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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So... who's actually happy with the game?


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I think the people in guilds are much happer than those that aren't.. I am not bored.. I am gearing myself, my companions and have some alts in the making.. I play every day..


I agree. While the LFG tool will be neat and I will use it, I've been real happy with my guild. But I also PuG heroics and, more often than not, than has gone real well too.

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I'm disappointed specifically with the pvp in the game. They had a winning combination- sure, there were some flaws when they started out, but people enjoyed it enough to keep playing anyway because the pvp was the best balanced pvp in any mmo out of the gate- in fact, it was one of the best balanced mmos for pvp period, and alot of people were very impressed.


They then did the absolute worst thing you can do for pvp in 1.2. Not nerfs, not even just nerfs based entirely on QQ from bads on the forum- though that's bad as well. But an overhaul of important pvp systems like expertise at the same time as laying out multiple heavy nerfs to different parts of specific classes that compounded into something horrible- while not boosting those classes in the areas they were lacking to balance them out.


1.2 didn't just lose 400k subs, as well as make it so almost all servers never got WZ pops anymore- it also lost any faith that BW had a clue what they were doing in pvp due to their testing process, inability to listen to testers, and making such massive changes and then ignoring any concerns and considering the mass exodus of entire ACs from the game to not be something worth their time to address.


They need to communicate, to show they are listening to player concerns- sure, when a game's doing well it's perfectly fine to say 'the fans don't know what they're talking about, they're just complaining, etc...' but when you're getting tangible results, such as a huge drops in subs and most servers suddenly not having WZ pops- you need to realize you've done something that people didn't like- and it'll effect everyone, even the people who love 1.2 because it made their marauder godlike- doesn't matter how godlike you are if in a few months you're waiting two hours to get a chance to show off in a WZ.

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I'm happy with the game and enjoy it more than any other mmo I have ever played. I hope that while they add and improve they stick to their original vision of story driven and don't succumb to making yet another pvp focussed game like so many others.
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I love SWTOR, the thing is in every forums in every game there are people that complain endlessly. my best advice to the OP is stay away from all the complaint threads. trust me visiting the forums for casual reading is like visiting a factory that makes complainers.
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I love SWTOR, the thing is in every forums in every game there are people that complain endlessly. my best advice to the OP is stay away from all the complaint threads. trust me visiting the forums for casual reading is like visiting a factory that makes complainers.


Staying away from the complaint threads will not actually help that much as a large amount of them are closed down for <insert reason here> . Therefore, a lot of the disgruntled playerbase post into the positive threads (although, a lot of the 'positive' threads are in fact beards created by disgruntled players).

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if your on the naddist rebel server i doubt anybody loves this game anymore. It saddens me that i will probably cancel my sub in the next few days as i am tired of waiting 3 hrs plus to get into a wz and then to only have 3-5 people in it against 8 reps. Good luck trying to do a ops as there is less then 8 at level 50 to even do one. I think we only have one sorc healer left on the server. The population on this server is so low that there is nothing to do. We can care less about new content or features and just want off this server. I dont understand how bioware does not see this as a problem. By the time they do release a transfer option everybody else will be in full War Hero gear while were still trying to get BM gear. Dont get me wrong i have been here since release and have a full WH Assassin however trying to gear up my alts is next to impossible now. I had such high hopes for this game and am very dissapointed with the lack of urgency to save the players they have left.
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I am :)


I sometimes get bored with my 50 and doing huge amounts of pvp so I can get the war hero gear but I recently decided to max out my crafting, do some fun special extras like getting my little orokeet bird, and hopefully soon i'll get to do some of the operations and endgame flashpoints which I have yet to do. When all else fails, I jump on to one of my alts and have fun with their story. There's a lot to do, I just have to push myself to not be lazy doing the same things over and over again, do something new, and I find I am having fun again (gasp)

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Staying away from the complaint threads will not actually help that much as a large amount of them are closed down for <insert reason here> . Therefore, a lot of the disgruntled playerbase post into the positive threads (although, a lot of the 'positive' threads are in fact beards created by disgruntled players).


Exactly why my guildies refuse to come here. And they're happier gamers for it.

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I don't think the forum has anything to do with the fact that there is less than 100 people on my server at any time. I have a major laundry list of things I don't like, and wish where different, but overall If it wasn't for the massive server population issue, I could deal with those problems.


Theres some things I like about this game.


But to get on point, I think Bioware should switch the forum to only allow people with active subs to post comments. Don't get me wrong, I believe there should be a visitor section, but the main forums should be locked away from non playing haters that come here to spread doom and gloom. (I'd re-post the screen shot of the WoW guild trying to get as many people as possible to spam TOR's forums with negativity, but I'm sure everyones seen it, plus I don't care to try and find it anymore, its old news)

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I don't think the forum has anything to do with the fact that there is less than 100 people on my server at any time. I have a major laundry list of things I don't like, and wish where different, but overall If it wasn't for the massive server population issue, I could deal with those problems.


Theres some things I like about this game.


But to get on point, I think Bioware should switch the forum to only allow people with active subs to post comments. Don't get me wrong, I believe there should be a visitor section, but the main forums should be locked away from non playing haters that come here to spread doom and gloom. (I'd re-post the screen shot of the WoW guild trying to get as many people as possible to spam TOR's forums with negativity, but I'm sure everyones seen it, plus I don't care to try and find it anymore, its old news)


You DO have to have an active sub to post.

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Wait, where did you see this? I have not seen any info on transfers coming before 1.3 .. IMO, if they would just do this NOW, it would save a lot of other problems.. The whole CS-LFG wouldn't matter, it could be put on the back burner if everyone was on a server where they didnt have to wait for 30 minutes to an hour, or never, for a PvP pop to happen. CS-LFG wouldn't even matter if there were only a hand full of servers in each time zone.


If they would just fix the server population, or lack of population problem NOW, half the QQing players would be happy, well less QQy.


off topic ^that.

Lord Praven up till january/Feb was high pop then at somepoint droped to low pop.

Anyway: on balance I'm enjoying the game.

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I don't think the forum has anything to do with the fact that there is less than 100 people on my server at any time. I have a major laundry list of things I don't like, and wish where different, but overall If it wasn't for the massive server population issue, I could deal with those problems.


Theres some things I like about this game.


I completely agree. The low morale caused by low-pop servers are causing people to be much less tolerant of the issues in TOR.


There are plenty of things my guildies wish were different or were ingame, but our server is fairly well-populated, we have each other anyway, and they're not daily pounded by negativity by coming here.

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I was happy up until I unsubbed. Now that i 'm no longer subbed I'm unhappy in hindsight. Looking back I remember the flaws of the game but have a hard time to remember the things I really liked. I remember it was a very pretty game that I spent a lot of time trying to get running well. Then I got a new computer and it ran beautifully but I realized there wasn't anybody really playing with me. Then I quit trying..
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As a "casual" gamer, ~8-10 hours a week I am still happy with the game. I'm still on my first character and taking my time with the stories, crafting, quests, PvP, space and all the other various activities. From my point of view there is a lot to do in the game. There seems to be a lot of content that I haven't got through. Haven't found all of the datacrons. Haven't fought the world bosses. Still haven't been on a bunch of planets. Haven't participated in hard mode operations.


I guess I'll find out if the game is good enough at endgame when I get there but at the pace that I play the game the cost is justified.


The most frustrating thing to me is grouping for Heroic 4's on my low pop server. Thats not a game blocking issue for me as there is a lot of interesting PvE content.


I'm also playing D3 cooperatively with friends now, also at a slow pace. Having played D1 and D2 extensively I am enjoying that game as well.


Seems to me that in both game people really speed through the games and burnout.

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