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My second pvp experience


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I wrote a while back (1-2 month ago) about my first pvp exp. and I said that I wasn`t sure If I wanted to continue seeing my noobness on the matter. But some people convince me to try it again and don't give up. Well I did, and here are my toughts.


First - PVP is fun but after doing 3 or 4 time the same warzones during a gaming session, with more or less the same people, it kind get boring. Adding some new warzones would be a great addition.


Second - I PVP with two toons, one a commando assault spec and the other a juggernaut immortal. (Neither of them have hit the 50 mark) With the commando, I am a wrecking machine, always top 3 in damage dealt and I have no difficulty doing it either. Why, simple answer, my range give me an advantage as I can attack before the ennemy even notice I am there and second no matter my facing I do damage everytime I attack (click on the ability) quite the contrary with my jugg.


With the jugg, I have to be more concerned with what is going on and my attack doesn`t always hit the mark, but it is easier to farm medal. Just guard the person next to you or the ball carrier and voila! What I like is the fact that I can last longer in battle than my commando, wich is cool.


Third - Going solo is not a way to go. 1v1 = 50% to die (in some case 100%) So I learn to target the same guy as my teammates. I spot those who are low in hp and go all out on them, maybe it`s cheap tactic, but hey, it`s work. I never engage when I am outnumbered, doing so is suicide.


Fourth - Everything goes a lot more smoother when there a leader. Someone to tell the others where to go or what to do. When someone speak up, and make sense, I follow them.


Fifth - I am a proud PUG. My friend don't dig PVP so I queue solo, hoping for the best. I know a lot of people here bash us PUG and/or are too happy we exist but still I don't mind. I play with the best of my ability and understanding of the group/warzone and so far, no one as ever complain.


I will continue to PVP because my jugg is nearing his 40 rank valor and I have 2000 comm, just waiting to be change. I am eager to discover the high-end pvp with the top players. If I find it too hard or too serious for my taste, I'll just quit PVP with my jugg and start again with an alt.


Au plaisir

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I wrote a while back (1-2 month ago) about my first pvp exp. and I said that I wasn`t sure If I wanted to continue seeing my noobness on the matter. But some people convince me to try it again and don't give up. Well I did, and here are my toughts.


First - PVP is fun but after doing 3 or 4 time the same warzones during a gaming session, with more or less the same people, it kind get boring. Adding some new warzones would be a great addition.


Second - I PVP with two toons, one a commando assault spec and the other a juggernaut immortal. (Neither of them have hit the 50 mark) With the commando, I am a wrecking machine, always top 3 in damage dealt and I have no difficulty doing it either. Why, simple answer, my range give me an advantage as I can attack before the ennemy even notice I am there and second no matter my facing I do damage everytime I attack (click on the ability) quite the contrary with my jugg.


With the jugg, I have to be more concerned with what is going on and my attack doesn`t always hit the mark, but it is easier to farm medal. Just guard the person next to you or the ball carrier and voila! What I like is the fact that I can last longer in battle than my commando, wich is cool.


Third - Going solo is not a way to go. 1v1 = 50% to die (in some case 100%) So I learn to target the same guy as my teammates. I spot those who are low in hp and go all out on them, maybe it`s cheap tactic, but hey, it`s work. I never engage when I am outnumbered, doing so is suicide.


Fourth - Everything goes a lot more smoother when there a leader. Someone to tell the others where to go or what to do. When someone speak up, and make sense, I follow them.


Fifth - I am a proud PUG. My friend don't dig PVP so I queue solo, hoping for the best. I know a lot of people here bash us PUG and/or are too happy we exist but still I don't mind. I play with the best of my ability and understanding of the group/warzone and so far, no one as ever complain.


I will continue to PVP because my jugg is nearing his 40 rank valor and I have 2000 comm, just waiting to be change. I am eager to discover the high-end pvp with the top players. If I find it too hard or too serious for my taste, I'll just quit PVP with my jugg and start again with an alt.


Au plaisir


Just my experience from about a decade of pvp gaming, PUG's are the blue collar base of all pvp games. Sure, elites get catered too, group based combat is how things are balanced, but most people spend a good amount of time just PUGGIN it out. No shame in that imo.


I thought you had good observations here, my experiences follow as well. The main issue for me and PUGS is 1) we are really relegated to hoping for self organizing WZ's that tend to be very monotonous. You just cant pvp at a high level CONSISTANTLY, without a good group. That has always been true though. I wish they would have kept solo ranked warzones, it would have made PUGS more competitive.

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Ranked warzone would indeed separate the good, the bad and the ugly and therefore, provide a better suited experience for everybody. But, from what I am reading, getting into a WZ is hard enough as it is, so to divide the players pools would make it a lot harder getting a game, unless they merge the server.


In any case, on my server, taro blood, I have no difficulty getting a wz.

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