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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fun For PvP: Sage or Sentinel?


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I've been looking to make a Jedi character to use as a new main, but mostly for PvP once he hit 50.


Which is more FUN to play when it comes to war zones and open PvP? Jedi Sentinel or Jedi Sage?


Role/Combat style doesn't matter to me, I'm just after the fun factor here. :jawa_smile:

Edited by JediKnightJax
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I've been looking to make a Jedi character to use as a new main, but mostly for PvP once he hit 50.


Which is more FUN to play when it comes to war zones and open PvP? Jedi Sentinel or Jedi Sage?


Role/Combat style doesn't matter to me, I'm just after the fun factor here. :jawa_smile:


Depends on what you consider fun. Sentinel is more button mashy and you have a small margin for error when it comes to managing your defensive cooldowns and tactics. Sage is more "stand in the back and apply pressure". In my experience people either love the sentinel class for the challenge and utility or they hate it because "it feels squishy" (because they're not using all their tools properly). Sage is the easier of the two to do well with. If you want fast paced gameplay with a lot of keybinds, lots of options and a lot of manuevering then sentinel is a good class for you. Sage can perform equally well and have a lot of tools (compared to a commando for instance) but they are somewhat linear 4 button rotation specs and the skill to playing a sage is in managing CC and kiting but even if you don't do that you'll outperform a sentinel who isn't good.

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I dont have sage but sorceres but its technic.same and sage is more fun but kinda harder.in wz 10-49 specialy if you are on lvl 40+ sage rock but on lvl 50 is shock and you will be angry until you got full BM.Sentinel was in 10-49 weak or i dont know how play it but after 50even in recruit gear its rock but kinda boring.Oh and what i hear sage story suck but sentinel story is nice,i realy enjoy it :) Edited by ColonelBurton
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Pre-50 pretty much any class or spec is lots of fun for PvP. Some shine later, but honestly you'll enjoy any of them. Even if sages get targeted more than Sentinels because people think they're healers. Post 50 Sentinels have half a chance of surviving some until they get Battlemaster + gear. And by half a chance I mean a slim one.
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In warzones, I find Sage to be more fun.


If you're playing Sentinel, you'll be focus down hard, and CC'd hard, and it can be annoying, although scoring in Huttball with the Force Leap is pretty fun.


But Sage is probably more fun. IMO

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Play a sage only if you like to constantly kite people and blow up the second someone gets on you.


Play a sentinel if you like to *** pwn everyone with dual sabers to the face.

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For solo q? Sent if you like in-your-face, balance Sage if you like (and are really good at) kiting.


For group q? One of the above, or Sage healer if you're friends with a good tank. Note that this is a giant pain to solo q on.


Oh yeah, the Knight story is 1000x more epic than the Consular's.

Edited by flem
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