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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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As much as I would like to stay, as I've not yet done alot of the end-game content, my server is dead and gone. I just can't pay monthly to play a SP game and I'm not really into rerolling..


On anther note.. I read an article over the weekend that made it sound as if EA is giving up..

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I was gonna take a long break from the game anyways so no, i am not resubscribing. My server is dead so i ll give it a few months before subscribing again. I love the game but its is just unplayable at the moment and to pay 12 euros a month just to do dailies is just a waste. I hope the server merges and transfers will resurrect the game. I so much want it it to succeed. I enjoyed it all the way and it has great potential
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Why are you going to remain "subbed" ? No one ever has an answer. Because you like Star Wars?


Because they just laid off a huge chunk of staff? Because they have publicly stated Tiger Woods golf and Madden have higher priority? Because they started out with an open weekly Q&A, that steadily devolved to a semi weekly mostly we are only going to answer questions that you can find in the general forums anyway session?


Any indication as to why you will stay "subbed" would be a appreciated.


Resubbing because I enjoy this game and so does my wife. We are having a great time. I love the store. I love my companions and what they bring to the game. I've enjoyed pick up groups for heroics, I researched and joined a great guild. I love the conversation choices and the interplay of dark side light side....companion affection and my own sense of character....... I love this game , I respect that those on lighter servers, sandboxers and pvpers may be having a different experience, but for me this is the most fun I have had with an mmo. I even enjoy the space battle mini game.... I hope they do server transfers soon so that issue is taken care of, I hope they bring in some more mini games but overall my wife and I are having a fantastic time.

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Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.



i complain and cry so hard because this game need so much improve... but yeah. i will stay sub, gonna help BW a bit to see if they can wake up and make it happen

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


I( didn't get a 6 month and am still having fun ....


They do need to fix a few things and get ranked WZ in, but I plan to be here for a while so I am patient ;)

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As much as I would like to stay, as I've not yet done alot of the end-game content, my server is dead and gone. I just can't pay monthly to play a SP game and I'm not really into rerolling..


On anther note.. I read an article over the weekend that made it sound as if EA is giving up..


what article? please link. I'm currently unsubbed but with 80 days of time remaining. I am hoping that server transfers fix a lot of my problems which mainly have to do with low server population. I've already rolled lowbie toons on multiple servers checking out server pops during my play times and even have a guild lined up on the server Im hoping to transfer to. I would like to get some info asap though as to how transfers will work etc. I need to know if legacy and unlocks will be transferring with me even if I have to change my legacy name. If I cant keep my legacy levels/unlocks then I might as well just level up a fresh toon on my new server now. Please Bioware give us the info already you are killing your customers morale by making us wait so long.

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what article? please link. I'm currently unsubbed but with 80 days of time remaining. I am hoping that server transfers fix a lot of my problems which mainly have to do with low server population. I've already rolled lowbie toons on multiple servers checking out server pops during my play times and even have a guild lined up on the server Im hoping to transfer to. I would like to get some info asap though as to how transfers will work etc. I need to know if legacy and unlocks will be transferring with me even if I have to change my legacy name. If I cant keep my legacy levels/unlocks then I might as well just level up a fresh toon on my new server now. Please Bioware give us the info already you are killing your customers morale by making us wait so long.


This article

The Old Republic is in EA’s top 10 franchises in terms of profitability, “but it’s not in our top five”. “So it’s a business contributor, while important, is not as important as Medal of Honor or Battlefield or FIFA or Madden or The Sims or SimCity, but it’s more important than Tiger Woods PGA Golf.” “So while I understand there’s an enormous amount of interest, I don’t know that it warrants as much as what we’re seeing right now. But we love the franchise, we’re going to grow the franchise and just like we want to see Tiger Woods Golf grow or SSX grow, or Madden for that matter, we’re going to drive this one for growth.”

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Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.


These generalizations could not be more wrong. LOL.


The other thing that is even more funny is the fact that this game is basically bombed out and depleted and you want to stay!

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Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.


So playing wow = children? Well thank you. been awhile since anyone accused me of being a child. I should read more swtor forms.

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No this MMO is the biggest fail I've ever had the misfortune of playing. I did all the end game content. All end game PvP organized PvP. Just Boring, no players, and updates are to slow.


Did i mention i did that all in the first 3 weeks of launch ya..... this game is boring and ez mode. Have fun see you in all in diablo 3 lol.

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I played SWG for 2 months then ditched my sub for 2 years before I played again and I regret every second that I spent not playing it. Yes things arn't perfect but then what is, I have a good active guild and its Star Wars.


Long live TOR!

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Nope.. My sub runs out in June.. Lvl 50 end game is just another boring treadmill grind with no purpose.. If I wanted that I'd stay with WoW or Rift.. lol I've already passed over Tera because it's just another treadmill.. If a game has NO dynamic world at max level....... I will NOT be subbing to it...... No way will I pay a sub to run on a treadmill..
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The mistakes with introducing LFG, DPS Meters and no solo ranked will make me quit at the end of the month.


I do belong to those that did like the game how it was, now that its changing to a wow 2 is a major let down and I wont play such a game.

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I have cancelled my sub although i still have 25 days of free time left (auto renewal couple days before free 30 days granted)


I am sitting on a dead server where WZ's rarely pop and ironically its a PVP server, i have watched a guild i have been in for 6 years pretty much die and the server that i queued up for over an hour at launch to join (early access day 1) die too.


That being said, i have rerolled a toon on another server where i have rejoined a great guild i was in many many years ago, who reformed for SWTOR and who are still going strong


Sadly after levelling out 2 50's and a couple alts to level 20 odd on my home server, i am in no way driven to re level on another server, therefore i am eagerly awaiting server transfers to move my 50's over to them so i can start enjoying the game again


I really do think this is a great game and BW seem to be really getting stuff sorted, albeit slower then i would or most others would like, once they announce the transfers, assuming the process and ability to move to join friends is there i will re-sub

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I have 28ish days left, if they implement server transfers in a way that I can get my main characters on a high pop server together before that then yes, otherwise no.


Same here. Why pay monthly to do solo quests.. I have several games that look better that are all solo games.

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