches within the next couple on months people have to be more patient in their demands and realize that just as long as things fall within the reality of SWTOR it can happen.


realistically...5 whole months.


You can't count a couple of days and call em months

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This game isn't World of Warcraft, and it's not made by Blizzard. Did you have any other points of interest you'd like to share with the group ?


You didn't even read it. I know you didn't. You just saw world of warcraft and wrote what you just wrote.



I'm making a comparison. The point is...people complain about everything and anything. There is no stopping it. That was my point. If you didn't catch that

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You didn't even read it. I know you didn't. You just saw world of warcraft and wrote what you just wrote.



I'm making a comparison. The point is...people complain about everything and anything. There is no stopping it. That was my point. If you didn't catch that


Don't like to read complaints? I'd suggest avoiding game forums.

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Honestly I think the shift to mega servers, coupled with the LFG tool and rated PvP, will really do a lot for this game. Balancing still needs work, I was really disappointed by the DPS sage nerf in 1.2 for instance, but I think SWTOR's best days are still ahead of it for anyone who sticks around.


I fully agree man do you wanna know what is absolutely hilarious? As soon as these problems are fixed

? All these people complaining on the forums and talking trash? They will be back they will be back in the game acting like I never left. I've seen it happen with so many MMOs. I mean it even happened in world of warcraft. In vanilla wow. There were glitches and bugs all over the place. I would go to turn on a quest and I would fall through the world. Now that's a major bug . Onece they were fixed what happened? Everyone came back acting like they never left. Ironic.....

Edited by Zergnaut
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I fully agree man do you wanna know what is absolutely hilarious? As soon as these problems are fixed

? All these people complaining on the forums and talking trash? They will be back they will be back in the game acting like I never left. I've seen it happen with so many MMOs. I mean it even happened in world of warcraft. In vanilla wow. There were glitches in bugs all over the place. Once they were fixed what happened? Everyone came back acting like they never left. Ironic.....


Seriously, If people want to talk about WoW, here's the link ----> http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/

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Driveinns , yes I do know the inter-workings of large companies, and medium companies, and small ones. I've even been through company mergers and buyouts. I currently run my own business and doing very well thank you.


Being self employed because every company you ever worked for never thought you were good enough to keep through rough times does not equal 'running your own business'. As I know business owners, and they are reasonable people persons. Not crap talking whiners who like spending their time, or even have the time to spend, on a forum of a game they obviously hate.


What I know is this: BW's product, SWTOR, has major problems. And so far I haven't seen any signs of better days ahead. A few interns posting on the forums about nonsense all day doesn't brighten my outlook one bit. They have to do better than that if they want my money.


You assume it will just be people on forums posting nonsense. That is your assumption of their public statement. Does that mean this will really be the case? As I said in another thread, main problem of the former community manager was that all communication went through him, both into the community and out from it. Now, each key feature block (PVP, PVE, Questing, Guilds, etc..) will have their own community manager to be in direct contact with the development team.

That is not just putting lower paid interns into forum posting positions, that is a completely different way of handling community management.


So, unless you somehow know for a fact, and with proof, that Bioware is lying right now and these people are not part of the Dev Teams, your whole point is basicly worthless.

Edited by Devlonir
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So let me get this straight... you're excited because of a bunch of interns got fancy new titles with a 25 cent pay increase so that they can spend all day posting on the forums about how they're going to be posting on the the forums?


Seriously... you need to stop drinking the cool-aid. Did any of them actually post ANYTHING important? Did they post any information about server transfers or ranked warzones? No they did not. BW fired a bunch of higher paid guys who (arguably) had a clue about what was going on (though they weren't allowed to tell us anything) so that they can give more responsibility to lesser paid employees who are already overloaded with work. Then they tell those lesser paid employees to spend all day posting on the forums about NOTHING to make it LOOK like everything is rainbows and roses over at BW HQ.


Don't you just love Joveth's closing comments?


Oh boy! That is just swell, Joveth!!!! Golly geez, I can't wait to see you again real soon!


Really? You're really excited about the fact that a bunch of employees just got canned at the company you work for and that SWToR is bleeding out subscriptions like a trauma victim in the E.R.?


TLDR: BW canned a ton of people. They want to put a positive "spin" on it so they are calling it a "restructuring" instead because it sounds better. In the end, it is the same company, building the same game, with the same problems, with the same bleeding subscriptions... now... they just have fewer people to do it with.


People complained... They fixed the problem. And your still whinging? Seriously if you are so sour just leave the forums... Leave the game or do something constructive. There are so many of us here that love this game and it is this negative attitude that ruins the community.

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Yes, because more PR is what this game desperately needs right now.


But not server transfers... or anything useful like that...


P.S. Oh yeah, and the only reason I'm still here right now is because I still have free game time.


oh the whole community screams "bioware doesnt listen to us ,bioware wont listen to my advice, bioware is ignoring us"

what do you think PR people do?


as for those that cry about not getting actual dtes on things if bioware said 1.3 was out next week then they find a bug in last minuite testing which pushes it back by about 3 weeks youde all come crying on the forums about it being delayed.

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People complained... They fixed the problem. And your still whinging? Seriously if you are so sour just leave the forums... Leave the game or do something constructive. There are so many of us here that love this game and it is this negative attitude that ruins the community.


Differing attitudes, whether they are positive or negative, can only help to foster a stronger community. Unless you like being a citizen of North Korea.

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Well, I just cancel my sub. Unless BW has a real fix for the population problem I ain't sticking around. I just check tor status and switsure has drop down to 8th place with a downward trend for the population. The server is fluctuating between standard and light. That's unacceptable. Any server that isn't a heavy server is going to be a backwater server based on my experience in wow. Only heavy or super servers prosper and survive. Standard and light servers won't cut it.
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<Snippity snip>


So, unless you somehow know for a fact, and with proof, that Bioware is lying right now and these people are not part of the Dev Teams, your whole point is basicly worthless.


His whole post was basically worthless per se, he is just taking a cynical stance towards the new community relations initiative to protect himself from feeling stupid when it dosen't magically make everything better. Effectively his post is nothing about the community and whether or not it will improve, it is just about himself.

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I'm wondering if EA think the old team didn't "handle" the community well and they think that is what is responsible for subs drops.


Whilst I'd agree that having twitter as your only real source of community interaction is incredibly poor, I don't think that really had anything to do with subs losses.


Nor do I think the most smooth community PR team is going to do much IF there's still serious structual game problems. :(

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Well, I just cancel my sub. Unless BW has a real fix for the population problem I ain't sticking around. I just check tor status and switsure has drop down to 8th place with a downward trend for the population. The server is fluctuating between standard and light. That's unacceptable. Any server that isn't a heavy server is going to be a backwater server based on my experience in wow. Only heavy or super servers prosper and survive. Standard and light servers won't cut it.


You can thank myself and many other Anzac's for starting that downward trend.


It was us that helped The Swiftsure climb to the top of the population rankings, and it was us that jumped ship first with the inclussion of Oceanic servers. Your welcome

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You can thank myself and many other Anzac's for starting that downward trend.


It was us that helped The Swiftsure climb to the top of the population rankings, and it was us that jumped ship first with the inclussion of Oceanic servers. Your welcome


I would jump ship too :( I was in an aussie guild and played mostly at night, but BW only offered xfers to players from the oceanic zones. I log in like week after the aussies xfers took effect and discovered almost all my guild xfer off and being promoted to guild master.


Just terrible way of BW handling the oceanic/us servers.

Edited by Knockerz
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I would jump ship too :( I was in an aussie guild and played mostly at night, but BW only offered xfers to players from the oceanic zones. I log in like week after the aussies xfers took effect and discovered almost all my guild xfer off and being promoted to guild master.


Wait, your complaining about getting a promotion? Geez. You can never satisfy everyone :jawa_wink:

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