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Don't Q...We all quit


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Seems each server is different, with one side coming out ahead population wise verses the other. That being said, I'm honestly shocked by the ammount of surprise at this turn of events in this thread. Its like you've never pvped in an MMO before.


Look, whenever a game allows for stacked, super geared and organised premades to face pugs this is EXACTLY what happens. People stop queuing up, its a game and when your player base is getting frustrated repeatedly they are unlikely to continue to participate. I myself am currently "done" with PVP because its not fun. Simple as that. I don't want to spend the night facing, and losing to, the same two premades again and again. Turns out this is a feeling shared by throughout SWTOR.


Bioware's at fault here for not keeping group PVP back until cross server ranked matches were available. You are at fault for running premades with the intention of farming pug players. Pug players are not at fault here, as no matter how well he/she plays... there's still seven other guys he has no control over. Reap what you sow and all that, enjoy your three hour queues as its only going to get worse until the problem gets addressed.

Edited by SammuelSK
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We understand that it can be frustrating to see negative threads, but we do ask everyone to refrain from making posts to comment on those negative threads since the effect is usually to bring more negativity, not less. A good rule of thumb: if your post focuses on the behavior of the members posting rather than on the game or OP, you could be in danger of making off-topic comments.


If you would like to join some of the server population discussions, there are a few active ones:


Server Population: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=438399

Server Transfers: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=441119

Server Transfers Now: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=457244

Server Merges: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=457226


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you!


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