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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Yana-Ton (Imperial Agent Spoilers)


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Let me start off by saying I loved this quest line, and felt a bit pressured to marry Yana-Ton when playing as a light-side Imperial Agent. As a role-player though, I was disappointed when I couldn't access her area due to quest restrictions after marrying her, and feel that someone that important to the player's development of their character should at least be a named NPC available to them.


Ideally, I would like Yana-Ton to return as a companion however, there are far easier methods by which I think the problem could be dealt with:

Place Yana-Ton as an NPC in the Alien sector of Voss-Ka, allowing players to enter a conversation where they can:


1) Option to divorce quietly - gives the sentiment that the player never intended for this to be a real marriage and won't allow it to become one (gives XP, makes Voss-Ka permanently unselectable).

2) Hostile option to divorce - gives the sentiment that the player recognized that the divorce was legitimate but doesn't want to be associated with Yana-Ton or tied down by her.

3) Option to remain faithful, in which the NPC becomes a permanent repeatable quest that lets players give her some money to help get by after losing the teashop. She implores the player to be careful out there. Afterwards, players receive either a "Caring Husband" buff that mimics a presence stimulant or a "Reason to Live" buff that mimics an endurance stimulant.


I hope that the writers continue this plot line, and trust that they can handle the problem much better and more creatively than my quick fixes above. I just feel that Yana-Ton's story was unfair to role-players, in that it doesn't allow closure for the guilt it caused that would be possible in real life (she's not dead and still wants a relationship, but isn't accessible to the player for reconciliation).


If that's what the writers were going for though (forcing a sense of guilt without closure), than I suppose nothing needs to be changed. If not, I would prefer to be allowed to explore the relationship or receive a reason why we can't continue to be together with our spouse.



What do you think? Should anything be added or changed? How would you continue this storyline?

Edited by Flightsaber
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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree 100%, even if there isn't a mechanical change.


This part of the story is very immersive and involving, and there are multiple follow-ups in the character's in-game mail. I would really like to see more ways to interact with NPCs to whom the player has developed close ties!



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  • 1 year later...
I played that mission twice(with a female Agent, though), and in my opinion, the real hero of the story is the human agent, Bas-Ton. Compared to his story, his "children" are, at best, bland secondary characters; at worst, they are annoyances he'd been forced to endure for years. So I really doubt the writers would give them another look. Honestly, even the crazy Cathar bounty hunter from Balmorra's BH class quest had more personality.
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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 5 years later...

I think the imperial agent should be able to take his Voss wife Yana-Ton with him on ship as a companion, or at least be able to go back to her to keep that part of the storyline going. Do not think it's proper to take a wife only to be forced to abandon her. They should be able to be together. Marriage of Convenience or not they should be given a chance to be make it work.

Just my opinion, but it does not sit right with me that they can not be together and continue on together.

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One thing to keep in mind, though... (and I do agree that increased interaction with ANY spousal-type character would be most excellent)


It's an IMPERIAL Agent, no matter how open-minded Keeper/Minister of Intelligence and eventually Darth Marr seem to be (For that matter, even Jadus, warped as it is, believes in a form of equality), the Empire and Imperial Intelligence are bastions of Pro-Humanism (with the occasional Pro-Purebloodism tossed in for flavor). If the Agent is non-human, they're barely trusted by most of their fellows; if they're human and too pro-alien, they're watched suspiciously (see some of Watcher Two/Keeper/Shara Jenn and the others around Headquarters reactions if you're too supportive of Kalliyo during the first visit to Dromund Kaas). If Intelligence and the Empire learned that one of their Cipher Agents was married to a non-human, not treating it simply as a matter of convienience to get a job done, supporting them, visiting them, etc.... there's a greater-than-zero chance that they'd simply consider said Agent compromised (especially since they're already on watch lists for directly opposing a Sith Lord) and decide that they're no-longer a viable asset and have them eliminated - possibly along with their non-human spouse.

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