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SWTOR is the greatest game ever


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The title says it all but I will attempt to expand upon this obvious factual statement for all you mealy mouthed haters with your ludicrous sense of entitlement.


SWTOR has fantastic VO quests its a revolution in MMO gaming and you should just appreciate how damned lucky you are to experience this groundbreaking concept


The class balance in this game is completely perfect FACT


There is so much varied and challenging end game content that even the most hard core no lifer could not possibly complete it all .. You guys are just so damned lucky!


The incredibly novel and innovative warzone system in this game is made even more enjoyable by the fact that each and every time you queue for one of their wonderful warzones with your guildys you have the opportunity to also group with 4 complete strangers that could become your new best friends


There is a beautiful sophisticated complex and bewildering array of gear to choose from for your characters to wear... The characters from Dynasty would be green with envy if they could see your shoulder pads!


The levelling process with its story line in this game is the pinnacle of MMO levelling and just in case you for some ridiculous reason do not believe this, the server policy of the game gives you the golden opportunity to experience the levelling process again and again


Open world PVP? You have never been so spoilt! It is there to be found on every single planet and whilst you are looking for those members of the opposite faction you can have untold amounts of fun playing our super mario mini game otherwise known as datacron collection which can be made even more challenging for you guys that deceided on creating chubby characters


Crafting? Dont get me started.. In fact, where do I start? There are six yes you heard me right I said six different richly rewarding and innovative crafting proffessions to choose from. They guarantee that the goal posts will never be moved on any of these crafting proffessions and they will all give you a meaningful experience and lucrative returns on the Fatman (please note that other servers can also be played)


Role Playing.. you lucky lucky people.. There are a myriad did I say myriad hell yeah I thats right my friend myriad of deeply immersive cantinas and casinos where you guys can stand next to the chairs and RP your little hearts out with each other whilst playing all sorts of games of chance in /say


Space Combat.. Oh my god excuse me for a moment I am welling up.. Just call me an emotional old fool This is where its at you lucky people it dosent get any better than this. not only do you only have to remember 4 different missions regardless of faction, once you have done all the missions on all of your alts the special nightmare mode is unlocked. For the incredibly cheap price of nothing yes you heard me right i said nothing, you get to place a blindfold on your head and see if you can complete those missions that you know off by heart.


What about the legacy system I hear you say? The crowning glory achievement of all time! yes thats what I'm saying, even better than a server transfer system, you do not need a transfer system when you have Legacy my friend because it is a thing of beauty it is giving you lucky lucky people such a diverse and meaningful addition to your gaming experience that I imagine you are struggling to contain yourselves. Okay, some of the beautiful and special things you can acquire from Legacy are not cheap but the only people that said 'the best things in life are free' were the Beatles and screw them they were Hippies!


Now my final but by no means least significant point, with your monthly subscription you get the privilege yes my friend make no mistakes it is one almighty privilege of being ableto fully interact on this wonderful free, open and uncensored space that is SWTOR say it after me now I said S>W>T>O>R forum



God bless America


Thankyou very much and goodnight




I can take no credit for this post, I have taken it from IloveswtorIwannahaveyourbabys.com

Edited by Lurchy
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The title says it all but I will attempt to expand upon this obvious factual statement for all you mealy mouthed haters with your ludicrous sense of entitlement.


SWTOR has fantastic VO quests its a revolution in MMO gaming and you should just appreciate how damned lucky you are to experience this groundbreaking concept


The class balance in this game is completely perfect FACT


There is so much varied and challenging end game content that even the most hard core no lifer could not possibly complete it all .. You guys are just so damned lucky!


The incredibly novel and innovative warzone system in this game is made even more enjoyable by the fact that each and every time you queue for one of their wonderful warzones with your guildys you have the opportunity to also group with 4 complete strangers that could become your new best friends


There is a beautiful sophisticated complex and bewildering array of gear to choose from for your characters to wear... The characters from Dynasty would be green with envy if they could see your shoulder pads!


The levelling process with its story line in this game is the pinnacle of MMO levelling and just in case you for some ridiculous reason do not believe this, the server policy of the game gives you the golden opportunity to experience the levelling process again and again


Open world PVP? You have never been so spoilt! It is there to be found on every single planet and whilst you are looking for those members of the opposite faction you can have untold amounts of fun playing our super mario mini game otherwise known as datacron collection which can be made even more challenging for you guys that deceided on creating chubby characters


Crafting? Dont get me started.. In fact, where do I start? There are six yes you heard me right I said six different richly rewarding and innovative crafting proffessions to choose from. They guarantee that the goal posts will never be moved on any of these crafting proffessions and they will all give you a meaningful experience and lucrative returns on the Fatman (please note that other servers can also be played)


Role Playing.. you lucky lucky people.. There are a myriad did I say myriad hell yeah I thats right my friend myriad of deeply immersive cantinas and casinos where you guys can stand next to the chairs and RP your little hearts out with each other whilst playing all sorts of games of chance in /say


Space Combat.. Oh my god excuse me for a moment I am welling up.. Just call me an emotional old fool This is where its at you lucky people it dosent get any better than this. not only do you only have to remember 4 different missions regardless of faction, once you have done all the missions on all of your alts the special nightmare mode is unlocked. For the incredibly cheap price of nothing yes you heard me right i said nothing, you get to place a blindfold on your head and see if you can complete those missions that you know off by heart.


What about the legacy system I hear you say? The crowning glory achievement of all time! yes thats what I'm saying, even better than a server transfer system, you do not need a transfer system when you have Legacy my friend because it is a thing of beauty it is giving you lucky lucky people such a diverse and meaningful addition to your gaming experience that I imagine you are struggling to contain yourselves. Okay, some of the beautiful and special things you can acquire from Legacy are not cheap but the only people that said 'the best things in life are free' were the Beatles and screw them they were Hippies!


Now my final but by no means least significant point, with your monthly subscription you get the privilege yes my friend make no mistakes it is one almighty privilege of being ableto fully interact on this wonderful free, open and uncensored space that is SWTOR say it after me now I said S>W>T>O>R forum



God bless America


Thankyou very much and goodnight




I can take no credit for this post, I have taken it from IloveswtorIwannahaveyourbabys.com



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The title says it all but I will attempt to expand upon this obvious factual statement for all you mealy mouthed haters with your ludicrous sense of entitlement.


SWTOR has fantastic VO quests its a revolution in MMO gaming and you should just appreciate how damned lucky you are to experience this groundbreaking concept


The class balance in this game is completely perfect FACT


There is so much varied and challenging end game content that even the most hard core no lifer could not possibly complete it all .. You guys are just so damned lucky!


The incredibly novel and innovative warzone system in this game is made even more enjoyable by the fact that each and every time you queue for one of their wonderful warzones with your guildys you have the opportunity to also group with 4 complete strangers that could become your new best friends


There is a beautiful sophisticated complex and bewildering array of gear to choose from for your characters to wear... The characters from Dynasty would be green with envy if they could see your shoulder pads!


The levelling process with its story line in this game is the pinnacle of MMO levelling and just in case you for some ridiculous reason do not believe this, the server policy of the game gives you the golden opportunity to experience the levelling process again and again


Open world PVP? You have never been so spoilt! It is there to be found on every single planet and whilst you are looking for those members of the opposite faction you can have untold amounts of fun playing our super mario mini game otherwise known as datacron collection which can be made even more challenging for you guys that deceided on creating chubby characters


Crafting? Dont get me started.. In fact, where do I start? There are six yes you heard me right I said six different richly rewarding and innovative crafting proffessions to choose from. They guarantee that the goal posts will never be moved on any of these crafting proffessions and they will all give you a meaningful experience and lucrative returns on the Fatman (please note that other servers can also be played)


Role Playing.. you lucky lucky people.. There are a myriad did I say myriad hell yeah I thats right my friend myriad of deeply immersive cantinas and casinos where you guys can stand next to the chairs and RP your little hearts out with each other whilst playing all sorts of games of chance in /say


Space Combat.. Oh my god excuse me for a moment I am welling up.. Just call me an emotional old fool This is where its at you lucky people it dosent get any better than this. not only do you only have to remember 4 different missions regardless of faction, once you have done all the missions on all of your alts the special nightmare mode is unlocked. For the incredibly cheap price of nothing yes you heard me right i said nothing, you get to place a blindfold on your head and see if you can complete those missions that you know off by heart.


What about the legacy system I hear you say? The crowning glory achievement of all time! yes thats what I'm saying, even better than a server transfer system, you do not need a transfer system when you have Legacy my friend because it is a thing of beauty it is giving you lucky lucky people such a diverse and meaningful addition to your gaming experience that I imagine you are struggling to contain yourselves. Okay, some of the beautiful and special things you can acquire from Legacy are not cheap but the only people that said 'the best things in life are free' were the Beatles and screw them they were Hippies!


Now my final but by no means least significant point, with your monthly subscription you get the privilege yes my friend make no mistakes it is one almighty privilege of being ableto fully interact on this wonderful free, open and uncensored space that is SWTOR say it after me now I said S>W>T>O>R forum



God bless America


Thankyou very much and goodnight




I can take no credit for this post, I have taken it from IloveswtorIwannahaveyourbabys.com


lol this was the funniest post ever i had to laugh

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It would seem that all the haters have gone to bed :cool: I shall therefore sit here and bask in the rose tinted glow of my own munificent glory and just do those special things that a solo player with an internet enabled computer close to one of his hands does so well... Goodnight Ladies (yes I know you are really german blokes with big moustaches) and gentlemen
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