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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make an announcement - Future SWTOR


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Dear Bioware, EA and Lucasarts,


With all the rumours floating around and the negative press please make a formal announcement as to what long term plans you have in place to make SWTOR a long term success!

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Yes, I think this is one of the things that is needed. Some kind of roadmap where this game is approximately going this year and maybe next.

For example:


- next patch (1.3) LFG tool and whatever was already announced

- patches after that (this year) more pvp, pink wookiees, space stuff, new oper, fp:s

- expansion beginning of next year (or later) with new planet(s), moisturefarming minigame in tatooine...


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Well to be fair, in an interview around... January of this year, they did say that the voice actors were already voicing content that's not supposed to go into the game until mid 2013, so I'd say it's fairly safe to say that we're good for content for at least another year.
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