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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Hi everyone! Still reading and must say love everyones stories!:)


Anyway new story!:D


Title: Calling


Prompt:Guilty Pleasures


* *

It was midnight and all was well on Svein's ship, The Blade. Everyone was sound asleep and the only sound that could be heard was the deathly sound of Quinn's snoring which echoed through the ship causing everyone to buy sound proof doors. However, beneath the snoring and the sleeping shipmates Svein was awake in his room using his communicator to make "questionable" calls.


* * "Um, hello this is Darth Marr", said Svein into the mic of his communicator.


* * "Marr," asked the voice of Darth Ravage curiously and tiredly," Do you realize it is 12:27 in the morning."


* * Svein snickered," I am well aware of the time Ravage. I called to tell you that next council meeting I'm going to be ordering Cassandra Sunrises from the Nexus Cantina."


* * "And, you called me at 12:27 to tell me that", exclaimed Ravage angrily.

* *

* * "No I did not Ravage, control yourself. I have some urgent business to conduct with you that may deal with the Council at large".


* * "Is the Republic coming to Dromund Kass", asked Ravage urgently.


* * "Of course not fool do you think they would try something that stupid again", exclaimed Svein hardly containing himself," I wanted to know what kind of pizza you wanted. Choose wisely because 6 of the members are crazy for pineapple including Nox and I wouldn't want Mortis to break your neck like poor Thanaton".


* * Suddenly, Ravage hung up leaving the dial tone on the communicator. Svein laughed in his bed as he dialed another number. Then something very strange occurred to him. Quinn's snoring had stopped.


* * Svein turned around to face the door to see the whole crew staring at him in pure surprise.


* * "My lord what are you doing", asked Quinn slightly disturbed.


* * Svein hesitated unsure what to say to his crew.


* * "Awkward", chirped Vette.


* * Svein said embarrassed," This is not what it seems guys".


* * Quinn tiredly asked," You were not prank calling Darth Ravage."


* * "I was ordering pizza", said Svein shrugging. After a moment of silence Svein said curiously," No?"


* * "No", replied Vette walking away to her room.


* * "Good evening my lord", said Quinn tiredly.


* * "Master if I might have a word of advice to you, find a hobby", said Jaesa masking her irritation with her usual kind selfless voice.


* * Broonmark and Pierce walked to their room grumbling ,and Svein went to shut the door. Soon Quinn's snoring continued and the night became quiet once more.


* * Svein lied in his bed laughing to himself about the call and the expression on his friend's faces. Suddenly, Svein's communicator beeped and Svein picked up to answer.


* * "My lord this is Vette. Please invite me over to join the fun next time. I mean seriously I'm a pro at prank calling. That's all see ya later."


* * The Vette hung up and Svein laughed grinning from ear to ear as he laid in his bed.


This is brilliant. Thank you. :D

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A’tro saw an opportunity and opened her mouth to speak, to tell Quinn that she was sorry, that she—


“My lord,” Quinn said coolly, cutting her off before she could begin. “I regret that our paths must diverge.”


Too little, too late.




Punch in the gut. I love it.

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guilty pleasures

SW Echidnae, quinn, vette, and ls jaesa.

points if you catch the easter egg reference



" Whatcha doooooin?" Vette chimed as she popped up behind Quinn as he was focused intently on a holopad. Immediately before she could see, he closed it.

" Mind your buisness, twi'lek" He growled.


" Ooooooooo~ I bet your spying in on your boooooyfriend, Moff Broysc " She giggled.


" I said LEAVE" he growled again, starting to tremble with nerve.


Sensing a growing cloud of angry disturbance in the ship, Both Echidnae and Jaesa popped in.

" What seems to be the matter, Captain?" The sith demanded dryly.


" Your pet twi'lek won't leave me to my buisness." Quinn sighed, exasperated.


" I just asked what he was doing." Vette pouted, feighing innocence.


" Now Quinn, i told you Vette is relentless as soon as her interest is caught, i'm sure as soon as she sees how utterly boring your field reports are, she will relent."


Before Quinn could protest or resist, the holopad was taken from his hands and turned on. Immediately the figures in the galaxy's hit children's show " My little Bantha: Friendship is the Force" pop on screen. Jaesa couldn't help but let out a squeal.


" My stars! I LOVED this show as a child! i had no idea they still were running! i had ALL the toys! Oh. My. GOODNESS!"


"Guys" Vette interrupted, looking slightly disturbed. " This is creeping me out now, i SWEAR i've heard the purple one's voice before...."


Malavai just sat there, his face buried in his hands in defeat as the 3 girls around him giggled at him, and watched the show eagerly. His plans to discreetly investigate and canvass the kingdom planet of Equestria had been foiled. Yes... he was merely investigating the potential strengths and weaknesses of a potential boon to the empire...




That's terrible... I would proudly flaunt my bronyness.:rak_03:


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Guilty Pleasures


Reading Material

JK - Esma (and Scourge)

JK spoilers from Chapter 3


"Would you care to explain the holo recordings stored in the conference room?"


Esma casually flipped over the datapad she was reading in bed and raised her eyebrows at the tone coming from the Sith scowling in the doorway.


"What recordings?"


"The ones from a Bengel Morr, who I believe we met on Corellia? Sentimental nonsense."


"Oh those," Esma said, waving a hand.


"Yes, those," Scourge said, "Why is another man sending you such things?"


Esma's eyes widened as she looked up at Scourge. "You're jealous."




"I can't believe you feel threatened by a set of holo recordings," she said, sitting upright and somehow in the process flipping a blanket over the datapad at her side.


"I am not threatened," he growled, "I am merely determining whether this insect must die."


Esma burst into laughter, falling back on the bed (and shoving the datapad farther under) until the giggles stopped.


"You are jealous," she said, still grinning.


Scourge stalked across the room, reached down and grasped her wrists, pinning them to the bed. "You are mine," he said delibrately, "killing rivals is something of a tradition with Sith."


"Oh, come on," Esma said, attempting to get up and having no luck at all, "Really? I don't see you going after Doc."


Scourge shifted her wrists to one hand and unerringly located the datapad that was buried in the blankets over Esma's sputtered protests. He read a bit and then raised an eyebrow. Esma's cheeks heated.


He set the datapad down on the table at the side of the bed. "That creature lives only because he has given up his claim to you, and you wish him to remain alive for some inexplicable reason."


Esma looked from Scourge to the datapad and back again before forging ahead. "I spared Bengel Morr's life once on Tython and ever since then he's been a little...fixated, but there was never anything romantic about it. Now will you let me up?"


Scourge considered her for a moment. "No, I find I rather like you like this." He kept his grip tight on her wrists and began to slowly unbutton her shirt. "And it appears from your reading material that you do as well."


"I just...um...," Esma said, beginning to get a little breathless.


Scourge's lips curled in a small smile.


"So what now?"


Scourge's smile spread across his face, full of cunning. "I have plans, little Jedi, I have plans."



Author's Note:

For all those Jedi Knights with a collection of smut in their library...you know who you are.


I liked this a lot but now Scourge is just.... Ugh! I think JK should be able to romance Scourge though and I see something going on..... Nice work!:)

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guilty pleasures

SW Echidnae, quinn, vette, and ls jaesa.

points if you catch the easter egg reference



" Whatcha doooooin?" Vette chimed as she popped up behind Quinn as he was focused intently on a holopad. Immediately before she could see, he closed it.

" Mind your buisness, twi'lek" He growled.


" Ooooooooo~ I bet your spying in on your boooooyfriend, Moff Broysc " She giggled.


" I said LEAVE" he growled again, starting to tremble with nerve.


Sensing a growing cloud of angry disturbance in the ship, Both Echidnae and Jaesa popped in.

" What seems to be the matter, Captain?" The sith demanded dryly.


" Your pet twi'lek won't leave me to my buisness." Quinn sighed, exasperated.


" I just asked what he was doing." Vette pouted, feighing innocence.


" Now Quinn, i told you Vette is relentless as soon as her interest is caught, i'm sure as soon as she sees how utterly boring your field reports are, she will relent."


Before Quinn could protest or resist, the holopad was taken from his hands and turned on. Immediately the figures in the galaxy's hit children's show " My little Bantha: Friendship is the Force" pop on screen. Jaesa couldn't help but let out a squeal.


" My stars! I LOVED this show as a child! i had no idea they still were running! i had ALL the toys! Oh. My. GOODNESS!"


"Guys" Vette interrupted, looking slightly disturbed. " This is creeping me out now, i SWEAR i've heard the purple one's voice before...."


Malavai just sat there, his face buried in his hands in defeat as the 3 girls around him giggled at him, and watched the show eagerly. His plans to discreetly investigate and canvass the kingdom planet of Equestria had been foiled. Yes... he was merely investigating the potential strengths and weaknesses of a potential boon to the empire...



I laughed so hard when I read this! I feel somewhat sorry for Quinn in this one.:D great job loved it

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My poor-quality five-minute Celebration, featuring my Smuggler Vette. Because in Ruth's universe, it makes sense for Vette to be the smuggler and go through its plot line after she and Ruth are forced to cite irreconcilable differences and go their separate ways. 200 words, tweaked to avoid implicit spoilers.




Vette raised the bottle. “More whiskey? Anyone?”


“You’re unstoppable,” said Corso, impressed. “Here, hit me.”


“I will take more as well,” Akaavi said coolly.


Vette beamed. “If you think you can outdrink me, you’re terribly mistaken.”


Risha nodded. “Bet you anything she was a better drinker at eight years old than half the grown men we've met.”


Vette perked up at the sight of an approaching droid. “Ooh, cake’s coming!”


Corso and Akaavi examined the cake, which had no particular markings on it. “I was hoping that’d be a little more informative,” said Corso. “I’m gonna have to give up. What exactly are we celebrating?”


“My second liberation from slavery,” explained Vette, and raised a glass to the occasion.


Risha raised, sipped, and set down her glass. “How did you get out the second time, anyway?”


Vette shrugged. “I asked the lady I got handed as a gift to to take off the collar. She did.”


“Just like that?”


“Just like that.”


“That’s kind of heartwarming,” said Corso, smiling the smile he usually used for puppies and rainbows. “Who was she?”


“Brother, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”




Edit, Notes:

At this point in the timeline the Emperor's Wrath is famed primarily for being angry and merciless. Which is one of the reasons Vette opted for a solo career. The idea of the Wrath casually freeing slaves would be nonsensical to a modern observer.




My heart is warmed at the idea that Vette and Risha would get to hang out together.

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Guilty Pleasures (I suspect I may have a couple more for this prompt...it's way too much fun!)


What Happens on the HoloNet...

Trooper - no spoilers

Sana, Aric, and Elara



“Sir! I have excellent news! On our upcoming form 437-2B review we are eligible to request a U65 clearance from core world spaceports!”




“This will speed up our departure times by .38 percent!”


“Well, that’s….good,” Sana backed slowly out of the medbay where Elara was happily tapping away at her datapad, “Keep up the good work, Lieutenant.”


Sana shook her head as she ducked into the ammo locker where Aric was busy taking stock of their supplies.


“She’s at it again,” she whispered, “I swear that girl has more in common with that blasted ship droid…” Aric grinned, not looking up from his counting. “I mean she’s a good soldier, top notch medic, she’s just so…..”


“Rigid,” he supplied, making a final note on his datapad and tucking it away as he leaned back against the door frame.


She sighed quietly, glancing out the door to make sure they weren’t overheard. “She’s driving me nuts. Last week it was a request to order in something perfectly normal that was going to require me to fill out paperwork for two hours!”


“I don’t seem to recall you spending two hours on anything resembling paperwork last week,” he said with a raised eyebrow.


Sana waved her hand, “I told her I’d take care of it and then I sent Vik out for it. He was back in less time than it took for me to explain to her that I had an alternate source and no it did not have to be filed under section 75blah blah blah. Am I being unreasonable?”


Aric grinned and pulled her into his arms. “Maybe,” he said as he gave her a kiss, “but it’s okay, she drives us all nuts at times.”


Sana frowned as she settled her head against his chest, “I feel bad. She’s a good person. She cares about people, you know?”


“Mmhm,” he mumbled, running his hands up and down her back.


“And it can’t be easy. She tries so hard.”


“Uh huh.”


“And she really is a good worker. Puts us all to shame, really.”




Sana leaned back and glared at him, “Are you even listening?”


He smiled. “You’ll figure it out, you always do. But until then, I think we deserve a short break.”


“Oh yeah?” she said, intrigued with the intent look in his eye.




Later that week...


Sana ducked into the medbay where Elara was intently filling out paperwork.


“So…” Elara jumped. “Gotta work on that situational awareness, Lieutenant,” Sana said with a grin.


“Sorry, sir, won’t happen again.”


“Don’t worry about it, Dorne. I wanted to talk to you for a minute.”


“Is something wrong, sir?”


Sana walked over and perched on the desk Dorne was sitting at and set down the box she was carrying. “I trust you.”


“Sir, I…”


“Hear me out, Dorne. I trust you. I don’t need to hear how you’ve followed regulations exactly to know that you have done and are going to do an excellent job. I’m fully aware of just how good a job you do. That’s my job as CO. I keep tabs on my people.”


Elara blinked a bit rapidly, her eyes suspiciously bright, “That means a lot, sir.”


“And in recognition of your good work, I’d like to do something for you. I called in a favor from a slicer I helped out on Balmorra, and he revamped the interface at your console and sent over a set of secretarial protocols for C2. C2’ll be able to take over most of the routine paperwork, give you some free time.”


“But, sir, according to regulation…”


Sana glared a little. Dorne swallowed what she’d been about to say.


“Some regulations are necessary. Others are put in place by seat polishers who come up with crap to justify their existence. You’re a smart woman, Dorne, I think you can tell the difference.” Sana jumped off the desk and headed for the door, “We all need to take as much time to relax as we can. This war isn’t going to be over any time soon.”


“I see your point, sir.”


Sana paused at the doorway and pointed at the box on the desk, “Oh, and by the way, I ordered in some specialty items for you as a thank you.”


“What? Sir…I….A stack of credits, a feather boa, and a ticket to...Sir! What is this?!"


Sana grinned as she walked out the door, "That slicer was pretty surprised when all the Twilendale dancer videos popped up on your console. I have to say, the way those guys rotate their hips...well, at any rate, go, have fun. That's an order."


Elara looked up, cheeks beet red, and smiled a small shy smile. "Yes, sir."


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Guilty Pleasures (I suspect I may have a couple more for this prompt...it's way too much fun!)


What Happens on the HoloNet...

Trooper - no spoilers

Sana, Aric, and Elara


I swallowed my gum.






worth it.:D



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Guilty Pleasures (I suspect I may have a couple more for this prompt...it's way too much fun!)


What Happens on the HoloNet...

Trooper - no spoilers

Sana, Aric, and Elara



“Sir! I have excellent news! On our upcoming form 437-2B review we are eligible to request a U65 clearance from core world spaceports!”




“This will speed up our departure times by .38 percent!”


“Well, that’s….good,” Sana backed slowly out of the medbay where Elara was happily tapping away at her datapad, “Keep up the good work, Lieutenant.”


Sana shook her head as she ducked into the ammo locker where Aric was busy taking stock of their supplies.


“She’s at it again,” she whispered, “I swear that girl has more in common with that blasted ship droid…” Aric grinned, not looking up from his counting. “I mean she’s a good soldier, top notch medic, she’s just so…..”


“Rigid,” he supplied, making a final note on his datapad and tucking it away as he leaned back against the door frame.


She sighed quietly, glancing out the door to make sure they weren’t overheard. “She’s driving me nuts. Last week it was a request to order in something perfectly normal that was going to require me to fill out paperwork for two hours!”


“I don’t seem to recall you spending two hours on anything resembling paperwork last week,” he said with a raised eyebrow.


Sana waved her hand, “I told her I’d take care of it and then I sent Vik out for it. He was back in less time than it took for me to explain to her that I had an alternate source and no it did not have to be filed under section 75blah blah blah. Am I being unreasonable?”


Aric grinned and pulled her into his arms. “Maybe,” he said as he gave her a kiss, “but it’s okay, she drives us all nuts at times.”


Sana frowned as she settled her head against his chest, “I feel bad. She’s a good person. She cares about people, you know?”


“Mmhm,” he mumbled, running his hands up and down her back.


“And it can’t be easy. She tries so hard.”


“Uh huh.”


“And she really is a good worker. Puts us all to shame, really.”




Sana leaned back and glared at him, “Are you even listening?”


He smiled. “You’ll figure it out, you always do. But until then, I think we deserve a short break.”


“Oh yeah?” she said, intrigued with the intent look in his eye.




Later that week...


Sana ducked into the medbay where Elara was intently filling out paperwork.


“So…” Elara jumped. “Gotta work on that situational awareness, Lieutenant,” Sana said with a grin.


“Sorry, sir, won’t happen again.”


“Don’t worry about it, Dorne. I wanted to talk to you for a minute.”


“Is something wrong, sir?”


Sana walked over and perched on the desk Dorne was sitting at and set down the box she was carrying. “I trust you.”


“Sir, I…”


“Hear me out, Dorne. I trust you. I don’t need to hear how you’ve followed regulations exactly to know that you have done and are going to do an excellent job. I’m fully aware of just how good a job you do. That’s my job as CO. I keep tabs on my people.”


Elara blinked a bit rapidly, her eyes suspiciously bright, “That means a lot, sir.”


“And in recognition of your good work, I’d like to do something for you. I called in a favor from a slicer I helped out on Balmorra, and he revamped the interface at your console and sent over a set of secretarial protocols for C2. C2’ll be able to take over most of the routine paperwork, give you some free time.”


“But, sir, according to regulation…”


Sana glared a little. Dorne swallowed what she’d been about to say.


“Some regulations are necessary. Others are put in place by seat polishers who come up with crap to justify their existence. You’re a smart woman, Dorne, I think you can tell the difference.” Sana jumped off the desk and headed for the door, “We all need to take as much time to relax as we can. This war isn’t going to be over any time soon.”


“I see your point, sir.”


Sana paused at the doorway and pointed at the box on the desk, “Oh, and by the way, I ordered in some specialty items for you as a thank you.”


“What? Sir…I….A stack of credits, a feather boa, and a ticket to...Sir! What is this?!"


Sana grinned as she walked out the door, "That slicer was pretty surprised when all the Twilendale dancer videos popped up on your console. I have to say, the way those guys rotate their hips...well, at any rate, go, have fun. That's an order."


Elara looked up, cheeks beet red, and smiled a small shy smile. "Yes, sir."



Cute. I've heard Elara unravels quite a bit for male troopers when they romance her (not that far on Poole yet) and while I liked helping Elara out with her hate stalker and listening to her all excited about getting published, I wish there had been a few more girl moments in her storyline. Ipha wants a friend. Is that so much to ask?

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guilty pleasures

SW Echidnae, quinn, vette, and ls jaesa.

points if you catch the easter egg reference



" Whatcha doooooin?" Vette chimed as she popped up behind Quinn as he was focused intently on a holopad. Immediately before she could see, he closed it.

" Mind your buisness, twi'lek" He growled.


" Ooooooooo~ I bet your spying in on your boooooyfriend, Moff Broysc " She giggled.


" I said LEAVE" he growled again, starting to tremble with nerve.


Sensing a growing cloud of angry disturbance in the ship, Both Echidnae and Jaesa popped in.

" What seems to be the matter, Captain?" The sith demanded dryly.


" Your pet twi'lek won't leave me to my buisness." Quinn sighed, exasperated.


" I just asked what he was doing." Vette pouted, feighing innocence.


" Now Quinn, i told you Vette is relentless as soon as her interest is caught, i'm sure as soon as she sees how utterly boring your field reports are, she will relent."


Before Quinn could protest or resist, the holopad was taken from his hands and turned on. Immediately the figures in the galaxy's hit children's show " My little Bantha: Friendship is the Force" pop on screen. Jaesa couldn't help but let out a squeal.


" My stars! I LOVED this show as a child! i had no idea they still were running! i had ALL the toys! Oh. My. GOODNESS!"


"Guys" Vette interrupted, looking slightly disturbed. " This is creeping me out now, i SWEAR i've heard the purple one's voice before...."


Malavai just sat there, his face buried in his hands in defeat as the 3 girls around him giggled at him, and watched the show eagerly. His plans to discreetly investigate and canvass the kingdom planet of Equestria had been foiled. Yes... he was merely investigating the potential strengths and weaknesses of a potential boon to the empire...





maybe..just maybe.... this is what quinn was watching

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Guilty Pleasures #3 (I don't think I have any more to write on this one this week, but who knows, they keep popping into my head :) )



BH - chapter 3 spoilers




“Weird spot for a mark to hide,” Skari muttered, surveying the cutesy boutique with a good bit of disdain. The salesgirl wasn’t doing a good job hiding her apprehension as she straightened a rack of something sparkly and pink. Skari glared at her until the girl ducked out of sight.


“What do you think?” Mako asked, jogging into the shop behind her, slightly out of breath.


“Only one here is Miss Shaky,” she said, jerking her head toward the counter where the salesgirl was doing a lot of not-looking.


“No, I meant the clothes,” Mako said, reaching over to pull out something flowery and orange.


Skari looked at her, sure that she’d lost her mind. “The clothes? What are you talking about?”


“Uh, well, I thought it might be a good idea to do some shopping!” The relentless good cheer in her voice set off warning bells.


“Ignoring the fact that you told me there was a mark with a good chunk of credits on their head hiding here, for the love of small furry things, why would I need these kinds of clothes? I have a dozen sets of armor that work just fine for what I need.”




“What did you do, Mako?”


“I maybe, might of, kinda putyourprofileonLookingforLoveandyouhaveadatetonight.” Mako had managed to put a good bit of distance between them, but it really wasn’t enough.


“YOU DID WHAT?!? I’m going to KILL you!” Skari started across the boutique with murder in her eye.


“Wait! Wait! It’s not that bad; he’s really hot, I checked him out!”


Skari stopped, groaned and covered her face.


“You need to get out, live a little!”


Skari threw up her hands. “I do get out! I get out all the time!”


“Only to track people down!”


“Boun-ty hun-ter.”


“You need to have fun, meet some guys, relax a little.”


“A date is NOT relaxing.”


“Come on, please? Just once.”


Skari glared at her and then slumped, “Fine, once. But that’s it!” For someone who’d faced down the who’s who of powerful and deadly, her stomach was doing a wonderful job of tying itself in knots.


Mako creeped back closer, still watching her warily.


“So,” Skari waved her hand helplessly at the boutique, “how does this all work?”


“The store? Well usually we give them credits and they give us pretty clothes.”


“Dating,” Skari said with an evil look, “how does this work?”


“Uh,” Mako’s eyes widened, “you’ve never been on a date? But what about that guy with the cybernetic implants you told me about?”


“We never dated, just hooked up, and that was a long time ago. So, no, I’ve never been on a date.” Skari crossed her arms and glared at the clothes. She could almost see Mako’s mind whirring.


“Well,” Mako said slowly, “you’ll get dolled up, go to Club Vertica, and meet Nerron…”


“That’s his name?”


“Nerron Bloker.”


“Stupid name.”


“It is not,” Mako frowned at her, “anyway, you’ll meet Nerron, you’ll eat, drink, talk about your lives…”


“Um, no.”


“Then talk about the weather! I don’t care!”


Skari sighed, “I suppose this means I need to wear a….dress.” She said it as though it were a very nasty word.


“Yes, you do.”


“I’m not doing pink.”




Mako had won on the dress. It was short, the same shade of red as her eyes, and tight enough that Skari couldn’t fit a blaster under the skirt. Skari had refused to wear heels however, so they’d gone with thigh high black leather boots where a blaster could hide. Priorities were priorities. Her date was...not late...but she had been sitting Club Vertica for almost a quarter of an hour already, watching the dancers out on the floor. The music had her tapping her fingers on the table in time with the beat as her nervousness built.


"Askari Ma'grav?" The voice was smooth. Skari looked up at the man who had stopped at her table. Mako was right, the man was hot: slightly shaggy dark hair, dark blue eyes, tall, lean build, handsome but not pretty, and an appreciative gleam in his eye. Her stomach knotted tighter.


"Nerron Bloker." Skari acknowledged.


Nerron seated himself across from her.


"I must say, your holo didn't do you justice," he said, giving her a thorough once-over.


"Uh, thanks," she said, her conversational skills dropping below their normally less than stellar levels.


"Do you come here often?" His smile was as warm and friendly as his voice.


"No, just once before," she said, "but that was..." She shook her head. Act normal. Normal people do not hunt down bounties in high class clubs. They go to high class clubs to eat, drink, and dance. Nerron's expression was curious, appreciative, but not suspicious. It had been a long time since anyone had looked at her like that.


"Do you dance?" she blurted out and then sputtered, "I mean, at clubs like this?" She clamped her mouth shut before more asinine questions came out of it.


His smiled widened, "I do actually. Do you like dancing?"


"Yeah...I mean, I don't really dance, I mean in places like this..." Oh please just let the floor open up and swallow her whole. There had to be a good way to get out of here without causing a ruckus. Too bad ruckus-causing was her modus operandi.


"So where do you dance?" He looked like he was enjoying himself actually.


Skari risked a small grin. "The refresher mostly."


He laughed and then sat foward. "As much as I'm enjoying your company, I do have to reveal something."


"What's that?" Skari asked, sitting back from the table, a sinking feeling in her stomach.


"I'm actually not Nerron Bloker. Well, I am, but he's not real."


"Figures," she muttered, sliding her blaster out of her boot under the table. Why did she even try to go to social events? "And you are?"


"I'm a SIS agent. Jonas Balkar. I've been tracking your career for quite some time. Very impressive."


"F*cking SIS," Skari growled, "Any reason I shouldn't kill you?"


"I'm actually here to deliver a warning from Janarus. I was trying to figure out how to contact you without alerting either side when I spotted your profile. Didn't figure you for a Looking for Love girl." He grinned.


"I'm not," she said, glaring at him as she slid her blaster back into her boot, "my slicer was having some fun."


He nodded once, that grin still on his face. "And that, of course, would explain why you're here tonight looking amazing."


Skari felt her cheeks heat even as she continued to stare him down. "What do you need to tell me, messenger boy?"


His grin widened, "Haven't been a boy in quite some time, but let's get to business...you okay?"


Skari hardened her jaw, fighting off the unwelcome disappointment that was stinging her nose. "F*cking fabulous. Spill it."


He considered her for a moment more before leaning forward, "Janarus wanted you to know that the job coming up for the spice trader on Ord Mantell is a trap."


"Is that so?"


"Saresh put together a black ops group to go after 'assets to the Empire' and you're on their list."


"Well, that's just peachy. Having the Republic gunning for me didn't go so well for them last time, you know."


"I've heard that," he said with a grin, "Janarus is planning to meet with Saresh to let her know that you're on our side, but that won't be for a couple weeks."


"I'm on no one's side but my own."


"Fair enough," he said with a wave of his hand, "but watch yourself for awhile."


"I always do," she muttered.


"What was that?"


"Nothing," Skari said, picking up the half full glass of wine and knocking it back like cheap whiskey. She stood up. "Well, as much fun as this has been, I gotta go." She looked out at the dance floor with its swirling, colorful couples under the gleaming lights and fought back a lump in her throat.


"That is one hell of a dress."


She glared at him over her shoulder. He was relaxed, that appreciative gleam still in his eyes. "Shove it, Balkar."


He stood. "Before you go, I don't suppose you'd be interested in one dance? No woman in a dress like that should make it home without a dance."


Skari looked back out at the couples on the floor for a long moment. "One," she said without turning around.


She jumped when he slid his hand across her lower back and led her out to the dance floor. Panic hit her when he pulled her into his arms. "I really don't know how to dance," she babbled, "maybe it would be better..."


"Hush," he said, his eyes kind, "let me take care of this."


Skari swallowed and then nodded. She concentrated hard at first, trying not to make a fool of herself, but between the music and Jonas's guidance she managed to relax a little...a little. It was nice to be able to let someone else lead for once. Actually...she looked up at Jonas's face...it was more than nice. After this, she would go back to her grimy ship, her blasters and armor, but for right now, this was very very nice.



Author's Note:

If you haven't leveled a trooper, I'd like to introduce you to Jonas Balkar. Fangirl sigh. Too bad my girl is completely committed to Aric.


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Guilty Pleasures #3 (I don't think I have any more to write on this one this week, but who knows, they keep popping into my head :) )



BH - chapter 3 spoilers





Author's Note:

If you haven't leveled a trooper, I'd like to introduce you to Jonas Balkar. Fangirl sigh. Too bad my girl is completely committed to Aric.


Oh Jonas. Loved it loved it LOVED it. That man is certainly very nice. I'd level another trooper just to pretend to romance him in my head, but I'm too over on Jorgan to consider it. Maybe I need a SWG style Entertainer to head cannon. With all the time he hangs around in cantinas... *cough* anyway... very nice. Enjoyed it immensely.

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Oh Jonas. Loved it loved it LOVED it. That man is certainly very nice. I'd level another trooper just to pretend to romance him in my head, but I'm too over on Jorgan to consider it. Maybe I need a SWG style Entertainer to head cannon. With all the time he hangs around in cantinas... *cough* anyway... very nice. Enjoyed it immensely.


I have debates in my head over what I would do if they added him as a LI. I might...maybe...argh so not sure...make another trooper just to romance him. But then I'd have to forgo Aric, and Aric's my favorite! Hypothetical decisions making me twitchy...must stop.

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I have debates in my head over what I would do if they added him as a LI. I might...maybe...argh so not sure...make another trooper just to romance him. But then I'd have to forgo Aric, and Aric's my favorite! Hypothetical decisions making me twitchy...must stop.



I don't know if I could do it. I'd be a two bit and romance them both up until the point where I'd have to chose and then.. I'd probably still chose Jorgan. Cat man is in deep. Well, that was way dirtier than it sounded in my head. Enjoy that.

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Hey everyone!:) I have a follow up to Calling with Svein. I am a little edgy on posting this though. My normal confidence has dwindled a bit because I got a notification from a website I post stuff on that someone rated everything 1 of 5 stars...I know that this really isn't the place for directing links but if you could look at a peice of work and just tell me what you think I would appreciate it.:) I do really like tough critics but the person (or people) didn'nt leave a single comment so I am just wondering if they were just trolling or what. But, anywho heres the link right here http://www.teenink.com/fiction/sci_fi_fantasy/article/479696/The-Ascendancy-Prologue/.


Well here is the follow up I hope you enjoy!:D


Title: Calling Part 2


Introducing: Verana (Darth Nox)





*One night after the call to Darth Ravage.*


“So, who we calling”, asked Vette curiously.


“Another Dark Council member”, replied Svein excitement slight in his voice.


“You must hate their guts”, whistled Vette as she leaned back in the chair she was sitting on.


Svein looked up at Vette,” Hate is such a strong word Vette. The words I was looking for was a mild dislike of them.”


“Thought they were your homies”, replied Vette.


“The Council needs to loosen their grip and become mature”, Svein replied thoughtfully,” In fact Darth Ravage tried to hire me to kill Darth Marr just a couple days ago.”


“Did you say yes”, asked Vette leaning in towards Svein listening intently.


“Of course not”, replied Svein almost offended,” I told the idiot to go fall in a sarlacc pit.”


Vette laughed and went to sit next to Svein on his bed anticipation etched in her wide smile. She asked,” So, who we calling?”


Svein answered,” Darth Nox.”


Vette was surprised,” Daring aren’t we.”


“I knew her as an acolyte it will be good to hear her voice again”.


“Knew her how?”


Svein replied shortly,” Long story.”


“Gotcha”, replied Vette,” Let’s do this.”


Svein punched the number into the communicator and the communicator began to contact Nox. However, she did not pick up. Svein tried again with no luck.


“Sound sleeper”, said Vette.


“I hope she doesn’t snore like Quinn or we will be here all night,” replied Svein chuckling.


“I just feel sorry for the people sleeping”.


Svein tried calling for a third time with no luck once again.


“Let’s try someone else”, said Vette tiredly picking up Svein’s datapad.


“One more time”, replied Svein punching in the number once more.


Suddenly, the communicator burst with uncontrollable screaming,” Who is this! I demand to know!”


Vette looked to Svein shaking his shoulder in excitement.


Svein began to speak, trying to mimic Darth Ravage,” This is Darth Ravage.”


Nox replied the anger thick in her voice,” My hair is up in curlers Ravage and what time is it… 1:02! What is it Ravage before I feed you to my pet rancor!”


Vette laughed trying not to make Nox hear by going into the corner of the room.


Svein replied thinking up a way to make his former rival furious,” I need to speak with you about your snoring.”


“My what”, exclaimed Nox furiously.


“You see I can hear your snoring from the other end of the Citadel. Please keep it down.”


“I don’t snore”, replied Nox offended.


Vette walked over to the communicator saying,” Hello this is the Royal Guard, the Emperor is trying to sleep so please keep it down in there.”


“I DON’T SNORE”, screamed Nox.


“The Emperor says that his Wrath can be summoned if you don’t cooperate”, said Vette hardly containing herself.


Suddenly, Nox hung up and Svein and Vette were on the bed laughing.


“Remember her screams in the beginning”, said Vette laughingly.


“I can’t believe she has a pet rancor”, said Svein.


“Best job I’ve ever done”, said Vette putting her hand up for a high five.


Svein connected the high five and began dialing his communicator for another call.




“Hey Ravage”, said Svein as he set a vase of flowers on Ravage’s hospital stand.


“Wrath”, replied Ravage weakly as he lay in his hospital bed.


“So, uh what happened”, asked Svein curiously though he was already aware Nox electrocuted him in the middle of the night.


“Nox”, said Ravage shortly,” She comes into my room screaming at the top of her lungs that she doesn’t snore and shot Force Lightning at me.”


“What a women”, said Svein looking down at the ground.


Ravage chuckled,” I know.”


Svein replied,” So, when will you be out?”




“Are you going to do something about Nox”, asked Svein.


“No”, said Ravage,” I love her too much to come back at her.”


Svein replied surprised and rather disturbed,” You “like” Nox.”


“Don’t tell anyone I said that”, replied Ravage almost hopeful,” It shows weakness. I am not weak.”


“Love doesn’t make us weak Ravage”, said Svein looking into his eyes,” You should tell her.”


Ravage turned on his side,” You may go now Wrath.”


Svein turned walking out of the hospital room. As he came out Vette was leaning against the wall grinning.


“He ok”, asked Vette sarcasm slight in her voice.


“Shocked but ok”, replied Svein.


“Well, have a gander at this”, said Vette reaching into her utility belt to pull out a small photo.


Svein looked at the photo and laughed,” Nice Vette.”


“Do you see her crazed expression? It looks hilarious in her curlers”.


“I’m not even going to ask how you got this.”


“Then don’t, just enjoy.”




Aouthor Note:

Darth Nox is my sorceress who was basicly a slave who hates disrespect to her. She serves the Empire but puts power for herself first. I have a storyline featuring the JK I might try out with her but I'll see.:).


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Guilty Pleasures #3 (I don't think I have any more to write on this one this week, but who knows, they keep popping into my head :) )



BH - chapter 3 spoilers




“Weird spot for a mark to hide,” Skari muttered, surveying the cutesy boutique with a good bit of disdain. The salesgirl wasn’t doing a good job hiding her apprehension as she straightened a rack of something sparkly and pink. Skari glared at her until the girl ducked out of sight.


“What do you think?” Mako asked, jogging into the shop behind her, slightly out of breath.


“Only one here is Miss Shaky,” she said, jerking her head toward the counter where the salesgirl was doing a lot of not-looking.


“No, I meant the clothes,” Mako said, reaching over to pull out something flowery and orange.


Skari looked at her, sure that she’d lost her mind. “The clothes? What are you talking about?”


“Uh, well, I thought it might be a good idea to do some shopping!” The relentless good cheer in her voice set off warning bells.


“Ignoring the fact that you told me there was a mark with a good chunk of credits on their head hiding here, for the love of small furry things, why would I need these kinds of clothes? I have a dozen sets of armor that work just fine for what I need.”




“What did you do, Mako?”


“I maybe, might of, kinda putyourprofileonLookingforLoveandyouhaveadatetonight.” Mako had managed to put a good bit of distance between them, but it really wasn’t enough.


“YOU DID WHAT?!? I’m going to KILL you!” Skari started across the boutique with murder in her eye.


“Wait! Wait! It’s not that bad; he’s really hot, I checked him out!”


Skari stopped, groaned and covered her face.


“You need to get out, live a little!”


Skari threw up her hands. “I do get out! I get out all the time!”


“Only to track people down!”


“Boun-ty hun-ter.”


“You need to have fun, meet some guys, relax a little.”


“A date is NOT relaxing.”


“Come on, please? Just once.”


Skari glared at her and then slumped, “Fine, once. But that’s it!” For someone who’d faced down the who’s who of powerful and deadly, her stomach was doing a wonderful job of tying itself in knots.


Mako creeped back closer, still watching her warily.


“So,” Skari waved her hand helplessly at the boutique, “how does this all work?”


“The store? Well usually we give them credits and they give us pretty clothes.”


“Dating,” Skari said with an evil look, “how does this work?”


“Uh,” Mako’s eyes widened, “you’ve never been on a date? But what about that guy with the cybernetic implants you told me about?”


“We never dated, just hooked up, and that was a long time ago. So, no, I’ve never been on a date.” Skari crossed her arms and glared at the clothes. She could almost see Mako’s mind whirring.


“Well,” Mako said slowly, “you’ll get dolled up, go to Club Vertica, and meet Nerron…”


“That’s his name?”


“Nerron Bloker.”


“Stupid name.”


“It is not,” Mako frowned at her, “anyway, you’ll meet Nerron, you’ll eat, drink, talk about your lives…”


“Um, no.”


“Then talk about the weather! I don’t care!”


Skari sighed, “I suppose this means I need to wear a….dress.” She said it as though it were a very nasty word.


“Yes, you do.”


“I’m not doing pink.”




Mako had won on the dress. It was short, the same shade of red as her eyes, and tight enough that Skari couldn’t fit a blaster under the skirt. Skari had refused to wear heels however, so they’d gone with thigh high black leather boots where a blaster could hide. Priorities were priorities. Her date was...not late...but she had been sitting Club Vertica for almost a quarter of an hour already, watching the dancers out on the floor. The music had her tapping her fingers on the table in time with the beat as her nervousness built.


"Askari Ma'grav?" The voice was smooth. Skari looked up at the man who had stopped at her table. Mako was right, the man was hot: slightly shaggy dark hair, dark blue eyes, tall, lean build, handsome but not pretty, and an appreciative gleam in his eye. Her stomach knotted tighter.


"Nerron Bloker." Skari acknowledged.


Nerron seated himself across from her.


"I must say, your holo didn't do you justice," he said, giving her a thorough once-over.


"Uh, thanks," she said, her conversational skills dropping below their normally less than stellar levels.


"Do you come here often?" His smile was as warm and friendly as his voice.


"No, just once before," she said, "but that was..." She shook her head. Act normal. Normal people do not hunt down bounties in high class clubs. They go to high class clubs to eat, drink, and dance. Nerron's expression was curious, appreciative, but not suspicious. It had been a long time since anyone had looked at her like that.


"Do you dance?" she blurted out and then sputtered, "I mean, at clubs like this?" She clamped her mouth shut before more asinine questions came out of it.


His smiled widened, "I do actually. Do you like dancing?"


"Yeah...I mean, I don't really dance, I mean in places like this..." Oh please just let the floor open up and swallow her whole. There had to be a good way to get out of here without causing a ruckus. Too bad ruckus-causing was her modus operandi.


"So where do you dance?" He looked like he was enjoying himself actually.


Skari risked a small grin. "The refresher mostly."


He laughed and then sat foward. "As much as I'm enjoying your company, I do have to reveal something."


"What's that?" Skari asked, sitting back from the table, a sinking feeling in her stomach.


"I'm actually not Nerron Bloker. Well, I am, but he's not real."


"Figures," she muttered, sliding her blaster out of her boot under the table. Why did she even try to go to social events? "And you are?"


"I'm a SIS agent. Jonas Balkar. I've been tracking your career for quite some time. Very impressive."


"F*cking SIS," Skari growled, "Any reason I shouldn't kill you?"


"I'm actually here to deliver a warning from Janarus. I was trying to figure out how to contact you without alerting either side when I spotted your profile. Didn't figure you for a Looking for Love girl." He grinned.


"I'm not," she said, glaring at him as she slid her blaster back into her boot, "my slicer was having some fun."


He nodded once, that grin still on his face. "And that, of course, would explain why you're here tonight looking amazing."


Skari felt her cheeks heat even as she continued to stare him down. "What do you need to tell me, messenger boy?"


His grin widened, "Haven't been a boy in quite some time, but let's get to business...you okay?"


Skari hardened her jaw, fighting off the unwelcome disappointment that was stinging her nose. "F*cking fabulous. Spill it."


He considered her for a moment more before leaning forward, "Janarus wanted you to know that the job coming up for the spice trader on Ord Mantell is a trap."


"Is that so?"


"Saresh put together a black ops group to go after 'assets to the Empire' and you're on their list."


"Well, that's just peachy. Having the Republic gunning for me didn't go so well for them last time, you know."


"I've heard that," he said with a grin, "Janarus is planning to meet with Saresh to let her know that you're on our side, but that won't be for a couple weeks."


"I'm on no one's side but my own."


"Fair enough," he said with a wave of his hand, "but watch yourself for awhile."


"I always do," she muttered.


"What was that?"


"Nothing," Skari said, picking up the half full glass of wine and knocking it back like cheap whiskey. She stood up. "Well, as much fun as this has been, I gotta go." She looked out at the dance floor with its swirling, colorful couples under the gleaming lights and fought back a lump in her throat.


"That is one hell of a dress."


She glared at him over her shoulder. He was relaxed, that appreciative gleam still in his eyes. "Shove it, Balkar."


He stood. "Before you go, I don't suppose you'd be interested in one dance? No woman in a dress like that should make it home without a dance."


Skari looked back out at the couples on the floor for a long moment. "One," she said without turning around.


She jumped when he slid his hand across her lower back and led her out to the dance floor. Panic hit her when he pulled her into his arms. "I really don't know how to dance," she babbled, "maybe it would be better..."


"Hush," he said, his eyes kind, "let me take care of this."


Skari swallowed and then nodded. She concentrated hard at first, trying not to make a fool of herself, but between the music and Jonas's guidance she managed to relax a little...a little. It was nice to be able to let someone else lead for once. Actually...she looked up at Jonas's face...it was more than nice. After this, she would go back to her grimy ship, her blasters and armor, but for right now, this was very very nice.



Author's Note:

If you haven't leveled a trooper, I'd like to introduce you to Jonas Balkar. Fangirl sigh. Too bad my girl is completely committed to Aric.


I loved it! I really want to play a trooper now. Jorgan just seems awesome!

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Guilty Pleasures

Remi & Scourge plus some SIS guest appearances





“You certainly took your time getting here,” Lord Scourge said, he was not upset but curious.


“It’s crowded,” Remi said innocently. She put their drinks down. She did not drink alcohol so she ordered ‘sober’ versions of fruity drinks. They were waiting for their SIS contact to join them.


“You must have run into every large group in the crowd.” He said eyeing her. She blinked back at him taking a sip of her drink, she did not answer.




“I’m sorry,” the beautiful Twilek said shyly to the tall handsome man who asked her to dance. “I think I party too much, I’m going to go home and rethink my life, you know?”


“Uh, sure. Nice meeting you.” He said running his hand through his wavy brown hair. He looked confused but he kept his good humor.


“Nice meeting you, Bard.” She smile prettily and got up to leave.


‘Bard’ looked around at the sea of beautiful women, usually on his nights off he had no problems finding a pretty girl to pass the time. That was the fourth woman to turn down a simple dance. Am I losing my touch? He shook his head, Maybe something’s just telling me I should go home. He nodded to himself, it was a sign, he had to get up for work early tomorrow, Kothe had a new assignment for him.


As he walked out of the cantina, he did not notice the red haired woman in the back corner fall over laughing on her Sith companion.




“Mind tricks, Remi, really?” Ardun Kothe said sliding into their booth. The former Jedi was still giggling, when she finally stopped her face was red and she looked a little guilty. “Isn’t that an abuse of your powers?” He raised an eyebrow.


“If your agent Balkar, ever decided to approach any woman of will and intelligence he would not have any problems.” Scourge said pointedly. “As it is he merely flirts with them for information then never calls them despite his promises.” He glanced at Remi who started giggling all over again, he did not approve of her pranks but he would not let this agent reproach her.


Kothe sighed, he knew better than to argue with a Sith and he should not defend Balkar’s reputation. “Just promise me you won’t do that again.” He said gruffly, “Jonas works best when he’s happy.”


“Ok, ok.” Remi said stifling a smile. She tried to look serious. “This is the last time I promise.”


The SIS boss nodded and began his briefing about the information gathering they had done, he couched everything in vague terms to confuse any listeners, but then something occurred to him.


“Wait, what do you mean ‘last time’?” he asked.


Remi dissolved into giggles.






Note and Nar Shaddaa class quest Trooper Spoilers:



I had a hard time thinking what Remi would do for a Guilty Pleasure. For the most part she is not at all self-indulgent and what she does do for fun she feels no guilt about. Then I was watching Star Wars and that scene with Obi-Wan and the drug dealer cracked me up.


Also, I like Jonas as a character but there were many things about him that bothered me in the Trooper line. Namely that if you choose the light sided option and tell him the truth in Nar Shaddaa he turns around and scolds Garza for it. I mean come on man I helped you by being honest and the first f*ing thing you do is flip on me so you can what? Scold General Garza? Did you accomplish anything? No? Then keep your mouth shut like I would expect an SIS Agent to do.


And he said he would call and did not. But mostly that first part. grrrr.




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Well here is the follow up I hope you enjoy!:D


Title: Calling Part 2



hahaha. I love it.


Was Darth Nox a dark side? light side? Mine was Darth Occulus or something like that and I was more middlish so I couldn't figure out how I got that name.

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Guilty Pleasures

Remi & Scourge plus some SIS guest appearances





“You certainly took your time getting here,” Lord Scourge said, he was not upset but curious.


“It’s crowded,” Remi said innocently. She put their drinks down. She did not drink alcohol so she ordered ‘sober’ versions of fruity drinks. They were waiting for their SIS contact to join them.


“You must have run into every large group in the crowd.” He said eyeing her. She blinked back at him taking a sip of her drink, she did not answer.




“I’m sorry,” the beautiful Twilek said shyly to the tall handsome man who asked her to dance. “I think I party too much, I’m going to go home and rethink my life, you know?”


“Uh, sure. Nice meeting you.” He said running his hand through his wavy brown hair. He looked confused but he kept his good humor.


“Nice meeting you, Bard.” She smile prettily and got up to leave.


‘Bard’ looked around at the sea of beautiful women, usually on his nights off he had no problems finding a pretty girl to pass the time. That was the fourth woman to turn down a simple dance. Am I losing my touch? He shook his head, Maybe something’s just telling me I should go home. He nodded to himself, it was a sign, he had to get up for work early tomorrow, Kothe had a new assignment for him.


As he walked out of the cantina, he did not notice the red haired woman in the back corner fall over laughing on her Sith companion.




“Mind tricks, Remi, really?” Ardun Kothe said sliding into their booth. The former Jedi was still giggling, when she finally stopped her face was red and she looked a little guilty. “Isn’t that an abuse of your powers?” He raised an eyebrow.


“If your agent Balkar, ever decided to approach any woman of will and intelligence he would not have any problems.” Scourge said pointedly. “As it is he merely flirts with them for information then never calls them despite his promises.” He glanced at Remi who started giggling all over again, he did not approve of her pranks but he would not let this agent reproach her.


Kothe sighed, he knew better than to argue with a Sith and he should not defend Balkar’s reputation. “Just promise me you won’t do that again.” He said gruffly, “Jonas works best when he’s happy.”


“Ok, ok.” Remi said stifling a smile. She tried to look serious. “This is the last time I promise.”


The SIS boss nodded and began his briefing about the information gathering they had done, he couched everything in vague terms to confuse any listeners, but then something occurred to him.


“Wait, what do you mean ‘last time’?” he asked.


Remi dissolved into giggles.






Note and Nar Shaddaa class quest Trooper Spoilers:



I had a hard time thinking what Remi would do for a Guilty Pleasure. For the most part she is not at all self-indulgent and what she does do for fun she feels no guilt about. Then I was watching Star Wars and that scene with Obi-Wan and the drug dealer cracked me up.


Also, I like Jonas as a character but there were many things about him that bothered me in the Trooper line. Namely that if you choose the light sided option and tell him the truth in Nar Shaddaa he turns around and scolds Garza for it. I mean come on man I helped you by being honest and the first f*ing thing you do is flip on me so you can what? Scold General Garza? Did you accomplish anything? No? Then keep your mouth shut like I would expect an SIS Agent to do.


And he said he would call and did not. But mostly that first part. grrrr.




Jonas Balkar night on the forums. Yes please. And don't get too upset (re involved) Kabe. Jonas is just there to look pretty but make fem Trooper appreciate Aric even more. If Jonas had actually turned around and called Ipha the next day or three days or whatever, I think she would have turned an ugly shade of crimson and would have "oooh, uhhh, errr,'d" her way through that holocall.


I'm so sad I haven't had anything to post this week. Zero inspiration. Not even a little. But getting all the Balkar lightened my mood. So thanks!

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Guilty Pleasures

Remi & Scourge plus some SIS guest appearances



Also, I like Jonas as a character but there were many things about him that bothered me in the Trooper line. Namely that if you choose the light sided option and tell him the truth in Nar Shaddaa he turns around and scolds Garza for it. I mean come on man I helped you by being honest and the first f*ing thing you do is flip on me so you can what? Scold General Garza? Did you accomplish anything? No? Then keep your mouth shut like I would expect an SIS Agent to do.


And he said he would call and did not. But mostly that first part. grrrr.




Lol, Jonas is showing up in all the other classes' stories tonight. And if he'd called....well, I don't know, my girl was about to give up on Aric about then...glad she didn't :)

I loved it! I really want to play a trooper now. Jorgan just seems awesome!

Warning: Incoming fangirl raving. Jorgan is completely awesome! He's intense and self-controlled and smart and deeply good without being a pushover and with you every step of the way. His romance takes forever to get going and it's a bit sparse (as many of them are) but totally worth it. Plus his voice is incredible...and he carries an assault cannon...um yeah. Yep, have to agree with Morgani - he's in there deep ;)

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Jonas Balkar night on the forums. Yes please. And don't get too upset (re involved) Kabe. Jonas is just there to look pretty but make fem Trooper appreciate Aric even more. If Jonas had actually turned around and called Ipha the next day or three days or whatever, I think she would have turned an ugly shade of crimson and would have "oooh, uhhh, errr,'d" her way through that holocall.


I'm so sad I haven't had anything to post this week. Zero inspiration. Not even a little. But getting all the Balkar lightened my mood. So thanks!


Haha, yeah the part that bothered me most really was about him talking to the Boss when I went out on the limb for him. But twice he said he would call, unacceptable. :D

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Celebration, with Ayang the Mirialan smuggler derp derp sorry but I'm not gonna pass up an excuse for fluff. She deserves it. Not sure if I'm 100% happy with it but...it's just fluffy stuff.




During my short tenure as a nursing student, I took a class in which we had to watch a holovid of a human childbirth. I made it ten minutes before I ran out of the room and threw up. I'd seen some messed-up things since then, but this one remained firmly ranked in my Top Ten Most Traumatic Things I've Ever Seen.


I was able to forget about it, for the most part. I figured it would remain something terrible I'd had the misfortune of seeing once, but it would never happen to me. I was too careful; and besides, it wasn't like a skinny, weird-looking green chick with a gun was exactly in high demand. But the universe seems to conspire to get people to procreate, and apparently I wasn't immune. It was like the five months I'd spent on the run since losing my ship were all part of a diabolical plan, culminating in a drunken night of stupidity on Voss.


Now I had two and a half months until I was the subject of the Number One Most Traumatic Thing I've Ever Seen.


I couldn't remember the last time I'd gotten a full night's sleep, but it was probably before I had the future galaxy's-most-prolific-club-dancer practicing inside me. "I just want to sleep," I moaned, pulling a blanket over my head. "Can't you calm down for just one day?"


I was rewarded with a kick in what felt like my liver.


"Echuta!" I swore. "What do you have against me? I promise I'm nothing like my mom."




There were only two people who called me Aya: my old friend Dijaa the Hutt, and Corso. I was fairly sure there was no Hutt on my ship. I poked my head out from under the blanket, blinking from the light. "Hi."


"Still tired?"


I rubbed my eyes. "Your daughter doesn't sleep."


"Why are you so sure it's a girl?" he asked, sitting down next to me.


"Why aren't you?" I said, sitting up as best I could. "You're going to owe me a hundred credits, just wait."


"Maybe we shouldn't have made a bet about our kid..."


"Can't back out now," I said, grinning. I was probably a little crazy from lack of sleep, but he smiled back at me. As horribly scared as I was by this entire thing, I was really, really glad it had happened with someone I genuinely loved.


"Anyway...I know it's still a few weeks till your birthday, but...I got you something."


"Really?" I crawled over to him. "What is it?"


He handed me a little package wrapped in silk. I recognized the dye technique; the cloth, at least, came from my homeworld. "When did you go to Mirial?"


"Just open it."


I untied the square of silk and saw something shiny glinting in the light. I held it up and my breath caught in my throat. It was a thin gold bracelet inlaid with tiny blue stones. Like most things Mirialans wore, the stones were inlaid in a pattern, one whose meaning I knew. Every Mirialan woman who had a child wore one, and they were considered incredibly meaningful. "Wow," I whispered. "I never thought I'd get one of these."


"I read you're supposed to get one, so I had it made for you. Hope I did all right."


I kissed him. "You're perfect," I said, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I felt so incredibly lucky; we were the most unlikely match ever, but somehow we had come together. I thought back to when we'd met, when I hadn't even been sure if we'd be friends. At first I had told him he couldn't come with me. I don't feel like being responsible for you getting yourself killed. What if he hadn't come? What if he'd left, or gotten killed? What if I'd never told him how I felt, because I was so obsessed with being stupidly noble all the time? So many things that could have gone wrong, and the little thing doing flips inside me wouldn't exist.


For the first time in years, I felt like the universe might actually be on my side.







I think I gave myself 50000 cavities writing this. ugh I usually don't write stuff that sappy.


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Celebration, with Ayang the Mirialan smuggler derp derp sorry but I'm not gonna pass up an excuse for fluff. She deserves it. Not sure if I'm 100% happy with it but...it's just fluffy stuff.







I think I gave myself 50000 cavities writing this. ugh I usually don't write stuff that sappy.

Awwww, totaly worth the cavities!

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Celebration, with Ayang the Mirialan smuggler derp derp sorry but I'm not gonna pass up an excuse for fluff. She deserves it. Not sure if I'm 100% happy with it but...it's just fluffy stuff.




During my short tenure as a nursing student, I took a class in which we had to watch a holovid of a human childbirth. I made it ten minutes before I ran out of the room and threw up. I'd seen some messed-up things since then, but this one remained firmly ranked in my Top Ten Most Traumatic Things I've Ever Seen.


I was able to forget about it, for the most part. I figured it would remain something terrible I'd had the misfortune of seeing once, but it would never happen to me. I was too careful; and besides, it wasn't like a skinny, weird-looking green chick with a gun was exactly in high demand. But the universe seems to conspire to get people to procreate, and apparently I wasn't immune. It was like the five months I'd spent on the run since losing my ship were all part of a diabolical plan, culminating in a drunken night of stupidity on Voss.


Now I had two and a half months until I was the subject of the Number One Most Traumatic Thing I've Ever Seen.


I couldn't remember the last time I'd gotten a full night's sleep, but it was probably before I had the future galaxy's-most-prolific-club-dancer practicing inside me. "I just want to sleep," I moaned, pulling a blanket over my head. "Can't you calm down for just one day?"


I was rewarded with a kick in what felt like my liver.


"Echuta!" I swore. "What do you have against me? I promise I'm nothing like my mom."




There were only two people who called me Aya: my old friend Dijaa the Hutt, and Corso. I was fairly sure there was no Hutt on my ship. I poked my head out from under the blanket, blinking from the light. "Hi."


"Still tired?"


I rubbed my eyes. "Your daughter doesn't sleep."


"Why are you so sure it's a girl?" he asked, sitting down next to me.


"Why aren't you?" I said, sitting up as best I could. "You're going to owe me a hundred credits, just wait."


"Maybe we shouldn't have made a bet about our kid..."


"Can't back out now," I said, grinning. I was probably a little crazy from lack of sleep, but he smiled back at me. As horribly scared as I was by this entire thing, I was really, really glad it had happened with someone I genuinely loved.


"Anyway...I know it's still a few weeks till your birthday, but...I got you something."


"Really?" I crawled over to him. "What is it?"


He handed me a little package wrapped in silk. I recognized the dye technique; the cloth, at least, came from my homeworld. "When did you go to Mirial?"


"Just open it."


I untied the square of silk and saw something shiny glinting in the light. I held it up and my breath caught in my throat. It was a thin gold bracelet inlaid with tiny blue stones. Like most things Mirialans wore, the stones were inlaid in a pattern, one whose meaning I knew. Every Mirialan woman who had a child wore one, and they were considered incredibly meaningful. "Wow," I whispered. "I never thought I'd get one of these."


"I read you're supposed to get one, so I had it made for you. Hope I did all right."


I kissed him. "You're perfect," I said, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I felt so incredibly lucky; we were the most unlikely match ever, but somehow we had come together. I thought back to when we'd met, when I hadn't even been sure if we'd be friends. At first I had told him he couldn't come with me. I don't feel like being responsible for you getting yourself killed. What if he hadn't come? What if he'd left, or gotten killed? What if I'd never told him how I felt, because I was so obsessed with being stupidly noble all the time? So many things that could have gone wrong, and the little thing doing flips inside me wouldn't exist.


For the first time in years, I felt like the universe might actually be on my side.







I think I gave myself 50000 cavities writing this. ugh I usually don't write stuff that sappy.




Whoa, caps lock. But yeah, incredibly cavity inducing. I have this love-hate thing going on with Corso. Love his voice, his charm and his good looks, hate his jealousy (Even when I find it hilarious). I've rolled a slew of smugglers who all remain low level and I waiver between romancing Corso and rushing to get Bowdaar. And looking at him I wonder why female players are only given one romance option in their story.


I want to look at Corso and think sweet, but my main fem smug really isn't his type. I should write about her sometime, but the swearing filters on the sites would overload...

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