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Who said i am bad at pvp? U did cause u are so pro so all other suck. Is it theme of this thread? No. Do i have to be bad to see obvious op-ness even newcomers see and pass info about among each other? No. Are u good at pvp? No one cares. Is it a theme of this thread? No. Edited by Budachxy
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I don't care what anyone says, it takes a lot of skill to be able to play a Sentinel. Fortunately, you are given a lot of skill simply by choosing to play a Sentinel. Going from my Commando to a Sentinel I finally realized that all my pvp woes were really a matter of L2P. Actually, it was more a matter of "learn to roll a sentinel:.
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Who said i am bad at pvp? U did cause u are so pro so all other suck. Is it theme of this thread? No. Do i have to be bad to see obvious op-ness even newcomers see and pass info about among each other? No. Are u good at pvp? No one cares. Is it a theme of this thread? No.


What is this, I don't even...


You're making yourself look like a complete fool with the way you type and what you're typing out. You obviously have not played a Marauder/Sent before so you can't say anything at all. If you think they're so OPed, then play one yourself and quit whining like a total idiot. Then I will laugh as you come back on the forums and say it's too complicated or say that it needs a buff since you got facerolled so bad.

Edited by Ardim
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Who said i am bad at pvp? U did cause u are so pro so all other suck. Is it theme of this thread? No. Do i have to be bad to see obvious op-ness even newcomers see and pass info about among each other? No. Are u good at pvp? No one cares. Is it a theme of this thread? No.


There is a theme all over these forums... the theme is people crying for nerfs for the classes they don't understand. They are not over powered... you just don't understand how to beat one. How many times do I need to say it?


And yes, I'm assuming you're bad... simply for the fact that you are whining instead of doing something about it. You are expecting the game to adapt to you instead of you adapting to the game. Which shows a lack of understanding for the game and it's mechanics in general = bad.


For some time I felt like assassins were difficult to beat... you know what I did instead of crying on a forum? I started a thread asking for assassins to tell me what they have problems with then fighting other classes and how people shut them down. Guess what? I got some great info and now I have a much higher success rate against assassins.


My point: Educate yourself and you succeed... crying will get you nowhere but ridiculed.

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Lets all roll a sentinel then since all its power comes from fact we all become so pro by playing it.


Another point I made way back on this thread... roll one so you understand it's mechanics. I learn more on how to play against a class... by playing the class. My next roll is always the class that gives me the most trouble. It's a learning experience... far more valuable than a crying experience.

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What is this, I don't even...


You're making yourself look like a complete fool with the way you type and what you're typing out. You obviously have not played a Marauder/Sent before so you can't say anything at all. If you think they're so OPed, then play one yourself and quit whining like a total idiot. Then I will laugh as you come back on the forums and say it's too complicated or say that it needs a buff since you got facerolled so bad.




Well said... Before I learned how to use it properly I got rolled bad. Super squishy...


Of course I don't know why either of us are bothering with this kid. He's probably some 13 yr old kid that has one smuggler up to level 35 and can't even beat his class missions without a 10 minute revive timer.

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Here we go again : Is how u educate urself the theme of this thread? No. Do u know anything about my skill,how long i play, am i better than u or are u better than me,do i have more game knowledge than u or vice versa? No. is it a theme of this thread? No. Do u know how i fare against marauders and is it good or bad? No. Is it theme of this thread? No. Is referencing trying to point out game problem that made ppl protest and leave with crying mature? No. Do we care how squishy u was or how many charachters i have or what class they are?No. Is it thame of this thread? No. Plz take all these questions to ur own thread and discuss it together with ur awesomness there.
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Well said... Before I learned how to use it properly I got rolled bad. Super squishy...


Of course I don't know why either of us are bothering with this kid. He's probably some 13 yr old kid that has one smuggler up to level 35 and can't even beat his class missions without a 10 minute revive timer.


Same here. Started out bad, but I later became great as heck.


I'm actually picturing that right now and it is a hilarious sight.

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Here we go again : Is how u educate urself the theme of this thread? No. Do u know anything about my skill,how long i play, am i better than u or are u better than me,do i have more game knowledge than u or vice versa? No. is it a theme of this thread? No. Do u know how i fare against marauders and is it good or bad? No. Is it theme of this thread? No. Is referencing trying to point out game problem that made ppl protest and leave with crying mature? No. Do we care how squishy u was or how many charachters i have or what class they are?No. Is it thame of this thread? No. Plz take all these questions to ur own thread and discuss it together with ur awesomness there.


Yeah okay buddy. Keep crying. Your tears make my day.

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^ Are ur 7 year old answers theme of this thread? No.


Yeah, you're right. The theme is you whining about Marauder/Sent being more powerful when they clearly are not. I'm not even going to bother replying anymore since I have better things to do. Keep up the QQ. I'm betting a ton of people are laughing at you right now besides myself.

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He keeps talking about the "theme" of this thread too... like he still hasn't realized that we took over this thread like 3 pages ago and no one cares to listen to him cry about marauders like every other prepubescent kid on TOR. I can go to the PvP main page and see 5 more threads JUST like this about assassins, PT's and marauders.


I hate that I even respond to this nonsense but I get so annoyed with people constantly crying that I can't help it. I get it... I felt the same way about a couple classes. Instead of crying... I learned. Now I beast it.


I'll never understand why people complain instead of adapt... and if something really was OP. I would roll it! I was marauder pre 1.2 and that will always be my main even if they nerf it. But if they buffed something to the point of ridiculous power... better believe I would be rolling that class next day!


Anyways, that's exactly why I tell these fools to roll a marauder. They'll see it's not OP as they all seem to assume.

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He keeps talking about the "theme" of this thread too... like he still hasn't realized that we took over this thread like 3 pages ago and no one cares to listen to him cry about marauders like every other prepubescent kid on TOR. I can go to the PvP main page and see 5 more threads JUST like this about assassins, PT's and marauders.


I hate that I even respond to this nonsense but I get so annoyed with people constantly crying that I can't help it. I get it... I felt the same way about a couple classes. Instead of crying... I learned. Now I beast it.


I'll never understand why people complain instead of adapt... and if something really was OP. I would roll it! I was marauder pre 1.2 and that will always be my main even if they nerf it. But if they buffed something to the point of ridiculous power... better believe I would be rolling that class next day!


Anyways, that's exactly why I tell these fools to roll a marauder. They'll see it's not OP as they all seem to assume.


And unfortunately, most people aren't going to listen :rolleyes:. There's always going to be QQ regarding something. Heck, I've seen people complaining about the new buff to the PvP weekly since they finished theirs a day before.


At last ur self praising spam how "great as heck "u are is over so ppl with real thoughts and opinions can actually write something constructive.


Ah, yes, "constructive". I have dismissed this claim.

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Y u took over a theread about class powers to praise ur personal glory in a self praising drama.No wonder no one replies cause no one gives a sht about it. Proly best i open new thread theres 40 posts of self praising here. Edited by Budachxy
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And unfortunately, most people aren't going to listen :rolleyes:. There's always going to be QQ regarding something. Heck, I've seen people complaining about the new buff to the PvP weekly since they finished theirs a day before.


So true... the one thing about MMO's is someone will always complain. I always say people are especially hard on TOR because it caters to the 2 toughest groups to please.

1. MMO fans

2. Star Wars fans

The majority of either will not be happy no matter what you do.


But yeah, like you said. They'll cry no matter what which is what makes it even more annoying. Another class will likely get a buff in 1.3 and then this guy and many just like him will cry about that too. It's ridiculous...


And BTW, OP Budachxy... you can leave now. This is our thread. :D

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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So true... the one thing about MMO's is someone will always complain. I always say people are especially hard on TOR because it caters to the 2 toughest groups to please.

1. MMO fans

2. Star Wars fans

The majority of either will not be happy no matter what you do.


But yeah, like you said. They'll cry no matter what which is what makes it even more annoying. Another class will likely get a buff in 1.3 and then this guy and many just like him will cry about that too. It's ridiculous...


And BTW, OP Budachxy... you can leave now. This is our thread. :D


I seriously wonder if World of Warcraft has it this bad. Heard the community over there isn't so great. LOTRO's community was the best.

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Actually its my thread and ur digusting self praising commenting. And who praises himself? The one who usualy isnt worth nothing. Is it a theme of this thread? No.Did i have to point it out? Yes. Il go cause i cant stand so much of ur awesomness in one place. It almost shines from my screen and blinds me.
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Y u took over a theread about class powers to praise ur personal glory in a self praising drama.No wonder no one replies cause no one gives a sht about it. Proly best i open new thread theres 40 posts of self praising here.

BTW, you hardly mentioned anything about classes. Your original post was about crying for nerfs or you'll leave...


So uhhhh, this is kinda awkward... but you can leave now. :rolleyes:

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BTW, you hardly mentioned anything about classes. Your original post was about crying for nerfs or you'll leave...


So uhhhh, this is kinda awkward... but you can leave now. :rolleyes:


This. I even saw the thread title of another thread.


Nerf or me and 3 other leave forever


Yeah, nerf's not going to happen. Leave already :rolleyes:

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I seriously wonder if World of Warcraft has it this bad. Heard the community over there isn't so great. LOTRO's community was the best.


Yeah, I've heard they're quite the whiny bunch too. Not sure tho... never really took an MMO seriously until Tor and since Warhammer. tried WoW but I was bored after a couple weeks. What I do know is MMO players are a tough bunch to please. It's almost impossible to balance perfectly when you consider gear tiers, class abilites, etc.


I actually think they're doing a pretty damn good job with it so far. Of course it's not perfectly balanced but I can't see it being much closer. Smugglers could probably use a buff but other than that I see every other class putting up good numbers and filling their spec'd roles as they should be... in the right hands of course.

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Yeah, I've heard they're quite the whiny bunch too. Not sure tho... never really took an MMO seriously until Tor and since Warhammer. tried WoW but I was bored after a couple weeks. What I do know is MMO players are a tough bunch to please. It's almost impossible to balance perfectly when you consider gear tiers, class abilites, etc.


I actually think they're doing a pretty damn good job with it so far. Of course it's not perfectly balanced but I can't see it being much closer. Smugglers could probably use a buff but other than that I see every other class putting up good numbers and filling their spec'd roles as they should be... in the right hands of course.


Eh, I honestly wished Bioware hadn't launched this game so early. Game is pretty good, no question there, but there's not really that much to do at 50. That's really my only problem with the game right now. All I'm doing is Warzones on my Operative over and over.

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