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New 1.3 Details from MXM Expo 2012!


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you do realize that the servers that are going to be transferable to are selected by bioware right.. for the sole purpose of getting them full.. you cant choose whatever server you want, chances are if you choose to transfer your server will be atleast high pop by the time it is done..


contrary to popular belief here on the forums the people are bioware are not dumb enough to allow people to transfer to whatever server they want and hope that everyone chooses the same servers...

You do realize they haven't made that decision yet, right? Hell it's in the QA section of the OP.


So what happens to the people that stay behind?


BW should just do server mergers and be done with it.

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It's hilarious that people are whining about content in a six month old game. Wow didn't see it's first expansion until THREE YEARS post release. Let's calm down.


First, I don't see the point you're making with the expansion. WoW had a ton of patches in the first 3 years adding a lot of content. It's not like they went from launch to expansion with the same content, which makes your point confusing.


Second, even if they launched with the same exact amount of content as SWTOR, the fact is that BW really screwed up with itemization and eliminated all of their flashpoints 2-3 weeks after you max level. I don't know if WoW did the same thing or not, did they?


My gear if far better than anything that drops from flashpoints, mostly from pvp. Here are the flashpoints I've done:


- Boarding Party - roughly 5x

- The Foundry - roughly 5x

- Black Talon - a lot, because it's a 15 min zone

- The False Emperor - twice

- Kaon Under Siege - twice


Until 1.3's new loot tables, there has been 0 reason to run these any more than needed, and especially 0 reason to run once you get columi or better.


I don't think they need new content as much as they need to fix the content they have. That's why a lot of people are complaining about it, and I can completely understand. For a large chunk of players now, it's either do one of 3 OP's, or pvp. If you're not into pvp, have fun standing in the fleet between raids.


They are making a good first step by adding loot to these zones though, so I will give them credit there. Hopefully it's good enough to want to stomach killing trash for 45+ mins each zone though.

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The problems with ranked WZs is not that they'll require 8 man premades. That's actually very very good.


The problem is they'll require 8 man premades on servers where only a handfull of guilds on both factions will field them at all. And without x-server guilds will prolly have to resort to organising "events" when these matches go on. Heaven forbid there is one guild dominating these matches cos the other side will just give up like they did with open world pvp.


Sure you could look at it as "community building" but I don't thing that's the kind of community building you want going on on your servers.


I thanked god ranked was pulled from 1.2 cos without x-server it would have been a debacle. I was hoping that BW realised that at the alst second. Guess I was wrong and we're going str8 towards another Ilum type situation.... Unless server transfers provide a massive massive consolidation of players on like 1/2 of our currnet servers.




The population will never be enough for healthy and consistent 8V8's even after the server transfers. The only solution is x-server queueing.



It is going to be on for 1.3 but whether it is enabled or disabled it is going to dependent on all the testing we done internally and on the PTS. It is going to be very disappointing personally and for you guys if it is not on but then again we reserve the right to postpone it if it is not to the quality we want.


And please let the community manager do the talking. This arrogant attitude is not helping BW at all.

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The population will never be enough for healthy and consistent 8V8's even after the server transfers. The only solution is x-server queueing..


Wait, I was always under the impression ranked warzones is going to guarantee cross server fights. If it's limited to servers, I also sign this.


Please BW, don't release ranked until you can do cross server.

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That's so disappointing about Ranked WZ's. It was the only thing i was excited for Swtor. I guess i'll stop playing now. :/


Wow I have to agree no single queue is a HUGE let down. Not everyone has seven people to do ranked with. I was really looking forward to solo queue. And what a stupid reason not to put it in,. Seriously, you might have a team mate that is bad? No kidding, but guess what he is going to lose more and therefore be a lower rank. The bads will get separated from the good people over time. Terrible reason to remove solo queue.

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Why not ask what species the players want and then work on those rather than not tell anyone what is being added till 20 heads are done and then find out nobody wants to play a purple human.


They already have. Plenty of polls have come and gone on it.

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You do realize they haven't made that decision yet, right? Hell it's in the QA section of the OP.


So what happens to the people that stay behind?


BW should just do server mergers and be done with it.


Typically, anyone that's left behind gets a server list upon logging in, select a server, click "SELECT", and voila, done. Easy as logging in normally.

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Performance Optimizations – Improving the performance on low and middle grade machines. Maybe you are trying to convince someone in your house to play the game – siblings, significant other and they were not have the best machine


so funny. you can't even play this game properly on good machines. when will they finally admit that?

hi@ ilum 5fps, hi@ warzones 20fps.



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so funny. you can't even play this game properly on good machines. when will they finally admit that?

hi@ ilum 5fps, hi@ warzones 20fps.




I suspect the current OPvP revamp includes optimizing the engine to handle what the HERO engine can actually handle: 200v200.

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Re: Ranked Warzones...


If they're not cross server...

...Scrap them until they are

...But you release them and track rank as a worldwide stat, that is a major fail

...And you require 8 man setups, they're going to be used by a fraction of the people who want to use them


Assuming they're cross server, which they should be, I still don't see a reason for the 8 man requirement. Those who are that concerned about their record are unlikely going to pick up a random 7th or 8th anyway. They're going to do ranked matches with the best 8 they can find, and try to run the table. This will be with or without the requirements, it's going to happen as you'd expect it to.


If 5-6 people want to take a chance with a few pickups, let them. As the person above me pointed out, as long as the matchmaking is decent, it shouldn't be a problem. If the average rank of that pre-made is say 125th, don't put a pickup with a rank of 340,394 and you won't have that problem. Put in the closest ranked pickups to that group.


If average rank isn't good, do average valor. On my server, I'd have no problem grouping with 7 other random people with around my valor rank (72). It may not be a guaranteed win, but you know they have experience and gear to reach that valor rank..... I mean what else is valor good for now except to stop you from getting ranked tokens before lvl 40?


As far as one of the reasons being "They'll get mad at the guy who makes them lose", while some may, is that really a concern? There are people now who get mad at those without gear (like it's their fault). Most people just look at those people as elitist whiners and ignore them .. I know a few like that on my server. If 7 people group up and blame the random 8th for the loss, those 7 people are probably just a group of whiners nobody likes anyway.


7 mature people would not blame the 8th person if they lost. They'd blame themselves for going into a match with 7 people and relying on a pickup for the final spot.

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The upcoming server consolidations will be plenty for Ranked Warzones. Even on the few better populated servers, premades are no problem. X-server won't work, anyway, as you need to be grouped before queuing.


I think it's a good move to not allow solo queuing for RZ. Too many people like to ruin it for others.

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If people just wanna pvp for fun, then they shouldn't worrying about grinding for WH gear if they just wanna have fun.


You are silly!


Did you never play wow? Its pointless to do unrated pvp there, as premades dominate you in their high rank pvp gear. PvP at wow is dead for Casuals and players who dont have access to a group to do rated pvp.


I was always defending BW, also the delay was ok for me - but now its over.


How can a company take the money of us for 7 months and then just delete solo queue? They said from day 1 that they add solo queue and now its gone? What are we supposed to do now at Tor?


Beeing farmed by players who have access to high end gear?


No sorry, but once again an MMO ruined by a company who does only look out for a few elitist´s and not for those who are unable to play after a shedule.


Solo queue does work very well at LOL,bad players have a low rank and good ones a high. Its a very bad excuse of BW and I am sad that Stephen lied about that when he did reply if solo queue is still coming.

Edited by RachelAnne
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You are silly!


Did you never play wow? Its pointless to do unrated pvp there, as premades dominate you in their high rank pvp gear. PvP at wow is dead for Casuals and players who dont have access to a group to do rated pvp.


I was always defending BW, also the delay was ok for me - but now its over.


How can a company take the money of us for 7 months and then just delete solo queue? They said from day 1 that they add solo queue and now its gone? What are we supposed to do now at Tor?


Beeing farmed by players who have access to high end gear?


No sorry, but once again an MMO ruined by a company who does only look out for a few elitist´s and not for those who are unable to play after a shedule.


Err...there's still going to be solo queuing, just not for Ranked... All WZ's will still be available for solo queuing. RZ is for team ranking, basically.

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You are silly!


Did you never play wow? Its pointless to do unrated pvp there, as premades dominate you in their high rank pvp gear. PvP at wow is dead for Casuals and players who dont have access to a group to do rated pvp.


I was always defending BW, also the delay was ok for me - but now its over.


How can a company take the money of us for 7 months and then just delete solo queue? They said from day 1 that they add solo queue and now its gone? What are we supposed to do now at Tor?


Beeing farmed by players who have access to high end gear?


No sorry, but once again an MMO ruined by a company who does only look out for a few elitist´s and not for those who are unable to play after a shedule.


The high end gear has the same stats as the low end gear.


really people. come on.


rated WH = non rated WH

Edited by metalgearyoda
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They are. The first stage is all free transfers from low-pops to targeted servers. Then it will open up to free and paid to stem the flow to VHeavies to curb queues.


I heard it was free, but where did you hear about targeted servers? That's a good thing though, hopefully it will help a lot from my server end up at a specific server so we don't lose the community we've gained. Hopefully they give us some advanced notice who can go where, so we can plan with the server. (I know a lot will go their own ways, but generally would be good to know where a chunk of people are going)

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That's so disappointing about Ranked WZ's. It was the only thing i was excited for Swtor. I guess i'll stop playing now. :/


When I first read this I thought you were being over dramatic. But then I realized, "wow this really does suck." I don't wanna use vent even though it gives players a huge advantage. The best teams are gonna be those who really stratigize with each other and have perfect groups.


i just wanna random solo in, with other random solo players, and rank up by my performance.

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the title mis leads this isnt new news at all. i mean maybe to the OP its news but to others with a link to the industry already heard all this a while ago.


i guess people just dont pay close enough attention anymore. not a long enough attention span i guess.

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the title mis leads this isnt new news at all. i mean maybe to the OP its news but to others with a link to the industry already heard all this a while ago.


i guess people just dont pay close enough attention anymore. not a long enough attention span i guess.


Actually quite alot of the information provided here are new details that have never being revealed in any form. OP even provided a list of new things we learned from this expo.

Edited by Iwipe
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Seriously, doesn't anyone see the problem of allowing 8-man premades to q for both normal and ranked warzones at the same time? Can't Bioware see how much not-fun it will be for pugers to join a game against such teams? Isn't it obvious how such a system can be abused in an Illum-type of way (instead of win-trading there will be "day-trading" since you still get Ranked rewards if you q for it, even if you play a normal WZ in the end)?
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Will LFG have decent rewards for doing random instances? Say 1 black hole token to do it each day? Currently 99% of all pug players can't even clear HM LI with any level of consistency (a pure interrrupt strategy play - you need vent to signal the interrupts properly when sequences break) - so forget about that 6 lousy tokens from that stream.


It takes 10 weeks to get a chest piece with this setup through Corellia, let alone the over 10 pieces you need to deck out. 10 weeks to players bent with infinite gaming choice in today's MMO.... you'll lose a lot of motivation and move on.


The elitist jerks can boast about their Campaign pieces.

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