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Sentinal PVE Stats?


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Ok, so im pretty much rull rakata / some black hole, im curious about the benefits of accuracy. Ive been trying to search the net, theres some interesting assumptions out there at the mo, and i was hoping to start a discussion on it mostly to put me right if im wrong. Im watchman spec by the way and id say also please keep this pve as the whole points to put out a little more info in that regard.


So after searching the general concensus is that a boss has a 10% defence bonus which means that you will need 10% increase in basic accuracy to hit all the time. This is where the 100% and geta armour penitration increase comes in.


BUT, that is basic attack ie WHITE DMG numbers. The Yellow basic attack seems to be special DMG numbers which starts of with a natural accuracy 10% higher than basic... which means even which basic accuracy of 90% youll never miss with special attacks.


So i guess for sentinal how important are the white numbers.. basic. Verses say for inctance surge, power and crit.


Ive also read the i only need between 23 - 30% crit as there is a hard cut off at 35% crit now does this include the smuggler buff or not as i here it doesnt... which would mean that id want to be closer to 35% for a 40% crit chance.


Once i or more accurately you guys help me work out optimum numbers for sentinal then apprently you focus on stacking power and strength both apprently being roughly equal with no limits.


Basically the other day i dropped it too 98% accurcay and saw and occasion miss with white attacks, but i didnt seem to notice an massive drop in dmg. Then i dropped in 2 rakata peices with large amounts of accuracy and went up to 102% now im not missing but obviously im wondering if i actually need it.


To be fair i do use basic attack on sentinal alot, especially in boss fights with circles to watch on the floor, its important not to let the things agasint melee entirely stop you dpsing for that basic works a treat.


any help on clarifing all this would be great guys.

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first regardless how high you get your accuracy there is *NO* Armor penetration. It reduces there chance to parry, dodge, deflect or shield an attack.


As a watchman sentinel, I run with 99.25% accuracy. Most say 98% Melee accruracy is good enough since most of your damage comes from yellow attacks, but it never hurts to have a bit more. Missing a Merc Slash isn't something you wanna do. Though 100% would be optimal it's just not needed.


Imo though, Burns will be your highest damage in the watchman/annihilation tree followed by Merc Slash and Master Strike. The last 2 are white damage so that's why I like to sport a little more accuracy than the bare minimum

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cheers for the reply, interesting that a couple of the big attacks are white.. so 98 is minimum then for accuracy for sentinal. I opted for the implants and earpeices from black hole which had no accuracy on as apposed to the ones for sentinal which did have it on. it dropped me down to that 98 but then i got a few rakata peices which i hadnt "optimised" and suddenly my accuracy was 102 ...


Its good to know a minimum for accuracy though to keep it above it when messing with implants which IMO is a bit of a luxury with bh gear atm. But that will change soon enough with each week that passes.


What about crit ? what is the max amount for crit without any buffs ? I was reading other threads and suddenly regreted my 5mil dropped into 2x crit +41 white crystals when i read that crit maxes out and that power is a better option. If this is the case when i learn black hole crafting maybe i can craft some enhancments with power and surge to balance me out a little?

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White and yellow numbers have no relation to accuracy. Strike is the only attack that has a 90% base mainhand accuracy. All other attacks have 100% base mainhand accuracy. Attacks that show white damage other than Strike are considered Special attacks, so they get the bonus accuracy. Raid bosses have a 10% defense chance, so ideally you want to have +10% accuracy to cancel that out. With endgame gear for Watchman spec, optimized gear will have an equal value for Accuracy and Surge (285 of each with level 61 gear), which gives 99.89% / 109.89% mainhand accuracy and 75.82% Critical Multiplier (with 1% legacy buffs included for each).
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