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Combat Medic Veterans

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Hello fellow commandos,


I recently leveled up my commando alt to 50 and wanted to take the healing route for pvp. :D

I was wondering if you combat medic veterans can give me some advice on specs and what is stat priority. Also what set of gear from the pvp vendors should I be getting(numerous forum reads have debated on eliminator and combat medic gear)



Let me know and thanks for your time :rak_04:

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Healing as a Combat Medic in pvp can be a blast as long as you understand what your class's limitations. As for specific abilities to pick up DO NOT leave home without picking up Combat Shield, which makes you immune to interrupts every time you pop Reactive Shield. Any pvp team that is competent will have you marked right off the spot and try to gank you. With this ability though it is possible to tank heal for a short period of time while the rest of your team works on killing/ accomplishing objectives. It is not uncommon for myself (4 pieces of WH gear with the rest BM) to have 4 people concentrating on me for 10-12 seconds at a time. This leaves the rest of my team going 4 on 7 for that 12 seconds which can be an eternity especially if your team is competent.


As far as muzzle fluting, that is totally a matter of preference. I personally like the utility for when I need to dps in a pinch or if you happen to find yourself in a match with 3 other healers.


As far as gear, go with the Combat Medic set. The Eliminator set has too much if its budget allocated to accuracy, which does not benefit you as much as Alacrity, Crit, and Surge.


Hope that you enjoy playing a combat medic in pvp. This class can have amazing burst ability and is not squishy at all compared to the other healing classes.

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Going healing in an Eliminator set because I'm too lazy to buy both sets!


Commando healing is good for burst single target healing, as the post above mentioned, with all your abilities you can keep people focused on you and fully tanking them if they don't use the correct abilities to stop you.

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Depends on if you are talking about recruit or BM and if you are planning on keeping it a healer or DPS in the long run.


I don't have a lot of experience with Gunnery spec/gear except for the few mods and bits I've taken from it to min-max. And my advice will be mostly for CM.


If you are talking about BM grade gear then CM set is pretty well itemized, I think the only thing I swapped out was the CM assault cannon for the Eliminator cannon.


This is my build: click

Some people might not like my build and that's fine, if I was let to free cast then I would probably not pump out the heals some other builds would in a free casting environment, but I get focused and I usually receive 240k-450k damage every WZ I enter, while dying 2-6 times per WZ, so you do the math how much they need to pressure me before I fold. My healing output is usually 240-360k per WZ, but I play objectively and often enough guard nodes - because I think that's what we excel at.


Stats to consider with this build:


You'll want your alacrity around 13.5% (it leads to 1.2 advanced probes and 1.6 medical probes - I like it because it makes interrupts harder, the lag in this game is pretty bad and with he global CD I have a good chance to get the heal through)


Your crit chance should be around 30-32% at least (tech critical should be then 37% fully buffed)


Surge needs to be 70-71% (some like it higher but I'd rather put the extra points into power because surge will hit diminishing returns faster above 71%


After that stack aim and power.


Pro tips to be a good CM - learn to hug the walls, objects, building (basically learn to LOS), always keep spamming your Hammer Shot while moving, save the defensive CDs for "oh shiz" moments and use the terrain (I don't know how many times I've managed to save myself because I knock people down from cliffs (Novare), bridge area (Voidstar), into the pit and off the walkways etc. If you can't LOS you won't be very effective.


I don't know what else to say except: perseverance.

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I've been healing as a CM ever since launch basically(took a small break to DPS though).

This is my current build. I started using this build after 1.2. Some differences in my old build was I didn't have advance tech and heavy trooper, and instead had kolto residue and treated wound dressings.

I like it a lot, its purely a healing build though, that focuses on survival, even when focused by multiple enemies.

I didn't take any DPS trait though, as I find that I'm consistently healing in warzones. And when I'm not, then I can free cast charged bolts and the DPS traits aren't important.

Um as far as my points in gunner, they're all important. Havoc rounds makes your kolto grenade stronger, ironsights is obvious, special munitions for the tech critical(all heals are tech), and heavy trooper for the endurance and healing received.

I traded kolto residue, because they nerfed it from 5% to 3%. And advanced tech I felt as a better bonus. It makes it so you have a passive 2% bonus healing on others, and 4% bonus healing on yourself(as a PVP medic, you heal yourself more than anyone else). So even with out using a KB(and wasting 2 ammo), you get the same healing benefit, for the same amount of points. You only lost 1% on others, but gain 1% on you. And you can use those 2 ammo for a AMP, MP, or TP. And I traded the treated wound dressings for heavy trooper simply because I realized how much healing I was applying to myself, compared to how much dmg I was taking. And since the amount I heal myself for was just under the amount of dmg I take, it made sense to get a 6% increase in healing, over a 4% reduction in dmg. Plus you get the extra endurance.


I don't have any of the alacrity simply because you get enough from the CM war hero set... So its not worth it. Id rather take the traits that increase my tech crit. All in all I get to a 43.4% crit chance(with smuggler buff, which I always have thanks to my agent). And I forget what my multiplier is at, something around 73%. So I go for as much crit/surge/power as I can. And only take the alacrity off of the main pieces. Your earpieces/implants/belt and so on, should have power/crit/surge.



Also, a lot of people will try to convince you to go to a hybrid spec. Please, don't. If you want to be helpful to your team. Don't. Going pure heals will be much helpful, as being able to take the aggro of multiple opponents and still live, is much more useful than doing a little more DPS under very rare circumstances. After all, a good healer will only DPS if they don't need to heal. Which is rare in PVP.

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Surge needs to be 70-71% (some like it higher but I'd rather put the extra points into power because surge will hit diminishing returns faster above 71%


Just on a side note, Surge does not compete with Power when itemizing. Surge competes only with Alacrity/Accuracy.


And with the the stat monkey has left the building!

Edited by pureeffinmetal
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