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Sentinel versus Gunslinger DPS


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First let me say I am a Sentinel through and through.


Someone in my guild the other day was bragging about how he (being a gunslinger) was "probably the highest DPS in the raid" we were on (KP HM). I was largely unimpressed by his gear but truthfully I don't know much about gunslingers. Is there any credibility to his claim?


For the record I am in mixed (50/50) Rakata/Columi/Augmented. Strength is currently 1855 with stims so I would like to think I am not complete trash.


Thanks for the replies.

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I'm not exactly sure, I've played a sentinel to 50, and a sniper to level 39. My sentinel is combat spec, which is the weaker damage tree. My sniper is marksman, which is also a weaker damage tree.


I think my sentinel does better against targets in the long battles, as he has enough time to think about how he'll spend his 30 stack centering.


My sniper is best for shutting down a target quickly. The longer he spends in combat, the more likely he is to run out of energy from a bad decision, and you only get to restore your energy once.

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1 minute does nothing to compare between the two..5+ mins is needed for an accurate log to reduce RnG.


If watchman, I would guarantee that your bringing the higher dps on most fights. As long as your not lazy and uncoordinated then you should be top for every fight with equal gear. Download a parser though..As long as your pulling upwards of 1500 on the operations MK-5 in your current gear then your good.

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Ok I have good insight. My main is a Mirilian Sentinel. I am currently leveling a human Gunslinger. The Sentinel DEFINATELY brings more DPS to the table. BUT!! And its a big but, The sent is melee and the GS is range and alot of the time you can pound away on things or players from range without them noticing especialy in pvp. With the sent you are up in someones face slashing them to death and so they take a much more active intrest in stopping you. So Actually the DPS is very similar I'd say within 5%. But you get more time to do your damage with a gunslinger. A sent is slightly better but you get focused WAY more. It really just depends whether you like range or melee better. Edited by Smuglebunny
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Gunslingers ( as all ranged dps do ) Can start in at full dps, while Sentinels have to build up to their full dps . Gunslingers can because of ranged abilities Stay put with little need to move firing away at max range avoiding all sorts of incoming damage, Sentinels have to watch their placement constantly, and this can take them out of max dps capability range.

Poorly equipped Gunslingers get away with a lot more, and people use this to easy mode out on Events. They can focus on chain healing a tank thinking there is more dps going on simply as the GS just goes into cover, and is only minorly in need of a heal. Sentinels are thought to need to have to runaway, when a simple AOE heal at the bosses feet benefiting the Tank and everyone else allows the Sentinel to do a massive amount of DPS once they are built up.

Most of the arguement comes down to play style and the effort you want to put into your Character Sentinels require more out of you, but I feel add more. Gunslingers are for those that like to just stand around pewpewing.

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Gunslingers ( as all ranged dps do ) Can start in at full dps, while Sentinels have to build up to their full dps . Gunslingers can because of ranged abilities Stay put with little need to move firing away at max range avoiding all sorts of incoming damage, Sentinels have to watch their placement constantly, and this can take them out of max dps capability range.

Poorly equipped Gunslingers get away with a lot more, and people use this to easy mode out on Events. They can focus on chain healing a tank thinking there is more dps going on simply as the GS just goes into cover, and is only minorly in need of a heal. Sentinels are thought to need to have to runaway, when a simple AOE heal at the bosses feet benefiting the Tank and everyone else allows the Sentinel to do a massive amount of DPS once they are built up.

Most of the arguement comes down to play style and the effort you want to put into your Character Sentinels require more out of you, but I feel add more. Gunslingers are for those that like to just stand around pewpewing.


It takes like 2 seconds to get pretty much full focus. We also don't EVER lose regen, we have it keep building but we don't lose it. To keep in your peak DPS you have to be above 50% IIRC.


Sentinels ARE the biggest damage in the game. They HAVE to be.

Like someone else said, in PvP a GS might win due to their AOE abilities and less deaths, but a Sentinel will technically be doing more damage while 'in combat' and not running around.


In Ops, to bosses I do the most DPS (Combat spec) out of my guild.

However, in trash pulls I will be parsing a much less overall % between the DPS due to lack of AOE, but tbh.. who really cares about trash.

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1. Download MOX

2. Set up raid dps

3. Go to Gav Daragon

4. DPS for 1 minute each on the operations dummy

5. Compare DPS


You should DPS longer for 1 minute. No boss fight is 1 minute long.


Its amusing to see how fragile your guys' ego is.


Anyways. Speaking from experience and a guild who is clearing 16m HM Denova here's what I'll say.


If the fight is pure single target, tank and spank, patchwerk style (of which there is no such fight in game) Sentinel/Marauders will out DPS Gunslingers and Snipers.


The problem comes in when there are multiple targets. Because if Freighter Flyby / Orbital Strike starts hitting multiple mobs, the 'slinger/sniper will out dps you and there's not much you can do about it.


And all of this is assuming equal gear (which sometimes is the case) and equal skill (which never is the case)

Edited by pureeffinmetal
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You should DPS longer for 1 minute. No boss fight is 1 minute long.


Its amusing to see how fragile your guys' ego is.


Anyways. Speaking from experience and a guild who is clearing 16m HM Denova here's what I'll say.


If the fight is pure single target, tank and spank, patchwerk style (of which there is no such fight in game) Sentinel/Marauders will out DPS Gunslingers and Snipers.


The problem comes in when there are multiple targets. Because if Freighter Flyby / Orbital Strike starts hitting multiple mobs, the 'slinger/sniper will out dps you and there's not much you can do about it.


And all of this is assuming equal gear (which sometimes is the case) and equal skill (which never is the case)


1 minute is plenty enough time to build up a sustained dps.

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I have to say I am really not sure. It's very close.


I have a levbel 50 Sab Slinger, and a Level 50 Watchman. the Sab Slinger puts out way more damage than a Gunslinger does - I was a gunslinger first. The Sab Slingers burst DPS is higher. Also have more dots - can have as many as 5 dots running on the mob.


Sab slingers fwiw have 2 ways to recharge energy, and are not tied to cover


My sent is tougher, can buff the party, and heals the party while fighting.


Fastest I did the Ilum Dailies start to finish on my Sab is 17 minutes, 20 minutes on the Sent, But, Ilum plays right into the sabs strength of AOE. In a fight where the enemy is CC'ed Sent winds out.


Its very even. Gunslinger, I think Sent wins hands down. Sab slinger not so sure. Honestly, depends on the situation.

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Well any Raid not using a Sentinel as one DPS ist just stupid you NEED the Inspiration or the nice "FU***YABOSSIMBARAIDDEFBUFF " aka Transzendenz in Denova HC or KP Nightmare 8 Mann. Normally I wouldn´t miss to take 3 Sentinels into a 16 Man Raid at least the buffs of these guys make it a lot easier:D


While on the DPS Side they are only over the top when they are very competent and somehow stay at a boss the whole time, normally they are only slightly better than the ranged DPS Gunslinger guy if the Ranged don´t have to move btw.

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I have been using a Sentinel since game launch leveled it up to 50 in one month, combat specced. When it reached 50, I created a new character, gunslinger, leveled it up to 50 in one month too, Sharpshooter. Ever since then, been juggling between the two everyday. I finish the dailies and weeklies of both. I also tried all three skill trees of both characters. Currently my sentinel is on watchman.


Observation regarding DPS, if you are using the DOT spec (Watchman, Saboteur, Dirty Fighting) you will be dealing continous constant damage to your target which will really increase damage per second.


Combat, Focus, and Sharpshooter are a kind of one shot, big shot damage producer. Gameplay wise, you build up first then unleash in one blow.


Sentinels and Gunslingers both are good DPS classes, it just depends on your gameplay. Up close and personal or deadly from afar. I have seen a gunslinger deal a total damage of 700k in one voidstar match, the same with a sentinel on a novare coast warzone.

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