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Palpatine's Empire


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Ok I know that Palpatine's bodyguards were trained in the Dark Side of the Force but why weren't there more actual Sith trained during Palpatine's reign. Galen Marek does not count because he was trained by Vader in secret. Surely Palpatine knew that he should train more Sith to lead his troops other than Vader.
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More Sith = more people waiting to kill you.


The Sovereign Protectors (Force Sensitive Guardsmen who received training beyond that of the Royal Guardsmen) weren't given enough training with the Dark Side to stoke their ambitions. Only one was known to have been treasonous, Carnor Jax. He was killed by Kir Kanos, who was only a Royal Guard.

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The more Sith there were, the more people there were to threaten Palpatine's reign. Don't forget the way of the Sith is to take power from your Master, so he only ever had Sith following him who had weaknesses he knew about.


The other Force users he had following him were all Dark Jedi. They did not follow the Sith code, so he had little to fear from them.


Also, the Royal Guard were not Force trained. They were basically extremely talented Stormtroopers with better than average brains.

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Ok I know that Palpatine's bodyguards were trained in the Dark Side of the Force but why weren't there more actual Sith trained during Palpatine's reign. Galen Marek does not count because he was trained by Vader in secret. Surely Palpatine knew that he should train more Sith to lead his troops other than Vader.


The Rule of 2 that was instigated by Darth Bane after the New Sith Wars.

1 master (Palpatine), 1 apprentice (Vader, who started to train his own apprentice, and got slapped by Palps for it).


By definition at that point, the Jedi Order was pretty much extinct and not a threat to Palpatine. Aside from betrayal by any Dark Side apprentices he trained, the only thing he needed to worry about would have been tripping near a Death Star ventilator shaft and falling over the edge.

So with one apprentice, he only has one potential source of betrayal to keep an eye on.

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The closest he had to full blown Sith due to the Rule of Two were Mara Jade and his other Emperor's Hands. And they weren't Sith, more like Dark Jedi. Some of them came off as Wannabes, but none of them actually became one. Much similar to Dooku's Acolytes during the Clone Wars, who weren't necessarily Sith, but more of fallen Jedi who wished to be Sith and Quinlan F'ing Vos. :cool:
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I know about the Rule of Two but in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Palpatine kidnapped infants powerful in the Force to do experiments on them and train them to be Sith. This was happening while he had Dooku as an apprentice and Dooku had Ventress as an apprentice. So Palpatine wasn't that concerned with other Sith, and don't forget he wanted Luke as an apprentice while he already had one.
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Ok I know that Palpatine's bodyguards were trained in the Dark Side of the Force but why weren't there more actual Sith trained during Palpatine's reign. Galen Marek does not count because he was trained by Vader in secret. Surely Palpatine knew that he should train more Sith to lead his troops other than Vader.


It violates the Rule of Two and Palpatine respected that or at least knew to stay as powerful as he was or to become more powerful he need to adhere to the Rule. Galen Marek,Asajj Ventress and others like them were Dark Jedi, they received some training in the Force but not in the ways of the Sith.


Also, the Royal Guard were not Force trained. They were basically extremely talented Stormtroopers with better than average brains.


This isn't really accurate, while they were not trained in the Force, the Imperial Guard were the elite of the elite in the Empire. I mean, Palpatine used them as his personal bodyguards and took them with him everywhere for crying out loud. They were selected for their intelligence,loyalty and prowess in combat and were much more than "extremely talented Stromtroopers with better than average brains".

Edited by Temeluchus
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This isn't really accurate, while they were not trained in the Force, the Imperial Guard were the elite of the elite in the Empire."


Guardsmen weren't typically Force trained.

Any who were found to be Force Sensitive were trained and became Sovereign Protectors, the highest ranking members of the Imperial Guard, and most likely being rotated in and out of the Shadow Guard (Guardsmen in black with lightsaber pikes from TFU).

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I know about the Rule of Two but in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Palpatine kidnapped infants powerful in the Force to do experiments on them and train them to be Sith. This was happening while he had Dooku as an apprentice and Dooku had Ventress as an apprentice. So Palpatine wasn't that concerned with other Sith, and don't forget he wanted Luke as an apprentice while he already had one.


Palpatine wasn't planning to train them to be Sith, he just wanted an army of Force Sensitives loyal from birth. They wouldn't necessarily be Sith, more of Darksiders like the Emperor's hand or Dooku's Cadre of Acolytes. All he has to do is withhold certain teachings that would allow them to become full Sithlords.


Also...Asajj wasn't a full Sith. She was just Dooku's little project. If anything she's a Dark Jedi trying very hard to be Sith. When she became too powerful, Palpatine told him to cut it out.


When Palpatine planned to recruit Luke Skywalker, he was also planning to get rid of Vader at the same time. You can see that in ROTJ. Why do you think he allows them to fight? He wants Luke to destroy Vader and replace him. He even offers him the job infront of Vader. Vader also knew this too and it's one of the reasons he wants to recruit Luke first in TESB. Betray Palpatine before he betrays him.


The Rule of Two would still be in effect, just through Loopholes. Loopholes like Near-Sith Force Users, that would be discarded when their skill gets too high or accepted when the current Apprentices doesn't perform the way he/she should be.

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Palpatine wasn't planning to train them to be Sith, he just wanted an army of Force Sensitives loyal from birth. They wouldn't necessarily be Sith, more of Darksiders like the Emperor's hand or Dooku's Cadre of Acolytes. All he has to do is withhold certain teachings that would allow them to become full Sithlords.


Also...Asajj wasn't a full Sith. She was just Dooku's little project. If anything she's a Dark Jedi trying very hard to be Sith. When she became too powerful, Palpatine told him to cut it out.


When Palpatine planned to recruit Luke Skywalker, he was also planning to get rid of Vader at the same time. You can see that in ROTJ. Why do you think he allows them to fight? He wants Luke to destroy Vader and replace him. He even offers him the job infront of Vader. Vader also knew this too and it's one of the reasons he wants to recruit Luke first in TESB. Betray Palpatine before he betrays him.


The Rule of Two would still be in effect, just through Loopholes. Loopholes like Near-Sith Force Users, that would be discarded when their skill gets too high or accepted when the current Apprentices doesn't perform the way he/she should be.


I think Vader trying to recruit Luke in Empire Strikes Back, wasn't just to bump off Palpatine. I think Vader was honestly interested in Luke because Luke was his son.


The fact Vader threw the Emperor into the abyss seems to prove that theory.

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don't you know they sith way the apprentice has to check their ability against their master if palpatine trained them in sith arts they would overthrow him palpatine fear to loose his power which happens to everyone at somepoint unless you are emperor in the cold war area
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Didn't Palps train Maul, Vader and Dooku?


Yup,he did lol... But one after the other, Dooku replaced Maul, and Vader replaced Dooku... In a way, Dooku and Maul were just pawns to establish Anakins eventual fall to the Dark Side:D

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I think Vader trying to recruit Luke in Empire Strikes Back, wasn't just to bump off Palpatine. I think Vader was honestly interested in Luke because Luke was his son.


The fact Vader threw the Emperor into the abyss seems to prove that theory.


I know that too, that's why I said ONE of the Reasons.

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