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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Communication #2


Trooper (w/ Sana and Aric) no spoilers


Sana grimaced as yet another file came through. Her own fault for letting the paperwork pile up while the team was on leave. She opened the file and swore under her breath. Like she didn't have better things to do than placate some bureaucrat in the middle of an election-induced crusade. Fricking politicians. The chime of a holocall was a welcome interruption.


She walked over and answered the call, the flickering image of her mate coming to life. The smile that had started across her face quickly fled at his ferocious expression. The image cut in and out, but from the way Aric kept looking around him, his meeting to consult with the forward base commanders about using sniper teams on Hoth had taken an unexpected turn.


"Aric? What's going on?"


"That you, Sana? .................... what's going on down here! Some genius colonel ............ ...............................whitefangs. Idiot ........... squadron killed ...............................Imps. ......................forward base is overrun .................................... pulled his men out ........... base completely unguarded. .........................ASAP, ................................. Argh! I have to go."


"Aric!" Sana pounded on the console, trying to reestablish the connection, but the light had turned a stubborn red. She leaned on the console for a second, letting her heart rate settle. The entire team was on leave, scattered across the sector. Sana tapped in a few commands, pulling up the day/night cycle and weather report for the small forward base Aric had been at last. A storm was rolling in and night was falling. Nothing moved at night on Hoth, the cold was a killer, literally. Add in a storm and nothing was going to be moving on that section of Hoth for quite awhile.


Making a decision, she quickly began to move around the cabin, pulling on her cold weather gear, the stims that would keep her going, and as much weaponry as she could carry and still be able to fight. She punched an autopilot command into the bridge console and then climbed in the escape pod. The rudimentary flight controls would let her land near the base in time to reach it before the storm hit or night fell - she hoped.


She pulled the release and then watched as the pod dropped down into Hoth's atmosphere, heading toward the line of darkness marching across the blinding white expanse. She hit the left thruster twice, checked the trajectory, and hit the right one once. Right on target. The slam of the pod into the snow jolted her hard even as strapped in as she was. She quickly unhooked herself, grabbed her gear and opened the pod door, blaster rifle at the ready. The base was just over the rise and beyond it the towering clouds and swirling gray of the incoming storm. Taking off at a ground-eating trot she scanned the landscape, watching for Imperials, wampas, and any of the other predatory creatures Hoth was home to. For once, they seemed to have forgone the possibility of a meal in favor of finding shelter from the storm - smart critters.


The lights from the base blinked against the growing darkness, but there was no movement, no soldiers or droids patrolling. The place looked deserted as the icy wind blasted into her face, heralding the storm's leading edge. Sana steeled herself. If Aric was there, she'd get him out. And if he wasn't...she took a deep shuddering breath and banished the thought, focusing on what she needed to do.


Using the snow drifts as cover, she silently loped along the edge of the base, through the punishing wind and swirling snow, reaching the blast doors. Hoping the door codes hadn't been changed, she quickly tapped in her security clearance and breathed a sigh of relief as they slid open; she slipped inside and closed the doors. The huge cavernous space echoed even the faint sounds she made as she searched the area. There was work still sitting on desks, tactical maps blinking on displays, but it looked like some files had been taken in a rush.


A faint sound jerked her head up. She quietly crossed to the small boardroom where the noise had come from. The door was shut, sealed, but her code worked its magic and it slid open. Using the doorframe as cover she peered in and breathed a huge sigh of relief at the sight of Aric, alive, armed, and apparently unharmed, along with a young soldier who had one arm in a sling and a blaster in the other hand. Aric's aim was steady as he pointed his blaster at the door; the young soldier's not so much. What Aric was doing with a pair of whitefang cubs curled up on him...well...


"You planning to shoot me?" Sana asked her mate with a raised eyebrow.


Aric slid his blaster back into his side holster. "Put down that weapon, son," he said to the young man, "Sana, meet Sergeant Rory Golbane, late of Colonel Yarren's command. Golbane, this is Major Sana Kaarde, CO of Havoc Squad."


"G-good to meet you, sir," Golbane stuttered. He slumped against a wall on a makeshift pallet, clearly exhausted.


"Looks like you had a long day, young man," Sana said, eyeing Golbane, "get some sleep if you can, we won't be moving till this storm clears."


Golbane nodded and curled up, pulling a blanket almost over his head.


"What are you doing here?" Aric asked her, as she walked over to sit next to him, "I told you I'd be back ASAP."


"Your message...it kept breaking up. Sounded like you were in trouble." She looked around the room, taking in the shredded furniture and teeth marks...and the stacks of small cages where dozens of whitefang cubs slept, curled into balls. "Looks like I was right." Sana pulled one of the cubs off his lap and settled it on her own, the little body nearly boneless in sleep. "What happened here?" she whispered, as she petted the tiny predator.


"Colonel Yarren needs to be courtmartialed," Aric growled, "He lost almost his entire squadron trying to capture adult whitefangs. Had some harebrained idea about training them, stars knows where he got it. When I got here, it was pretty clear that something was up - he kept making excuses for how thin the numbers were. And then Golbane here came to me, told me about the losses...that's when things got bad. I got back from scouting some locations in the local area and found Golbane with a hole in him and the rest of the place deserted. Yarren had cleared out his people, who knows where."


"We'll find him," Sana said.


"Damn right."


"So what is this?" she asked, waving at the room and its furry inhabitants.


"Golbane tells me that when capturing the adults got too dangerous, they started killing them and taking the cubs. Yarren wanted to raise them, prove he was right about training. I'm going to try calling the Coruscant Zoo when the storm clears, see if they'll take them."


"So why are these ones out?" Sana asked, running a finger down the super soft white pelt.


Aric looked uncomfortable, "Well, they, uh...they're used to being with their mother, and..."


Sana grinned at him, trying not to laugh. "Were they crying?"


Aric glared at her. She giggled, "You always were a sucker for babies."


"I..." he scowled.


Sana leaned her head on his shoulder. "You always heard Esma before I did."


"Cathar just have good hearing," he grumbled, but he put his arm around her, tucking her into his side.


"And good hearts," she said patting his chest and looking up at him with a grin, "I love you."


"I love you too," he said, kissing her forehead. Then he pulled back and looked at her with a frown. "How did you get here so fast anyway?"


"Escape pod."


"WHAT????" Golbane and a couple of the cubs blinked and looked over at him.


She grinned at him as she shrugged, "Got me here, didn't it?"


"Damn it, woman, this is why I keep finding gray hairs in my fur!"


Sana kissed him and winked, "It's okay, I'll still love you, gray fur and all."


He grumbled and tucked her in tighter against him. The two of them settled in to wait out the storm.



Author's Note:

For those of you who have done Imp Hoth, you know where the dear old colonel got the idea for training whitefangs, lol.


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Communication #2


Trooper (w/ Sana and Aric) no spoilers


Sana grimaced as yet another file came through. Her own fault for letting the paperwork pile up while the team was on leave. She opened the file and swore under her breath. Like she didn't have better things to do than placate some bureaucrat in the middle of an election-induced crusade. Fricking politicians. The chime of a holocall was a welcome interruption.


She walked over and answered the call, the flickering image of her mate coming to life. The smile that had started across her face quickly fled at his ferocious expression. The image cut in and out, but from the way Aric kept looking around him, his meeting to consult with the forward base commanders about using sniper teams on Hoth had taken an unexpected turn.


"Aric? What's going on?"


"That you, Sana? .................... what's going on down here! Some genius colonel ............ ...............................whitefangs. Idiot ........... squadron killed ...............................Imps. ......................forward base is overrun .................................... pulled his men out ........... base completely unguarded. .........................ASAP, ................................. Argh! I have to go."


"Aric!" Sana pounded on the console, trying to reestablish the connection, but the light had turned a stubborn red. She leaned on the console for a second, letting her heart rate settle. The entire team was on leave, scattered across the sector. Sana tapped in a few commands, pulling up the day/night cycle and weather report for the small forward base Aric had been at last. A storm was rolling in and night was falling. Nothing moved at night on Hoth, the cold was a killer, literally. Add in a storm and nothing was going to be moving on that section of Hoth for quite awhile.


Making a decision, she quickly began to move around the cabin, pulling on her cold weather gear, the stims that would keep her going, and as much weaponry as she could carry and still be able to fight. She punched an autopilot command into the bridge console and then climbed in the escape pod. The rudimentary flight controls would let her land near the base in time to reach it before the storm hit or night fell - she hoped.


She pulled the release and then watched as the pod dropped down into Hoth's atmosphere, heading toward the line of darkness marching across the blinding white expanse. She hit the left thruster twice, checked the trajectory, and hit the right one once. Right on target. The slam of the pod into the snow jolted her hard even as strapped in as she was. She quickly unhooked herself, grabbed her gear and opened the pod door, blaster rifle at the ready. The base was just over the rise and beyond it the towering clouds and swirling gray of the incoming storm. Taking off at a ground-eating trot she scanned the landscape, watching for Imperials, wampas, and any of the other predatory creatures Hoth was home to. For once, they seemed to have forgone the possibility of a meal in favor of finding shelter from the storm - smart critters.


The lights from the base blinked against the growing darkness, but there was no movement, no soldiers or droids patrolling. The place looked deserted as the icy wind blasted into her face, heralding the storm's leading edge. Sana steeled herself. If Aric was there, she'd get him out. And if he wasn't...she took a deep shuddering breath and banished the thought, focusing on what she needed to do.


Using the snow drifts as cover, she silently loped along the edge of the base, through the punishing wind and swirling snow, reaching the blast doors. Hoping the door codes hadn't been changed, she quickly tapped in her security clearance and breathed a sigh of relief as they slid open; she slipped inside and closed the doors. The huge cavernous space echoed even the faint sounds she made as she searched the area. There was work still sitting on desks, tactical maps blinking on displays, but it looked like some files had been taken in a rush.


A faint sound jerked her head up. She quietly crossed to the small boardroom where the noise had come from. The door was shut, sealed, but her code worked its magic and it slid open. Using the doorframe as cover she peered in and breathed a huge sigh of relief at the sight of Aric, alive, armed, and apparently unharmed, along with a young soldier who had one arm in a sling and a blaster in the other hand. Aric's aim was steady as he pointed his blaster at the door; the young soldier's not so much. What Aric was doing with a pair of whitefang cubs curled up on him...well...


"You planning to shoot me?" Sana asked her mate with a raised eyebrow.


Aric slid his blaster back into his side holster. "Put down that weapon, son," he said to the young man, "Sana, meet Sergeant Rory Golbane, late of Colonel Yarren's command. Golbane, this is Major Sana Kaarde, CO of Havoc Squad."


"G-good to meet you, sir," Golbane stuttered. He slumped against a wall on a makeshift pallet, clearly exhausted.


"Looks like you had a long day, young man," Sana said, eyeing Golbane, "get some sleep if you can, we won't be moving till this storm clears."


Golbane nodded and curled up, pulling a blanket almost over his head.


"What are you doing here?" Aric asked her, as she walked over to sit next to him, "I told you I'd be back ASAP."


"Your message...it kept breaking up. Sounded like you were in trouble." She looked around the room, taking in the shredded furniture and teeth marks...and the stacks of small cages where dozens of whitefang cubs slept, curled into balls. "Looks like I was right." Sana pulled one of the cubs off his lap and settled it on her own, the little body nearly boneless in sleep. "What happened here?" she whispered, as she petted the tiny predator.


"Colonel Yarren needs to be courtmartialed," Aric growled, "He lost almost his entire squadron trying to capture adult whitefangs. Had some harebrained idea about training them, stars knows where he got it. When I got here, it was pretty clear that something was up - he kept making excuses for how thin the numbers were. And then Golbane here came to me, told me about the losses...that's when things got bad. I got back from scouting some locations in the local area and found Golbane with a hole in him and the rest of the place deserted. Yarren had cleared out his people, who knows where."


"We'll find him," Sana said.


"Damn right."


"So what is this?" she asked, waving at the room and its furry inhabitants.


"Golbane tells me that when capturing the adults got too dangerous, they started killing them and taking the cubs. Yarren wanted to raise them, prove he was right about training. I'm going to try calling the Coruscant Zoo when the storm clears, see if they'll take them."


"So why are these ones out?" Sana asked, running a finger down the super soft white pelt.


Aric looked uncomfortable, "Well, they, uh...they're used to being with their mother, and..."


Sana grinned at him, trying not to laugh. "Were they crying?"


Aric glared at her. She giggled, "You always were a sucker for babies."


"I..." he scowled.


Sana leaned her head on his shoulder. "You always heard Esma before I did."


"Cathar just have good hearing," he grumbled, but he put his arm around her, tucking her into his side.


"And good hearts," she said patting his chest and looking up at him with a grin, "I love you."


"I love you too," he said, kissing her forehead. Then he pulled back and looked at her with a frown. "How did you get here so fast anyway?"


"Escape pod."


"WHAT????" Golbane and a couple of the cubs blinked and looked over at him.


She grinned at him as she shrugged, "Got me here, didn't it?"


"Damn it, woman, this is why I keep finding gray hairs in my fur!"


Sana kissed him and winked, "It's okay, I'll still love you, gray fur and all."


He grumbled and tucked her in tighter against him. The two of them settled in to wait out the storm.



Author's Note:

For those of you who have done Imp Hoth, you know where the dear old colonel got the idea for training whitefangs, lol.



Can I start cooing? This is the Aric I love, the soft under the rock hard exterior. It's there and I love when my fem trooper finds it. *looks for someone to snuggle*

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It's my Trooper again! I love her, I feel like I'm neglecting all my other up and coming baby characters....but I have to finish this little Mitka/Aric arc.


So here is my Communication Breakdown




Mitka was holed up in her quarters. Elara was reading in the med bay, Four-ex was trolling the holonet, looking for suitable imperial targets, and Aric was in the armory cleaning weapons and prepping them for their next op. Before the kiss, before Mitka had made a complete fool of herself in front of her squad while hopped up on pain meds, Mitka and Aric would have been in the common area playing cards, chatting, Elara would join them on occasion, Four ex would look over someones shoulder and in trying to offer advice, would usually give away their hand.


Now, well now Mitka could barely speak to Aric, let alone look him in the eye. She spent the last week on Tatooine avoiding him, she could still give orders, talk tactics, but when it came to off duty hours, or down time, she was tongue tied. She tried to talk about her feelings to Elara, but she spouted off some regulation to her against fraternization, some girlfriend. It dawned on Mitka that Elara wasn’t aware that as the only other female in the squad she was more then just the medic, she was supposed to be the girlfriend, neither woman had much experience with friends, and neither knew how to handle that kind of relationship.


Mitka re read the first line of her Alderaan briefing for the third time. She couldn’t focus, all she could see where green eyes and soft skin, and all she could hear was his deep voice, that low guttural growl he let out when he kissed her, she bit her lip. Focus. She needed a drink.


The ship was quiet, a faint blip everytime Elara turned the page on her holoreader, clip, clip, snap, clip coming from the armory as Aric reassembled a rifle. She stepped out, and headed for the galley, maybe she should call her mother, she would know what to do. She stared inside the cooler, and instead of seeing bottled water, energy drinks, ration packs, it was green eyes, soft skin. She grabbed something, not even looking at what it was. It was a meal replacement drink, she hated them, replaced it and grabbed a bottle of water, cracked it open and took a deep drink. When she turned around he was in the doorway. Mitka swallowed.


“Can we talk?” He took a step forward.


“I..what? Talk? Sure? What do you want to talk about?” Mitka stammered looking everywhere but his eyes.


“You’ve been avoiding me.”


“What? Noooooo, I have not, why would I avoid you?” She lied.


“Ever since you came out of that med bay, healed up, you’ve barely said two words to me outside of orders, you won’t even look at me, I won’t bite.” His voice was kind, but hurt.


“I look at you” Mitka stared at her feet. Her hands were shaking. She thought for a brief second she might like it if he bit her.


“Mitka, would you just talk to me?” his voice was pleading with her, he put his finger under her chin, and pulled her face up, so that she was looking at him, she closed her eyes, then finally opened them, golden yellow on emerald green. She reminded Aric of a frightened animal, she was fearless and calculating in the field, every move, every order, deliberate and precise, she saw the entire situation, and every single move was planed. He admired her, but here she was, scared out of her mind, scared of him?


She sat down at the table, defeated. “You’ve made me off balance, I can’t think straight when I’m with you, but then, the only place I want to be is near you.” Aric sat down, not saying a word, he listened.


“I have a plan, I make lists, I know where I’m going, and you weren’t in the plan, and I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I never had a plan for this.” She used her hands to indicate the air between them.


“You confuse me, I miss talking to you, I miss picking your brain about stuff, I look up to you, I have the rank, but you…outrank me in life.” Her hands were shaking, Aric covered them.


“Breath” Aric told her and Mitka let out a shuddering breath.


“I’m afraid, that one day, you’ll open your eyes, and realize that I’m not worth the trouble.” She looked into his eyes then, without needing his help.


“Would I have broken code 7, paragraph 56 of the Republic Army code of Ethics if I didn’t think you were worth the trouble?” Aric smiled and Mitka let out a soft laugh. “This” He indicated the air between them, “I’ve been feeling this since Coruscant. I’ve been falling for you for a while now, you put me off centre, you throw me off my game, you challenge me, like no woman I’ve ever known. I don’t want to scare you away. Maybe I shouldn’t have kissed you that night on Tatooine…”


“No!” Mitka interrupted him, “you should have. I needed that kiss.” She blushed, Aric could tell now, her polished copper skin, turned a deeper shade of red.


“I thought so to.”


“So. What happens now? I’m new to all of this, what’s the plan?”Mitka stood up from the table.


“There is no plan, we take it day by day, we take our time, you set the pace, but I need you to promise me something.” Aric followed her lead, and stood up as well.


“What’s that?”


“Talk to me, no more sneaking around and avoiding me, never be afraid to tell me what’s on your mind.” Aric took a few steps forward, clearing the gap between them, holding her hands, he didn’t want her to run away again.


“I promise” Mitka smiled, Arics look changed, there was mischief in his eyes.


“Now, I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it.”


Mitka was about to ask what promise when he kissed her, he didn’t hold back this time, he took her breath away, and all she could do was wrap her arms around his neck and melt into him. She felt light headed, her senses buzzed and all she could feel were his lips, his hands, she felt his heart beat in time with hers through his chest. She never wanted it to end.


Aric always kept his promises.



Edited by Earthmama
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It's my Trooper again! I love her, I feel like I'm neglecting all my other up and coming baby characters....but I have to finish this little Mitka/Aric arc.


So here is my Communication Breakdown




Mitka was holed up in her quarters. Elara was reading in the med bay, Four-ex was trolling the holonet, looking for suitable imperial targets, and Aric was in the armory cleaning weapons and prepping them for their next op. Before the kiss, before Mitka had made a complete fool of herself in front of her squad while hopped up on pain meds, Mitka and Aric would have been in the common area playing cards, chatting, Elara would join them on occasion, Four ex would look over someones shoulder and in trying to offer advice, would usually give away their hand.


Now, well now Mitka could barely speak to Aric, let alone look him in the eye. She spent the last week on Tatooine avoiding him, she could still give orders, talk tactics, but when it came to off duty hours, or down time, she was tongue tied. She tried to talk about her feelings to Elara, but she spouted off some regulation to her against fraternization, some girlfriend. It dawned on Mitka that Elara wasn’t aware that as the only other female in the squad she was more then just the medic, she was supposed to be the girlfriend, neither woman had much experience with friends, and neither knew how to handle that kind of relationship.


Mitka re read the first line of her Alderaan briefing for the third time. She couldn’t focus, all she could see where green eyes and soft skin, and all she could hear was his deep voice, that low guttural growl he let out when he kissed her, she bit her lip. Focus. She needed a drink.


The ship was quiet, a faint blip everytime Elara turned the page on her holoreader, clip, clip, snap, clip coming from the armory as Aric reassembled a rifle. She stepped out, and headed for the galley, maybe she should call her mother, she would know what to do. She stared inside the cooler, and instead of seeing bottled water, energy drinks, ration packs, it was green eyes, soft skin. She grabbed something, not even looking at what it was. It was a meal replacement drink, she hated them, replaced it and grabbed a bottle of water, cracked it open and took a deep drink. When she turned around he was in the doorway. Mitka swallowed.


“Can we talk?” He took a step forward.


“I..what? Talk? Sure? What do you want to talk about?” Mitka stammered looking everywhere but his eyes.


“You’ve been avoiding me.”


“What? Noooooo, I have not, why would I avoid you?” She lied.


“Ever since you came out of that med bay, healed up, you’ve barely said two words to me outside of orders, you won’t even look at me, I won’t bite.” His voice was kind, but hurt.


“I look at you” Mitka stared at her feet. Her hands were shaking. She thought for a brief second she might like it if he bit her.


“Mitka, would you just talk to me?” his voice was pleading with her, he put his finger under her chin, and pulled her face up, so that she was looking at him, she closed her eyes, then finally opened them, golden yellow on emerald green. She reminded Aric of a frightened animal, she was fearless and calculating in the field, every move, every order, deliberate and precise, she saw the entire situation, and every single move was planed. He admired her, but here she was, scared out of her mind, scared of him?


She sat down at the table, defeated. “You’ve made me off balance, I can’t think straight when I’m with you, but then, the only place I want to be is near you.” Aric sat down, not saying a word, he listened.


“I have a plan, I make lists, I know where I’m going, and you weren’t in the plan, and I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I never had a plan for this.” She used her hands to indicate the air between them.


“You confuse me, I miss talking to you, I miss picking your brain about stuff, I look up to you, I have the rank, but you…outrank me in life.” Her hands were shaking, Aric covered them.


“Breath” Aric told her and Mitka let out a shuddering breath.


“I’m afraid, that one day, you’ll open your eyes, and realize that I’m not worth the trouble.” She looked into his eyes then, without needing his help.


“Would I have broken code 7, paragraph 56 of the Republic Army code of Ethics if I didn’t think you were worth the trouble?” Aric smiled and Mitka let out a soft laugh. “This” He indicated the air between them, “I’ve been feeling this since Coruscant. I’ve been falling for you for a while now, you put me off centre, you throw me off my game, you challenge me, like no woman I’ve ever known. I don’t want to scare you away. Maybe I shouldn’t have kissed you that night on Tatooine…”


“No!” Mitka interrupted him, “you should have. I needed that kiss.” She blushed, Aric could tell now, her polished copper skin, turned a deeper shade of red.


“I thought so to.”


“So. What happens now? I’m new to all of this, what’s the plan?”Mitka stood up from the table.


“There is no plan, we take it day by day, we take our time, you set the pace, but I need you to promise me something.” Aric followed her lead, and stood up as well.


“What’s that?”


“Talk to me, no more sneaking around and avoiding me, never be afraid to tell me what’s on your mind.” Aric took a few steps forward, clearing the gap between them, holding her hands, he didn’t want her to run away again.


“I promise” Mitka smiled, Arics look changed, there was mischief in his eyes.


“Now, I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it.”


Mitka was about to ask what promise when he kissed her, he didn’t hold back this time, he took her breath away, and all she could do was wrap her arms around his neck and melt into him. She felt light headed, her senses buzzed and all she could feel were his lips, his hands, she felt his heart beat in time with hers through his chest. She never wanted it to end.


Aric always kept his promises.



Squee!! Oh it makes me happy!! Shoot, I'm going to end up leveling another trooper, I can tell...argh, must. have. more. Aric.

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Lol! oops, didn't realize it was Trooper day today on the Challenge thread. My Trooper hasn't even had her first flirt with Aric in game, but he's as inspiring to me as Quinn is. I love writing him! Edited by Earthmama
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It's my Trooper again! I love her, I feel like I'm neglecting all my other up and coming baby characters....but I have to finish this little Mitka/Aric arc.


So here is my Communication Breakdown




Mitka was holed up in her quarters. Elara was reading in the med bay, Four-ex was trolling the holonet, looking for suitable imperial targets, and Aric was in the armory cleaning weapons and prepping them for their next op. Before the kiss, before Mitka had made a complete fool of herself in front of her squad while hopped up on pain meds, Mitka and Aric would have been in the common area playing cards, chatting, Elara would join them on occasion, Four ex would look over someones shoulder and in trying to offer advice, would usually give away their hand.


Now, well now Mitka could barely speak to Aric, let alone look him in the eye. She spent the last week on Tatooine avoiding him, she could still give orders, talk tactics, but when it came to off duty hours, or down time, she was tongue tied. She tried to talk about her feelings to Elara, but she spouted off some regulation to her against fraternization, some girlfriend. It dawned on Mitka that Elara wasn’t aware that as the only other female in the squad she was more then just the medic, she was supposed to be the girlfriend, neither woman had much experience with friends, and neither knew how to handle that kind of relationship.


Mitka re read the first line of her Alderaan briefing for the third time. She couldn’t focus, all she could see where green eyes and soft skin, and all she could hear was his deep voice, that low guttural growl he let out when he kissed her, she bit her lip. Focus. She needed a drink.


The ship was quiet, a faint blip everytime Elara turned the page on her holoreader, clip, clip, snap, clip coming from the armory as Aric reassembled a rifle. She stepped out, and headed for the galley, maybe she should call her mother, she would know what to do. She stared inside the cooler, and instead of seeing bottled water, energy drinks, ration packs, it was green eyes, soft skin. She grabbed something, not even looking at what it was. It was a meal replacement drink, she hated them, replaced it and grabbed a bottle of water, cracked it open and took a deep drink. When she turned around he was in the doorway. Mitka swallowed.


“Can we talk?” He took a step forward.


“I..what? Talk? Sure? What do you want to talk about?” Mitka stammered looking everywhere but his eyes.


“You’ve been avoiding me.”


“What? Noooooo, I have not, why would I avoid you?” She lied.


“Ever since you came out of that med bay, healed up, you’ve barely said two words to me outside of orders, you won’t even look at me, I won’t bite.” His voice was kind, but hurt.


“I look at you” Mitka stared at her feet. Her hands were shaking. She thought for a brief second she might like it if he bit her.


“Mitka, would you just talk to me?” his voice was pleading with her, he put his finger under her chin, and pulled her face up, so that she was looking at him, she closed her eyes, then finally opened them, golden yellow on emerald green. She reminded Aric of a frightened animal, she was fearless and calculating in the field, every move, every order, deliberate and precise, she saw the entire situation, and every single move was planed. He admired her, but here she was, scared out of her mind, scared of him?


She sat down at the table, defeated. “You’ve made me off balance, I can’t think straight when I’m with you, but then, the only place I want to be is near you.” Aric sat down, not saying a word, he listened.


“I have a plan, I make lists, I know where I’m going, and you weren’t in the plan, and I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I never had a plan for this.” She used her hands to indicate the air between them.


“You confuse me, I miss talking to you, I miss picking your brain about stuff, I look up to you, I have the rank, but you…outrank me in life.” Her hands were shaking, Aric covered them.


“Breath” Aric told her and Mitka let out a shuddering breath.


“I’m afraid, that one day, you’ll open your eyes, and realize that I’m not worth the trouble.” She looked into his eyes then, without needing his help.


“Would I have broken code 7, paragraph 56 of the Republic Army code of Ethics if I didn’t think you were worth the trouble?” Aric smiled and Mitka let out a soft laugh. “This” He indicated the air between them, “I’ve been feeling this since Coruscant. I’ve been falling for you for a while now, you put me off centre, you throw me off my game, you challenge me, like no woman I’ve ever known. I don’t want to scare you away. Maybe I shouldn’t have kissed you that night on Tatooine…”


“No!” Mitka interrupted him, “you should have. I needed that kiss.” She blushed, Aric could tell now, her polished copper skin, turned a deeper shade of red.


“I thought so to.”


“So. What happens now? I’m new to all of this, what’s the plan?”Mitka stood up from the table.


“There is no plan, we take it day by day, we take our time, you set the pace, but I need you to promise me something.” Aric followed her lead, and stood up as well.


“What’s that?”


“Talk to me, no more sneaking around and avoiding me, never be afraid to tell me what’s on your mind.” Aric took a few steps forward, clearing the gap between them, holding her hands, he didn’t want her to run away again.


“I promise” Mitka smiled, Arics look changed, there was mischief in his eyes.


“Now, I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it.”


Mitka was about to ask what promise when he kissed her, he didn’t hold back this time, he took her breath away, and all she could do was wrap her arms around his neck and melt into him. She felt light headed, her senses buzzed and all she could feel were his lips, his hands, she felt his heart beat in time with hers through his chest. She never wanted it to end.


Aric always kept his promises.



awww squeeee~ it's times like this that i wish i haden't rped all my girls to be the assertive type. i suck at writing, and i can;t capture emotion in my art enough to try touching coupples pics.

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Not sure if anyone else saw this, but this thread was specifically mentioned on torwars:



Nice job, everyone!


Holy crap, I'm famous!!


Putting that link in the OP so everyone can see how awesome we all are. :)

Edited by elliotcat
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~return of Ayang~


I decided to use this prompt to deal with the thing that bugged me for a long time in the smuggler story. Hopefully it fits the prompt, I tried to make it. So here it is. There are spoilers for the romance.


Also this is post-class story.



The day my ship was stolen was my 22nd birthday.


I hadn't really expected it to be a magical day or anything. I didn't even expect my mother to call. But suddenly being homeless and unemployed? That was just too much. I hadn't been able to bring myself to go back to Ord Mantell since then. The man who was responsible for that horrible day was dead, but I was still mad that my last birthday had been ruined, and I wanted to be angry at someone. So I was angry at the stupid planet itself. I couldn't kill it, which made it perfect for holding a lifelong grudge.


The Fort Garnik cantina, however, gave me another reason to dislike this planet. It was dark and grey, like the rest of the planet. I was pretty sure the Twi'lek girl dancing in a hologram in the corner was someone I knew from Nar Shaddaa, and I didn't like her. I was starting to think there were multiple reasons I didn't want to come back here.


"I can't believe you're drinking in front of me," I complained. "You're not being very supportive." I knew I was being a pain, but drinking in front of your pregnant wife is not exactly fair.


"I bet they would serve me," I said, rather mischieviously. Going five months without a drink had been pretty awful - really I just wanted to provoke Corso. I had to make my own entertainment.


"No! You can't do that!" I wasn't good at keeping a straight face, though, and almost immediately he seemed to calm down. I usually starting grinning idiotically whenever I successfully tricked him. He was learning from me though, and starting to give as good as he got. We may both be young and a little immature, but something about us just worked. So even though I had been scared when I got pregnant, I wasn't too upset. I was pretty convinced, by this point, that we could deal with anything.


I dipped my finger in my water glass and swirled it around absently. Lately it was easy for me to get lost in my thoughts, even if I was thinking about the most inane things. I was completely gone on some tangent when a woman's voice - high and pretty and utterly surprised - startled me out of my thoughts.


"Corso?" she cried, and I looked up to see a beautiful girl with strawberry-blonde hair, her face breaking into a gorgeous smile. "It's you! I knew you'd come back!" She leapt over to him, and I was surprised to see how graceful she was. I was impressed, if a little surprised.


Then she kissed him.


I was no longer impressed.


"Nina?" Corso looked just as surprised as I felt, though probably not as awkward. I realized who Nina must be - his last fiancee, the one he'd left behind. I turned away slightly, trying to disappear. There was nothing I wanted more right then than to not be there.


"I knew you'd be back," Nina said, beaming happily. "Everyone said you wouldn't, because you were out being some kind of famous hero or something, but I knew it." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She looked like she might cry, she was so happy.


Corso looked over at me like he wanted me to say something, but what could I do? Anything I said would break this girl's heart. Besides, just looking at her I knew she was better than me, in everything. Prettier, nicer, a better person. It hurt to realize that I wasn't a "good girl", the kind that men want as mothers of their children. Nina was.


I forced myself to smile like nothing was wrong. "Hi," I said, giving Nina a little wave. "Ayang Cardani. We work together."


Nina looked me over, at first confused, then seeming to put things together. I knew that she saw exactly what was going on. Sometimes there were things we women just couldn't hide from each other, especially when it came to a man. She stepped back a little, smoothing her clothes and recovering her pretty smile.


"Of course," she said, shaking her head slightly. "She's your..."


"Wife." None of us could look at each other. I felt miserable.


"Wow," Nina said quietly. "Sorry. I had no idea." She looked uncomfortable, and I understood why. How many times had I been the other woman in the past? More than I could count. But this was different. Women had caught their husbands with me, but I'd never been in love with them. I just wanted their money. Nina wanted her fiance back, and I didn't think I could give him to her.


"I looked for you," Corso said quietly. "But I couldn't find you. I went to every refugee camp I could find until it got too dangerous."


That was news to me. Suddenly I felt like the second choice.


"I went off-planet," Nina said. "A big group of girls did. I came back in a few months. But I just came to this area a little while ago. I work here now. I looked for you too, but I couldn't find you." She played with the hem of her jacket nervously. "Anyway...wow, you got married. And you're having a baby! Congratulations."


"Thank you." I managed to look at her, and our eyes met. I could see how pained she was underneath her happy mask, and I understood why. It was one thing to meet your ex's new girl, but it was another when she was pregnant. Nina was forced to face the fact that someone else had been intimate with the man she loved. I both felt bad for her and a little vindicated.


"I should get back to work," Nina said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But, ah...keep in touch, okay?" She hovered her hand above Corso's arm, as though she was trying to decide whether it was still all right to touch him. In the end, she didn't. She just gave him a sad half-smile and walked away. I was pretty sure I saw tears in her eyes.




When the sun had gone down, we went to the beach on Avilatan. I didn't like the planet that much, but I did like this spot. A year ago I had stood here and looked up into the sky, trying to find my ship. It never would have crossed my mind that the next time I was here I'd be married and four months away from being a mother.


"You should have told me that you looked for her," I said quietly, watching the waves come in over the sand. "You shouldn't have acted like she wasn't anything special. She was."


For a long time neither of us said anything. Then Corso said, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."


"You loved her," I said. "Do you still?"




I wasn't sure if I believed him. Nina was perfect, how could you not love her?


"Sometimes I don't think you really listen to me," Corso said. "I told you I want to be with you, that doesn't change just beause I saw Nina again."


"Look at her," I said. "She's perfect. You don't think your life would be a lot better with her than it is with me? Because I do."


"No!" I was surprised at how adamant he sounded. Maybe I really had misjudged his relationship with Nina. "Look, I was with her a long time ago. Maybe if I'd stayed here, we would have been a good match. But once I left this planet..." He took my hand. I still smiled every time he did. "I'm glad I'm with you and not her. She and I wouldn't have ended up happy together. But you and I are..."


"Perfect," I whispered. We really did make a fantastic team.


"You're going to be a good mom, Aya." I still wasn't sure, and there was part of me that was horribly shaken up thinking what a wonderful parent Nina would have been. Wouldn't my kid be better off somewhere safe, stable, someplace like this?


"We'll both be great," I said with a smile. For once, I felt truly secure about my future. I may not know everything that would happen, but I knew I'd be with someone I loved. I knew I'd be a good parent, and I knew I'd keep my child safe and happy. I hoped she already knew how much we loved her.


I looked out over the water. For once, this planet seemed beautiful.




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~return of Ayang~


I decided to use this prompt to deal with the thing that bugged me for a long time in the smuggler story. Hopefully it fits the prompt, I tried to make it. So here it is. There are spoilers for the romance.


Also this is post-class story.


I would have punched Corso SO HARD. Then blamed it on hormones or something.


<3 Ayang I just want her to be happy.


punched. so. hard.

Edited by kabeone
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I would have punched Corso SO HARD. Then blamed it on hormones or something.


<3 Ayang I just want her to be happy.


punched. so. hard.


hormones are the best excuse ever. too bad vector can call BS on my agent if she pulled that card. " Your scent signals that your body's song-rhythm is NOT in that phase..."

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~return of Ayang~


I decided to use this prompt to deal with the thing that bugged me for a long time in the smuggler story. Hopefully it fits the prompt, I tried to make it. So here it is. There are spoilers for the romance.


Also this is post-class story.



The day my ship was stolen was my 22nd birthday.


I hadn't really expected it to be a magical day or anything. I didn't even expect my mother to call. But suddenly being homeless and unemployed? That was just too much. I hadn't been able to bring myself to go back to Ord Mantell since then. The man who was responsible for that horrible day was dead, but I was still mad that my last birthday had been ruined, and I wanted to be angry at someone. So I was angry at the stupid planet itself. I couldn't kill it, which made it perfect for holding a lifelong grudge.


The Fort Garnik cantina, however, gave me another reason to dislike this planet. It was dark and grey, like the rest of the planet. I was pretty sure the Twi'lek girl dancing in a hologram in the corner was someone I knew from Nar Shaddaa, and I didn't like her. I was starting to think there were multiple reasons I didn't want to come back here.


"I can't believe you're drinking in front of me," I complained. "You're not being very supportive." I knew I was being a pain, but drinking in front of your pregnant wife is not exactly fair.





Love it. This particular plot element was so ripe for exploration...and frankly, the little they said and the lot they failed to say went a long way toward my personal hatred for Corso.


I love, love, love Ayang's attitude toward everything on Ord Mantell to start with. Heaven knows I've had days and locations like that.

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Thanks everyone, glad you liked it! I had been wanting to write that one for like, months now. Didn't know whether I was going to put it in my longer story or just do it as a standalone.


I would have punched Corso SO HARD. Then blamed it on hormones or something.


<3 Ayang I just want her to be happy.


punched. so. hard.


Ayang is tricky. She will have her vengeance, I'm sure. Don't worry, things start looking up for her! Maybe eventually I'll kill off her mom.


Love it. This particular plot element was so ripe for exploration...and frankly, the little they said and the lot they failed to say went a long way toward my personal hatred for Corso.


I love, love, love Ayang's attitude toward everything on Ord Mantell to start with. Heaven knows I've had days and locations like that.


When they first brought it up I was SO SURE she was going to show up. I, too, was miffed that they just mentioned her as a one-off kind of thing. I still hope it's explored in the future. It does work for me though, in how I write their relationship. I try to get across that while they really do love each other, they're both very young and pretty inexperienced when it comes to relationships, even though they both THINK they are very experienced. Hence why there's a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding.


I've totally had places like that too...like the entire state of Ohio, for starters.

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I like Corso. He's always in a good mood, he's handsome, friendly, supportive, and he could read me the phone book and I'd sit there happily and listen from A to Z.


But I've having a hard time romancing him on my Smug. She's Mirialan like Aya, but she was married at a very young age, lost her child (her husband was Mirialan as well) and then her husband died smuggling POWs off Hoth and left her with nothing but debt and his ship.


She loved her Kav more than anything else in the world. Then Corso comes along with his aw shucks and his good boy charm and Aurai just doesn't know what to do with him. She's seen some of the darkest things a person can see and Corso, despite coming from war torn Ord Mantell, just seems as shiny as a newly minted credit.


I guess she doesn't want to taint him. Man, I should be writing a story! What am I doing trying to convince myself that he needs to be romanced?


I heard somewhere that the writer of the Corso/Fem Smug romance was a big fan of Twilight.


I just don't even know what to do with that information.

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Holy crap, I'm famous!!


Your fault for being awesome. :)


I like Corso. He's always in a good mood, he's handsome, friendly, supportive, and he could read me the phone book and I'd sit there happily and listen from A to Z.


But I've having a hard time romancing him on my Smug. She's Mirialan like Aya, but she was married at a very young age, lost her child (her husband was Mirialan as well) and then her husband died smuggling POWs off Hoth and left her with nothing but debt and his ship.


She loved her Kav more than anything else in the world. Then Corso comes along with his aw shucks and his good boy charm and Aurai just doesn't know what to do with him. She's seen some of the darkest things a person can see and Corso, despite coming from war torn Ord Mantell, just seems as shiny as a newly minted credit.


I guess she doesn't want to taint him. Man, I should be writing a story! What am I doing trying to convince myself that he needs to be romanced?


I heard somewhere that the writer of the Corso/Fem Smug romance was a big fan of Twilight.


I just don't even know what to do with that information.


My femSmug is an independent mercenary. She cares about credits and thrills. She considers Corso's 'You deserve more' and 'I just thought you could be better than this' and 'I'll jump in to discourage potential suitors' annoying bordering on controlling. When I ran afoul of the game's design decision to continue to trigger romance conversations even after you attempt to break up, and post-rejection Corso gave me a double whammy of -160 for refusing to sleep with him and actual shouting on Balmorra for flirting with a guy...nuh-uh. He's out. Permanently.


Maybe Nic 'deserves to be treated like a lady,' but she has dedicated her life to staying one step ahead of what she deserves. She's not gonna let it catch her now.


I see the same controlling, 'a girl doesn't know what's good for her and needs to be firmly supported in doing the right thing as defined by me' attitude in both Corso and what I've heard about Twilight. And I hate it. I can't write a canon for my Smuggler that ends with Corso on her ship. I can't make that make sense.


It was a real eye-opener to roll a male Smuggler. Corso is...sunny and kind and goofy and adorable and seems to be a genuinely good person. It's only when he wants to sleep with you that he goes full headcrab.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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It was a real eye-opener to roll a male Smuggler. Corso is...sunny and kind and goofy and adorable and seems to be a genuinely good person. It's only when he wants to sleep with you that he goes full headcrab.


Might be why I really liked Corso despite the "she's uh, allergic to candles" thing every time you flirted with someone. I initially rolled a male smuggler because I loved listening to the voice actor. I got through Taris before I rerolled female. My initial exposure to Corso was as a lovable, goofy, lets-go-get-a-beer-and-discuss-weapons kind of guy. That impression carried over; I couldn't even get mad at his jealousy. It just made me giggle.

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I've never read Twilight; I watched the movie and thought it sucked. Personally, the Corso/fsmug romance reminded me a LOT of Fry and Leela from Futurama. I mean, by the end of it I was half expecting Guss to start talking about living in a dumpster and eating garbage, Risha to swear in Chinese, and Corso's last companion quest to involve cloning his dead dog.*


I like Corso. He's always in a good mood, he's handsome, friendly, supportive, and he could read me the phone book and I'd sit there happily and listen from A to Z.


But I've having a hard time romancing him on my Smug. She's Mirialan like Aya, but she was married at a very young age, lost her child (her husband was Mirialan as well) and then her husband died smuggling POWs off Hoth and left her with nothing but debt and his ship.


She loved her Kav more than anything else in the world. Then Corso comes along with his aw shucks and his good boy charm and Aurai just doesn't know what to do with him. She's seen some of the darkest things a person can see and Corso, despite coming from war torn Ord Mantell, just seems as shiny as a newly minted credit.


I guess she doesn't want to taint him. Man, I should be writing a story! What am I doing trying to convince myself that he needs to be romanced?


Ultimately that was why Ayang and Corso worked so well. Both of them had seen some horrible stuff but neither of them was really letting it bother them or get them down. I think most importantly though, they may not be innocent in the way the world works, but when it comes to love they both are - Corso's had the one girlfriend/fiancee and Ayang has really only seen love as something she can use to make a living. So it's new to them both, neither of them really know what they are doing but somehow they work it out.


I read an interview with the actor Chris Pratt, who plays Andy on Parks and Recreation, where he talked about his character's relationship in the show. He said that their attitude when they played it was like how kids tease each other: "Well if you like her so much then why don't you marry her!" "Well maybe I will!" sort of thing. And I think that's how I played out Corso and Ayang and how I write them now, too. To me, that's the kind of girl Corso needs to be with, someone who is ultimately as resilient and light-hearted as he is.


I think with Aurai, if she focuses a lot on her losses, it could be difficult. I don't know much about her personality but it sounds like she's someone who's carrying a lot of hurt, and that might make their romance hard. I don't think Corso really knows what to do with someone who's so hurt like that.


My femSmug is an independent mercenary. She cares about credits and thrills. She considers Corso's 'You deserve more' and 'I just thought you could be better than this' and 'I'll jump in to discourage potential suitors' annoying bordering on controlling. When I ran afoul of the game's design decision to continue to trigger romance conversations even after you attempt to break up, and post-rejection Corso gave me a double whammy of -160 for refusing to sleep with him and actual shouting on Balmorra for flirting with a guy...nuh-uh. He's out. Permanently.


Maybe Nic 'deserves to be treated like a lady,' but she has dedicated her life to staying one step ahead of what she deserves. She's not gonna let it catch her now.


I see the same controlling, 'a girl doesn't know what's good for her and needs to be firmly supported in doing the right thing as defined by me' attitude in both Corso and what I've heard about Twilight. And I hate it. I can't write a canon for my Smuggler that ends with Corso on her ship. I can't make that make sense.


It was a real eye-opener to roll a male Smuggler. Corso is...sunny and kind and goofy and adorable and seems to be a genuinely good person. It's only when he wants to sleep with you that he goes full headcrab.


It's unfortunate that the romance is written this way. It really shouldn't be, because it's pretty sweet if you play it straight. The writer said that she wrote his romance last after all the other stuff, and I think it kind of shows. It's like they had to give you a way to screw up the romance and that's what they went with. fwiw, a lot of the jealousy stuff he still says even if you don't flirt, except that in that case you're kind of like "HELP this guy is hitting on me! Can't you get him to shut up?!" which is about 5000 times better than him just freaking out because you flirted.



* Bowdaar is Scruffy the janitor in this analogy.

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It's unfortunate that the romance is written this way. It really shouldn't be, because it's pretty sweet if you play it straight. The writer said that she wrote his romance last after all the other stuff, and I think it kind of shows. It's like they had to give you a way to screw up the romance and that's what they went with. fwiw, a lot of the jealousy stuff he still says even if you don't flirt, except that in that case you're kind of like "HELP this guy is hitting on me! Can't you get him to shut up?!" which is about 5000 times better than him just freaking out because you flirted.


The writing really is unfortunate. The jealousy can be funny until it isn't. Ten thousand Internet points to the person who can find me video documentation of what happens when the femSmug tells Corso to back off on Balmorra, after he does his little "That's it, I'm putting my foot down" about Numen Brock (the Twi'lek). He raises his voice and goes on about how the smuggler is walking all over him. To a girl who had just dumped him over a poorly handled and somewhat disturbing backstory detail (the one elliotcat elaborated on, and by the way I love how elliotcat seeks to account for how blase he seemed about it), it looked like Corso the ex, who had already exhibited minor controlling tendencies, was reacting to the smuggler's rejection by "putting his foot down" and then going berserk over the smuggler trying to live her life. I know that kind of guy. They're terrifying. Bye-bye, any chance of me having a positive impression of Corso Riggs.


The Balmorra meltdown was one of the two occasions when I was sufficiently upset both in and out of character to stop using my optimal play-style-complementing companion. (Sith Warriors know the other one.)


I've sketched out a number of romances for my smuggler, but Corso Riggs is not and never will be one of them.


(Captain Biron ftw!)


(yes I have a thing for Imperial officers)

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You know what, Bright? You've inspired me to have my Fem Smug ditch Corso and romance Cole Cantarus for a story. I love Cole and thought it was an absolute crime that my Fem Trooper couldn't flirt with him. If Aric was off the table for whatever reason, my Trooper would have gone after Cole so hard, he would have felt the breeze before realizing he was naked.


I'll work on this and when the prompt is right I'll put it out there. Thanks for the excuse to get in some Cole action!

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My smuggler, Teumessia, is named after the Teumessian Fox, a child of the greek chimera ( my legacy )

it was a beast that could never be caught. Poor corso. She warned him she would break his heart, but she allowed him to follow. He may be the only man privilaged to be allowed to follow her from planet to planet, but he will never "capture" her, never own her, never tame her. She will not bend for him, but as long as he understands this, she will allow him to be by her side, he has been warned, and it was his choice.

Edited by Crezelle
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My head cannon for Miriah was always that she felt like a throwaway child, having been born only a few months after her Jedi knight father was killed and her mother grieving. Her mother left her with the household droid and her 4 year old sister at home when she was a week old. Since she felt like she was such an bad person (I mean, who wouldn't feel like they must be terrible if even their mother didn't love them!), and not being force sensitive like her oldest sister, she decided that since it hurt so much to not feel loved, she'd never risk her heart. Better, she thinks, to be a loner. Until Ord Mantell.


I totally get what you're saying, I know there are guys out there like you described, and I admit some of the controlling of the early courtship is a little unsettling, but I always thought Corso grew on a personal level as he got off Ord and saw how things work in the galaxy, and that by the time they progressed in their story arc he'd matured out of a lot of that.

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