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Thanks Raeln:


So no real bonus then, other than story, and crafting?


If correct, that is another mistake on the devs.


They should have made it cause some sort of combat bonus, or some other thing to strengthen your character in some way. This way, the MMO people would have valued affection more.


No combat bonus outside of the legacy bonus you get for finishing their companion story. When you complete a companion's story, you get a boost to a specific stat for the first companion of that type (tank, heal, melee dps, etc). After that, each companion you finish the story of will add +10 to your presence stat. So, in a way - there is a small gain for maxing the affection with your companion - though most companion stories seem to finish somewhere between 9200 and 9600 affection.

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Aside from the already mentined stuff, the first time you gett each type of companion (melee tank, ranged tank, healer, melee DPS, ranged DPS) to 10.000 gives you also a permanent combat bunus! Also it increases the Presence stat on all of your charakters for each companion you brought to 10.000, which makes them quite powerful.


You don't get the bonus because they reach 10,000 affection. You get the bonus when you finish their story and they commit to you long-term. This has happened to me as early as 9200 or so affection.


You can have them at 10k affection and still not get the bonuses. The bonuses hinge on finishing their story.

Edited by Raeln
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How do you have enough companion affect across the board at lvl 45? Unless you've been buying them gifts and making all the right descisions...


I'm 42 and I have maybe 1 companion at about 60%...


Because yes, most people are smart enough/have enough cash to gift them up to at least 6k by then, if not have them maxed them out.


edit: That being said, yeah. it's sort of silly to get mad about it, even if it is useless. It's about the message, not the item attached.

Edited by GnatB
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no i did not get "hurt" but it is a waste of my time and BW is freakin lucky i choose to waste some of my free time on this craptastic game of which they cant even figure out how to loop the music... were you damaged? do you not realize that everyone is entitled to an opinion and that opinion does not have to be the same as yours?


The other day somebody opened a trade window with me and gave me 2000 credits. So I scolded him and placed him on /ignore for wasting my precious time and now I'm going to post my traumatic experience on the forums.

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The other day somebody opened a trade window with me and gave me 2000 credits. So I scolded him and placed him on /ignore for wasting my precious time and now I'm going to post my traumatic experience on the forums.


do you need a tissue? you are clearly upset because im not agreeing with you...

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Seriously??? Were you damaged or harmed by opening the email and accepting the credits? Does checking your mail really put you out?


Did you or your character suffer?




Wow, he's just saying the monetary reward does not seem level appropriate. I mean, would you be happy if the credit award was 1 credit? No - that would seem stupid. To him, 2000 credits seem low when he vendors things that dropped of the same quest mobs for far more.

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Then make a post in the Suggestions Forums. To come here and complain that opening email for free money is too much hassle and too much work ....is just moronic.


I like this thread. It's a nice break from all the other "The game is dying for <insert reason here>"


I think we both know it's pointless to post in the Suggestions area.

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Wow, he's just saying the monetary reward does not seem level appropriate. I mean, would you be happy if the credit award was 1 credit? No - that would seem stupid. To him, 2000 credits seem low when he vendors things that dropped of the same quest mobs for far more.


thank you Raeln, thats really what im trying to say i would much prefer medpacks/stims for roughly my lvl instead of a few credits.

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You don't get the bonus because they reach 10,000 affection. You get the bonus when you finish their story and they commit to you long-term. This has happened to me as early as 9200 or so affection.


You can have them at 10k affection and still not get the bonuses. The bonuses hinge on finishing their story.

You are right, I forgot to mention the story part of this... but still I am pretty sure the bonus is also tied to the 10.000 afection.

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thank you Raeln, thats really what im trying to say i would much prefer medpacks/stims for roughly my lvl instead of a few credits.


I've felt the same way from some of those emails - though, I found it odd that most of them sent gifts/credits anyway.


Since they do send gifts/credits - they should be level appropriate though. I completely agree that stims and things like that would be far more useful.


I remember one email I received where the guy's writing spoke like the gift he sent was a medpack or stim and the actual gift was a rank 1 companion gift. Random loot for the win?

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As someone who fails hard at any kind of money in these games I can tell you every bit from every source is welcomed.

To be honest getting a mail from an NPC was a welcome surprise.


I couldn't care less about the amounts.


Also.. affection at max on all companions at mind 40's? Maybe I just dont get the whole companion thing. Much happier to ditch them in favour of a group.... but mine are dressed in rags on the whole and hate me. I do wonder if they are going to do a World of Warcraft hunters pet and bugger off and leave me if I dont feed them often enough;)


Money is far from hard to obtain in SW. Mail is a nice story element.

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You are right, I forgot to mention the story part of this... but still I am pretty sure the bonus is also tied to the 10.000 afection.


Nope. I've been mailing gifts to my retired Consular. I finished Zenith's story at about 9600 and got the bonus. I logged on him a few days later and topped his affection off with another Imperial memorability gift. Same thing happened with Iresso.


I think I have around 9, maybe 10, companions maxed now.

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thank you Raeln, thats really what im trying to say i would much prefer medpacks/stims for roughly my lvl instead of a few credits.


Do you call up granny and complain about the socks she sent you for your birthday\holiday? You do understand what a *gift* truly is?

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Do you call up granny and complain about the socks she sent you for your birthday\holiday? You do understand what a *gift* truly is?


Now that would depend. If "Granny" sent me a pair of pink girls socks - I would probably call her and remind her that I'm an adult man.


I can see that some of you would consider that "complaining" though.


Likewise, I think Bioware needs reminded that if they are going to ship out a "gift" for a level 45 quest NPC email, they should probably make sure it's level 45 and not level 20.

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As someone who fails hard at any kind of money in these games I can tell you every bit from every source is welcomed.

To be honest getting a mail from an NPC was a welcome surprise.


I couldn't care less about the amounts.


Also.. affection at max on all companions at mind 40's? Maybe I just dont get the whole companion thing. Much happier to ditch them in favour of a group.... but mine are dressed in rags on the whole and hate me. I do wonder if they are going to do a World of Warcraft hunters pet and bugger off and leave me if I dont feed them often enough;)


Money is far from hard to obtain in SW. Mail is a nice story element.


i agree money is not hard to make at all in this game, if i feel im getting low i go do the dailys and get another 300k or so. and you would think the genius at BW would have thought about this. "hmm players can make almost half a million in one day... ill have this NPC send them 300 credits"

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Do you call up granny and complain about the socks she sent you for your birthday\holiday? You do understand what a *gift* truly is?


do you go around talking down to everyone you meet cause thier opinion isnt the same as yours? do you understand what an opinion truly is? this is a freakin game genius and we are some of the players disscusing how to make a small part of it better. its one thing to throw a gift in "your grannys" face (unless she got me pink socks then its on like donkey kong) its totaly different to disscus alternatives to what an NPC is sending you through the mail.


do you not realize this is a game and not real life?

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Now that would depend. If "Granny" sent me a pair of pink girls socks - I would probably call her and remind her that I'm an adult man.


I can see that some of you would consider that "complaining" though.


Likewise, I think Bioware needs reminded that if they are going to ship out a "gift" for a level 45 quest NPC email, they should probably make sure it's level 45 and not level 20.


Well, Perhaps...it is level appropriate. But when you have people that the second the game is past it opening credits. Hit up goggle find quickest path from A-Z and then complain its not the right level...for a gift. I too would call granny if she sent me a "pair of pink socks"...But after and only after....Thanking her for a gesture of kindness.. for a gift. Its not ment to buy you that epeen speeder or other such do-dad...Its a gift. If this is perhaps what people are truly agreaved about...Maybe BW should just remove it from game. "Gee granny...you gift wasn't good enough":eek:

Edited by Taorus
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atually my Bount Hunter got the bonus 10 presence from Skage at about 9600


People forget that there's also a bonus attached to affection that affects crafting crit and speed. They're only talking about the combat bonuses that come from companion story progression. Technically, both are right.

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People forget that there's also a bonus attached to affection that affects crafting crit and speed. They're only talking about the combat bonuses that come from companion story progression. Technically, both are right.


This. Crafting Crit can be very important if you are into to it and... very, very, advantageous and lucrative. I love it! Getting an augment on a Rakata cube is freaking awesome gravy!

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its not that they are complaining about free money, its that it is annoying to go check your mail box and find 2000 credits when even things from vendors cost about 50 times that.


trolling the forums and reading into everythng? awesome.


This is just ridiculous. People really will complain about anything. Oh no, I got mail as a wrap-up to a quest and the guy only gave me a couple thousand credits. It should have been 75,000 credits at least, every time I get such an email. What a stupid game. Geez, I'm going to quit right now.

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Well, Perhaps...it is level appropriate. But when you have people that the second the game is past it opening credits. Hit up goggle find quickest path from A-Z and then complain its not the right level...for a gift. I too would call granny if you sent me a "pair of pink socks"...But after and only after....Thanking her for a gesture of kindness for a gift. Its not ment to buy you that epeen speeder or other such do-dad...Its a gift. If this is perhaps what people are truly agreaved about...Maybe BW should just remove it from game. "Gee granny...you gift wasn't good enough":eek:


why would anyone need to google search how to lvl in this game, from the moment you make your character you are told where to go... and judging from the way you talk to total strangers on the forums i highly doubt you would thank your "granny" for anything. and noboy has been saying its supposed to "buy you that epeen speeder" we hve been saying for them to be useful or at the very least lvl appropriate.

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This is just ridiculous. People really will complain about anything. Oh no, I got mail as a wrap-up to a quest and the guy only gave me a couple thousand credits. It should have been 75,000 credits at least, every time I get such an email. What a stupid game. Geez, I'm going to quit right now.


I don't remember anyone saying they were going to quit over it. Hyperbole much?

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