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Oh yeah... almost forgot... Good Sniper is the counter to the Marauder...


I missed this earlier but thanks for further proving my point. :D


the proper edit... ;)


Bad marauders don't need a counter... super squishy. You might as well re-read all my comments and direct them at urself if you're gonna keep this up.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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All of u marauders and sentinels who think they are pro just leave this thread..that was what scoundrels were saying when they were 3 hiting a full battlemaster geared player 4 months ago. "No we are not op" - yeah right..same thing again..5 ppl shooting on a major dmg dealing class that withstands punishment better than a heavy armoured tank. A aoe stun, saber ward (totaly op ),self healing while attacking, a ravage attack that takes half hp from anyone and is now uninterupptable =6000 dmg with crits for clicking one button(i call that skill -_-) even better if u use the adrenal shot that increases dmg..and ofc my favourite STEALTH when u about to die u vanish after u poped all u had so u dont even have to die after u baldy jump into 5 players alone and kill 2 of em just while saber ward is on., and im not talking about lovbies or complete noobs.Dont even have to say i play tanky champ and he melts me from 13k hp to 6 just by jumping on me with 44% dmg reduction. Seriously? im afraid what would happen if i was a sorcerer or a sniper. Im getting tired of seeing same rotations, same builds copied from each other and same op carnaging that il say is worse than those of scoundrels/operatives..they had op dmg but at least they could be melted if other players reacted on their assault. Balance the game soon, or ul have 4 subbs less.:rak_03:


L2P noob. Everything you have described isn't marauder being OP, it is your own inability to play better than your opponents.

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Oh yeah... almost forgot... Sniper is the counter to the Marauder...


I missed this earlier but thanks for further proving my point. :D


Guess what my new character I am bringing up through the ranks now is :D


Oh let me guess, its OP too? I must suck...



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Guess what my new character I am bringing up through the ranks now is :D


Oh let me guess, its OP too? I must suck...




Haven't you been paying attention? ALL classes that kill you are OP... A good assassin will beat me 60% of the time... obviously OP. I'm going to start a thread about it. ;)

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the proper edit... ;)


Bad marauders don't need a counter... super squishy. You might as well re-read all my comments and direct them at urself if you're gonna keep this up.


Eh, if we're talking about two equally skilled Marauders and Snipers, then it really could go either way tbh, depending on circumstances.

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Eh, if we're talking about two equally skilled Marauders and Snipers, then it really could go either way tbh, depending on circumstances.


The point I'm trying to make is:


With all the complaints about OP classes and nerf this and nerf that... I've been shut down many times by almost every class at one point or another. It's all about coming with the right game plan and executing it. I've had multiple classes just completely screw up my rotations, rage build and priorities. They came in with a better plan than I did. I hate to be that guy but I seriously feel like it's a L2P issue. Like I said before... I had problems with a few different classes... after some research and some trial and error... Only the skilled players of any class give me problems. Therefore, I target the weak and attack the skilled in situations that benefit me. Like a DPS in PvE, I take out the trash before moving on to the boss... same rules apply in PvP.

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The point I'm trying to make is:


With all the complaints about OP classes and nerf this and nerf that... I've been shut down many times by almost every class at one point or another. It's all about coming with the right game plan and executing it. I've had multiple classes just completely screw up my rotations, rage build and priorities. They came in with a better plan than I did. I hate to be that guy but I seriously feel like it's a L2P issue. Like I said before... I had problems with a few different classes... after some research and some trial and error... Only the skilled players of any class give me problems. Therefore, I target the weak and attack the skilled in situations that benefit me. Like a DPS in PvE, I take out the trash before moving on to the boss... same rules apply in PvP.


Ah alright. Yeah, I had a similar problem early on in the game. And now, I kind of follow the same thing: Take out the weakest first before going for the stronger ones. First targets on my Operative is always Gunslinger/Snipers since they're easiest to take out.

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Ah alright. Yeah, I had a similar problem early on in the game. And now, I kind of follow the same thing: Take out the weakest first before going for the stronger ones. First targets on my Operative is always Gunslinger/Snipers since they're easiest to take out.


To add to that... Personally I pay attention to names and gear. I can tell by 1 or 2 encounters with someone if they have skill or not. Strength is rarely defined by class. If I see a weak marauder/sentinel... I will beat on them first before targeting healers just to get them out of the way.


Part of the reason I love these "OP" accusations is there are a ton of bad marauders/sentinels now because everyone thinks they're so damn easy to play WELL. I will eat them alive and thank them later for the free medals.

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To add to that... Personally I pay attention to names and gear. I can tell by 1 or 2 encounters with someone if they have skill or not. Strength is rarely defined by class. If I see a weak marauder/sentinel... I will beat on them first before targeting healers just to get them out of the way.


Part of the reason I love these "OP" accusations is there are a ton of bad marauders/sentinels now because everyone thinks they're so damn easy to play WELL. I will eat them alive and thank them later for the free medals.


Yeah, it all comes down to skill, not class or gear for me. I always pay attention to the name. I know almost all the good PvPers on my server. I also pay attention to how much health they have. 15k or less = Easy kill for me.


Haha, killing FOTM Marauders are always fun. Almost all the ones I kill always have Ataru form.

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Really, still crying about mara's?


Dude this is so last week, people have moved on to powertech/tanksin/sniper now.


Quoted for truth...


You can please some of the people some of the time and QQ till the rest get nerfed.

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Yeah, it all comes down to skill, not class or gear for me. I always pay attention to the name. I know almost all the good PvPers on my server. I also pay attention to how much health they have. 15k or less = Easy kill for me.


Haha, killing FOTM Marauders are always fun. Almost all the ones I kill always have Ataru form.


Gear def makes a difference but shouldn't be a deciding factor... I did fairly well when I still had my recruit gear. And seriously I can't say it enough to people. BM is sooooooo easy to get.


Yeah, I rocked the Carnage tree for a while and as nice and hard as it hits...I felt really squishy, it lacks the survivability of the Juyo (annihilation). I miss have my roots making it MUCH simpler to hit someone but it's one of those things where annihilation may be harder to play, but the benefits of playing it well are worth it.


Rage= easy mode

Carnage= medium mode

Annihilation= hard mode

(for playability anyways)

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Gear def makes a difference but shouldn't be a deciding factor... I did fairly well when I still had my recruit gear. And seriously I can't say it enough to people. BM is sooooooo easy to get.


Yeah, I rocked the Carnage tree for a while and as nice and hard as it hits...I felt really squishy, it lacks the survivability of the Juyo (annihilation). I miss have my roots making it MUCH simpler to hit someone but it's one of those things where annihilation may be harder to play, but the benefits of playing it well are worth it.


Rage= easy mode

Carnage= medium mode

Annihilation= hard mode

(for playability anyways)


Indeed it is. And back when my Operative had Recruit gear, I still owned like crazy.


My Marauder is Annihilation. Tried Rage once, but I felt it was too clunky. And I have yet to see a good Carnage marauder which is why I don't think I'll ever play Carnage.

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hahahh as i said marauders dont comment at all. On 40 posts no one talks about thing i actually wrote, but lets rather explain in 30 posts "how i focus on weak, how i use strategies from internet,how i make hotkeys, how gear is or is not important, how i always avoid strong ones and wait for oportunity, what trees are hard what arent ,what is ur tree u use( -_-), how i wait for saber ward to come off cd to strike so it makes me uber smart" ...dude that stuff should attach to any class if u wanna be good in pvp..but that isnt the theme of this thread u kinda missed the point. if u wanna self praise ur mighty play tactics and how u are good in pvp with whatever class u play- go on other thread. This is about general balance if u take a marauder and any class of medium skill the marauder will win in most cases and almost certainly if that class has a defensive abillity on cd. U think so many ppl roll marauders last few months cause its a marauder playing months? No. Ppl arent stupid, they can sense that marauders dominate in bgs so ppl of all ranges of skill take it going by the fact "oh if my opponent is just some amount more skilled and it gives him an edge but he isnt a marauder - i will have a marauder ,it will make me prevail." -User NoTomorrow wrote : " Mara takes skill to realize its op potential." +1 cept it actually should say Mara takes 0 skill to realize its op potential. U can c that by tons of lovbies first rolling exactly marauders cause they sensed/heard about its opness. Edited by Budachxy
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hahahh as i said marauders dont comment at all. On 40 posts no one talks about thing i actually wrote, but lets rather explain in 30 posts "how i focus on weak, how i use strategies from internet,how i make hotkeys, how gear is or is not important, how i always avoid strong ones and wait for oportunity, what trees are hard what arent ,what is ur tree u use( -_-), how i wait for saber ward to come off cd to strike so it makes me uber smart" ...dude that stuff should attach to any class if u wanna be good in pvp..but that isnt the theme of this thread u kinda missed the point. if u wanna self praise ur mighty play tactics and how u are good in pvp with whatever class u play- go on other thread. This is about general balance if u take a marauder and any class of medium skill the marauder will win in most cases and almost certainly if that class has a defensive abillity on cd. U think so many ppl roll marauders last few months cause its a marauder playing months? No. Ppl arent stupid, they can sense that marauders dominate in bgs so ppl of all ranges of skill take it going by the fact "oh if my opponent is just some amount more skilled and it gives him an edge but he isnt a marauder - i will have a marauder ,it will make me prevail." -User NoTomorrow wrote : " Mara takes skill to realize its op potential." +1 cept it actually should say Mara takes 0 skill to realize its op potential. U can c that by tons of lovbies first rolling exactly marauders cause they sensed/heard about its opness.


No one cares what you have to say... you're just whining like the rest of em that are crying about marauders, PT's and assassins. Next patch something will get nerfed, something else will get buffed and you'll be on here crying about that class too.


You know who won't be crying... ever?


Skilled players who adapt.... L2P

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Didnt even think ul have anything smart to say, u dont have to adapt - u have a marauder so ur intelligence is notable.I guess after tons of ur self praising posts we should think u are one of those skilled players..plz tell us more how skilled u are - specially with ur marauder Edited by Budachxy
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Didnt even think ul have anything smart to say, u dont have to adapt - u have a marauder so ur intelligence is notable.I guess after tons of ur self praising posts we should think u are one of those skilled players..plz tell us more how skilled u are - specially with ur marauder


With grammar and spelling like yours... I don't think you're allowed to make comments regarding intelligence...


And no matter what class I play, I excel. So yes I'm going to toot my horn. WHY? Because I learn to play instead of wasting my time crying for nerfs for all classes other than the one I'm currently playing like you. Enjoy getting owned because if you continue to cry instead of doing something about it... you'll be stuck on the bottom tier forever.


Instead of wasting your time pleading for nerfs... I would recommend you spend that time practicing and learning the other classes. It will get you much further in this game.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Didnt even think ul have anything smart to say, u dont have to adapt - u have a marauder so ur intelligence is notable.I guess after tons of ur self praising posts we should think u are one of those skilled players..plz tell us more how skilled u are - specially with ur marauder


Considering how much you're QQing, how bad your grammar and spelling is, and how you post everything as a wall of text, I'm just going to assume you're a little kid who got mercilessly killed by a good marauder/sent over and over and decided to whine for a nerf on the forums.


I'm not even going to say L2P because I know it's never going to happen with you.

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hahah grammar correcting like we are in elementary school, whats next "ur mom is" jokes. Well seems when u say it for urself it works.. let me try : i excel at pvp ,im also owning cause i play and dont whine and im briliant and id like to post 30 posts about how i play and what trees i use so all others can c how pro i am. As i said go on other thread both of u, u can name it :we are best marauders eva and here we post how awesome and adaptable we are. Edited by Budachxy
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hahah grammar correcting like we are in elementary school, whats next "ur mom is" jokes. Well seems when u say it for urself it works.. let me try : i excel at pvp ,im also owning cause i play and dont whine and im briliant and id like to post 30 posts like u about how i play and what trees i use so all others can c how pro i am. As i said go on other thread both of u, u can name it :we are best marauders eva and here we post how awesome and adaptable we are.


Uh-huh, so you say you excel. Screens or you fail.

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hahah grammar correcting like we are in elementary school, whats next "ur mom is" jokes. Well seems when u say it for urself it works.. let me try : i excel at pvp ,im also owning cause i play and dont whine and im briliant and id like to post 30 posts about how i play and what trees i use so all others can c how pro i am. As i said go on other thread both of u, u can name it :we are best marauders eva and here we post how awesome and adaptable we are.


YOU were the one insulting intelligence... I merely replied to your insult by pointing out the obvious.


And I'm simply giving advice, so hopefully one day I can see more threads on tactics and ideas instead of constant crying.


Do what you want with it... I don't care if your bad.

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